If you can't golf outside, then you might as well be on the
ole' computer playin' LINKS LS 98!!.

There are alot of great pages, if you want to learn some of the finer aspects of this fantastic game

If you can play outside, then you should try out one of the top courses in the nation.....my favorite....

Nothing like a few JOKESto distract the guys while you take your mullie!

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I am planning on making one but you may have to wait a while, sorry. In the meanwhile if you would like to contribute to this creation, you can send info, observations, or even regular old comments here.

These will definitely help lower your handicap!! If not, at least, you'll leave with a smile {:>)

Hopefully, I will edit this page sometime soon :P
...but don't count on it! Hahahahaha!

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