In Amsterdam by night is not really hard to
meet some strange dealer, most of them are in groups of 3-4 persons.
Avoid to talk with them and they will leave without trouble. Usually they are not aggressive, but pay attention when exiting
out of the
"centruum". Beyond the red light district is full of
dark streets, only pickpockets and pushers. Brrr ;))
Remember: pay attention to your money and always count the change you
are given back!
buy nothing on the streets. Don't smoke in pubblic. Don't do any bullshit like singing/screaming, smashing bottles,
urinating in the streets, etc...
Holland policemans are really strict and they won't tolerate vandalism of any
Don't be rude and keep in mind the
good manners so try to use words like "please"or "thank you", however, you know what we are talking about.
Have your passport always with you. Keep it in a safe place, surely not in external
pockets or in a bag.
Don't try to visit
everything the first day. Take it easy!
Buy a map.
Touristic guides are o.k., useful to quickly find out many interesting places,
saving your time and money.
On the reviewed booklet
Cool Guide
To Amsterdam ($10 only) you will find a lot
of important information and many really cool tips, also a basic city map is included.
Drink something when in a coffee shop and have
some good time. It's not just a smoke trade place.
If the coffee shop is full and you are taking a table it's expected by
you to keep ordering drinks and that you smoke only the stuff you bought
there. However Amsterdam has plenty of coffee shops and there's really
no reason to hang for hours in a packed place.
To have a smoking-day :) in Amsterdam can be
very pleasant, but even a nightmare if you abuse smoke or
spacecakes. Spacecake starts playing with your mind after an hour or even 2 hours,
depends on what have you eaten before.
Beware, if the effect is too strong for you, than it's better to sit down
somewhere and drink or eat something sweet. Sweets are good for
recovering yourself from THC overstone but avoid to eat too much, if you
don't feel good go outside and take some deep breaths.
Getting around with some smoke in your pocket is not a
big problem here. If you don't do stupid things, everything will be o.k. (and if you are not too
stoned ;).
Take it easy :)
Beware of the passing bikes and trams(everything moves
so fast and you are very very slow when stoned, so take care...).
In Amsterdam's centre there are some car
parking houses, but they cost about 2.5euro/hour. If you are thinking about parking
out of the centre it is a good idea to use the AmsterdamArena car parking (under the
Arena stadium, the symbol of this parking is the "P+R" signboard)
and it costs about 6euro/day (with a tram ticket).
There are many hotels and hostels in Amsterdam,
often the cheapest and those on central location are crowded, so it's a
good idea to book in time. To save some money check the camping sites out of the city (also nice bungalows
available). Some useful links about hotels/hostels/campings and a very
helpful link to 10 days weather forecast can be found
on the
links page.
Remember, nothing is free and Amsterdam isn't a cheap place to
It's hard to be there without money so it's better to save some more BEFORE the travel...
You can find hundreds of coffee shops all over the
Netherlands. Amsterdam and Rotterdam are the two cities with greatest
diversity of coffee shops, we divide them in three categories:
- relaxing, with relaxing atmosphere and low music (please avoid
these places if your company is loud)
- neutral, brighter shops with popular music (good places
to make someone's acquaintance,
some of them also sell beer)
- loud, pub or disco/club style with music at higher volumes
(ideal for louder companies, also most of them have alcohol too)
Prices of cannabis/hash may vary up to 200% for
same quality and strenght. The highest prices are in Amsterdam, in
central location can be up to 12euro/g for grass and 30euro/g for hash.
One of the cheapest coffee shops in central location with still good
stuff is Central coffee shop located near Centraal Station (A bag
Special (2,4g; kind of nice looking NL hybrid) costs 12,5 euro).
Some of coffee shops will weight the stuff in
front of you but most of them sell preweighted bags at prices of 5, 10,
12.5 and 25 euros. The maximum ammount you may buy in a coffee shop is
5g per person.
you can find photos of menus from many coffee shops.
In alphabetical order: |
Timetable: |
week: |
weekend: |
420 Cafe (De Kuil) |
Oudebrugsteeg 27 |
10.00-1.00 |
10.00-3.00 |
Barney's Breakfast Bar |
Haarlemmerstraat 102 |
7.00-22.00 |
7.00-22.00 |
Blue Bird |
St. Antoniusbreedstraat 71 |
9.30-1.00 |
9.30-1.00 |
Bushdocter |
Thorbeckeplein 28 |
10.00-22.00 |
10.00-1.00 |
Central |
Prins Hendrikkade 89 |
7.00-22.00 |
7.00-1.00 |
De Dampkring |
Handboogstraat 29 |
10.00-1.00 |
10.00-2.00 |
Front Page |
Zoutsteeg 14 |
9.00-0.00 |
9.00-2.00 |
Greenhouse |
Tolstraat 91 |
9.00-1.00 |
9.00-3.00 |
Greenhouse Centrum |
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 191 |
9.00-1.00 |
9.00-3.00 |
Greenhouse Namaste |
Waterlooplein 345 |
9.00-1.00 |
9.00-2.00 |
Grey Area |
Oude Leliestraat 2 |
12.00-20.00 |
12.00-20.00 |
Homegrown Fantasy |
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 87a |
12.00-23.00 |
12.00-0.00 |
Old Church |
Oudekerksplein 54 |
10.00-1.00 |
10.00-2.00 |
Pink Floyd (Umma Gumma) |
Haarlemmerstraat 44 |
9.00-20.00 |
9.00-20.00 |
Rokerij |
Leidsedwarsstraat 41 |
10.00-1.00 |
10.00-3.00 |
Rokerij II |
Singel 8 |
9.00-1.00 |
9.00-2.00 |
Rokerij III |
Amstel 8 |
9.00-1.00 |
9.00-1.00 |
Siberie |
Brouwersgracht 11 |
11.00-23.00 |
11.00-0.00 |
Stix |
Utrechtsestraat 21 |
11.00-1.00 |
11.00-1.00 |
Tweede Kamer |
Heisteeg 6 |
10.00-1.00 |
10.00-2.00 |
Marijuana is a Mexican term for the Cannabis (Indica, Sativa and
Ruderalis -For detailed description we suggest you to take a visit to
the Amsterdam
Cannabis College) in many countries the term Marijuana means dried
female Cannabis buds prepared for consumption.
The strongest Cannabis varieties are Indicas and Sativas. To name some
Indicas: |
Afghani, Northern Lights, Shiva |
Sativas: |
Haze, Swazi, Thai |
Basically the Sativa produces an energetic uplifting high(clear
head and body; communicative -the strongest sativas in some people may
cause panic attacs)
and the Indica produces a lay down stone(dizzy
with slower movement; monged -the strongest indicas in some people may
cause paleness and vomit).
We said "basically" because there are so many subspecies of sativas and
indicas with totaly different characteristics.
Many smokers prefer to smoke hybrids instead of pure Indicas or pure
Hybrids are mainly divided into 3 categories: Mostly Sativa, Indica /
Sativa and Mostly Indica.
Mostly Sativa
75% Sativa |
25% Indica |
(Durban, Kali
Mist, Neville's Haze, Power Plant, Purple Haze, Silver Haze,
Skunk #1, etc...) |
Indica /
50% Sativa |
50% Indica |
BubleGum, Jack Herer, Orange Bud, Super Skunk, White Rhino,
White Widow, etc...) |
Mostly Indica
25% Sativa |
75% Indica |
Buddha, Citral, El Nino, Great White Shark, K2, Misty, Northern
Lights #5, etc...) |
Just try a few strains of different categories and you will quickly
discover which type of grass works best for you. A good tip is to start
the day with a mild Sativa or mostly Sativa strain and go stronger later
in the afternoon, in the evening it's time for some good hash and Indica
hybrids, and a pure Indica stone is the best way to finish your
Marijuana's THC can
be detected in urine where it will last from 3 to 21 days or even over a
month if smoked regularly.

