This site last updated: November 7, 2001

As a Firefighter and Paramedic for over 15 years, I realized it's pretty hard to find reliable information in Arizona. Therefore, I have posted information about Arizona Paramedics and Firefighters. Still, there may be questions you have about Arizona.  Drop me a line and I'll be glad to take a shot at it.
If you are looking for out-of-state paramedic certification information for the state of Arizona, please click the "Arizona Paramedic Page" link below.
Please visit the Regents College tab below for information I've posted for those interested in Nursing Degrees.

If you need books for paramedics and firefighters in Arizona, 
I have four of them if you're interested.  Just send me an offer at the email address below.

Mosby's Paramedic Textbook (updated May 1995)
Brady Prehospital Care (Fifth Edition)
Arizona FireFighter Written Tests and Physical Exams (Eleventh Edition)
Barron's Math for Firefighters (Third Edition)

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