My Life In USA

Actually this is the general section that
talks about my life in the United States. Mostly picture of my everyday
life can be found at this section

Hi friends, Thanks
for visiting my website. Although this isn't a very good site, but... Oh
come on !! I am humble. Give me some support. Ok, enough crap here. Few
days ago I realized that there are people coming to this website using
some link from the list of high schools from Malaysia. Sorry about that. I
used to be the webmaster for my high school website "SMK Dato'
Penggawa Barat" but since I left there few years ago, I really don't
know what happened to it. Since you are here by accident. I welcome you to
my site. I also received some feedback from my friends regarding lacking
of place to give comments. So I have created a guest book for you all.
Feel free to add some comment to it. Actually I created this website to
dump all my picture here in order for my friends and family to see. .
I believes that picture is worth that a thousand words. So I would like to
provide more information for those who are coming to US.
Am I?? Click Here !!!
Disney Trip

This section will be all about my trip to Disney World
at Florida. I drove about 8 hours there during my winter break. I have
fun there and looking forward to go there again.

Obviously I am a car lover. Since I came here I was
and still amazed by those car in US. Creativity is the part that
captured my attention most. Their car is being modified until the level
that you will never see in Malaysia. |
Email me at
Yahoo ID : bearbear82
ICQ : 25004450

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My University

I am kinda proud of my university.
Maybe it is incomparable to Harvard or MIT, but it has one of the best
business school around. Their Journalism Department is
ranked no. 5 in United States. This is a huge school with about 30000+
undergrads and still growing.
Malaysia, My

It will be ridiculous that this website can de
published without mentioning my country Malaysia. To me, this is a good
place to stay. Although media always portray Malaysia is an undeveloped
and full with terrorist, but my advise to them is to polish up their
general knowledge before publishing their article. |