This is the urine test made by one of us after 37 days
of strict abstinence.
As you can see, the THC result is still positive! (no line = positive;
for larger image) |
The joint is a mix of tobacco and grass(or
hashish of course). Tobacco is a source of nicotine and tar so it's
better to put a minimum of tobacco. If possible roll it pure without
tobacco. In both cases (with or without tobacco) you inhale a very hot
Better solution is a pipe. The only complain compared to joint is the fact that
the bigger pipes are not very easy to take away with you, also the
pipe should be cleaned regularly. Both joint and pipes are based on a
combustion principle(burning of materia) which is the source of monoxide
and other released toxins. A good solution is a water pipe or "bong".
To inhale only the good ingredients you can use a
vaporizator which heats the grass without or with very little combustion
and the final result is so better and so different in every aspect compared
to any other smoking method
that it cannot be putted together into the same category. When we talk
about vaporizators we talk about vaping, not smoking.
At the Cannabis College and in
some coffee shops (2 pieces available at the "420 Cafe"
coffee shop!)
is possible to try the best vaping machine today, the Volcano Vaporizer.
A piece of German high technology, highly wanted by many
Is it worth the price? (Or should we ask ourselves:"Does the health have
a price?") Read the note below... Recommended “uber alles” because of
undisputed quality. Works like no other.
*(note: The Volcano system
vaporizer releases flavouring and active ingredients from herbs through
vaporisation by hot air. Optimum treatment of the active ingredients
reduces the development of harmful substances and odours to a minimum.
This means that even non-smokers find the vaporizer enjoyable. A further
advantage of the Volcano is the exploitation of active ingredients,
being 3-4 times greater when compared with smoking, an aspect which
makes investment in the device pay for itself in the shortest possible
To say it in other words, the Volcano doesn’t need tobacco but just
pure grass or hash(softer kinds are vaped better than hard ones, try
different temperature settings to find the right setup). Appreciated by
everyone who wants to stop inhaling tar, nicotine, monoxide and other
toxins. Excellent for home use, low odor level, the Volcano's bag can be
filled and taken out with you (it's recommended to consume the bag in
15-30 minutes at max.). Grass can be vaped 4 times or more before it's
thrown away and the effect is 2-4 times stronger compared to joint.
Optimal solution for everyone who have limited suply, the stuff will
last many times longer. Also highly recommended for clubs and other
places where friends use to meet for a spliff.
Photo Gallery
last update: 8. January 2006 |
18! |
last update: 10. January 2007 |
Take a look at our selection of Gifts, Shirts, Books...
last update: 18. October 2007

