Most of my day consists of work! I am an Electronic Security Technician and work for Omni Alarm Systems inc. I do a lot of different kinds of work,  residential security, businesses, industrial fire protection, closed circuit television, all kinds of fun stuff. You can visit us by clicking on the logo.
  Well, now that that is out of the way, I will tell you about the rest of the clan. My wife works for Quad Graphics who is a world wide printing operation. The make magazines such as, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, Entertainment Magazine, Playboy, all kinds of stuff. She is in employee services and gets all of the new people up to speed for the positions. You can find out more about her company at there logo. Enough about that, finally is the crumb snatchers. We have two daughter's, one 4 year old named Skylar Blake and a 5 month old (as of today) named Haelee Bryce. One kid is a handfull, but two is just a totaly different story. Hey Grandma, when are you keeping the girls so I can get some sleep!  Anyway I take pictures of stuff which some may be of interest to you and some wont but hey this is just for fun.

Land of Little Horses Pictures
Easter Pictures
Skylar's 3rd Birthday Party Pictures
New camera pictures
National Zoo pictures
Pnc Park Home of the Pirates