On the link above we posted some ideas for a nice gift. All items were
selected by us, no random offers here.
Every listed item has a link at the Amazon shop, we find it one of
the most reliable webshops.
P.S. Check out the 2007 calendars! Very nice images, highly recommended.
Amsterdam Coffee Shop Guide
The Doper's
Guide to Amsterdam
Lots of coffee
shop and cannabis shoots in this DVD!!!
There is a whole coffeeshop chapter!
(we bought this DVD and we just say that it's the DVD
everyone must have, rating 10/10)
Very very nice gift -highly recommended!!!

(14.98€) |
Get Lost!
The Cool Guide To Amsterdam
The best
Amsterdam guide of all time,
this is the 10th edition.
The book is full of useful information and a city map is
included. Highly recommended,
read the review.

$10.40 (7.81€) | ships worldwide
and is 100% reliable! |
This is an informative site only.
Have a good time.
<®> °TheSmokingTeam° <®>

since 1997 |
Please e-mail us your
comments about coffee shops you have visited:
all letters will be posted on-line on
the mailboard page to help other people on their future trips. |
TheSmokingTeam & MinD
(any comments/critics are welcome)
TRANSLATION of INTRO from Italian language by KuLa
Are you used to buy books and gifts of this
genre for you and
your friends over the internet?
you ever heard of Amazon webshop?
To support this site we invite you
to take a stop at our gift page whenever you think on
buying a gift,
we will keep an eye on new things to be added at
least monthly.
Thanks for your support, you made this site
better. |
Drugs should not be abused. Take care. Peace.