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Bellevue Men's Club Homepage

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Next Tournament - May 16th - Presidents Cup, Gross & Net by Division - Match Play Qualifier

News: - Bellevue Men's Club now defines Senior as 55 & up!  Premier is alowing Senior rates for Senior Events!!!


Sending a message titled "Subscribe" to BellGolf-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Welcome to the Bellevue Men's Club Homepage.  This site is dedicated to Golf, specifically Bellevue Men's Club Golf.  We will keep this site updated with Tournament & Meeting Schedules, Tournament Results, Contact Information, Information on Bellevue Municipal Golf Course.

Come on in and take a look around the site.  Start out by taking a few moments to read, a brief message from our Men's Club President, Brian Catlin.   You may also want to check out the Golf Related Links to other Web Sites and On-Line magazines.

Make sure to check back often.  As we grow and if space allows we will try and add a Tournament Pairings & Starting Times page, an On-Line News Letter, and an On-Line application that can be printed out and mailed in.

We are also very interested in getting  feedback from you, our members, on ways to improve our Men's Club and this Web Site.

WB00941_.GIF (1211 bytes)Message From Our President:

As the President of the Bellevue Men’s Club for 2009, I would like to welcome all present and new members to our club. We have some requirements for participating in our tournaments that are different from our requirements in the past and we feel you must know them prior to joining our Men's Club.

In order to participate in our tournaments, you must have ten (10) scores recorded and returned by GHIN to establish a handicap trend or you will have to play to a zero handicap until that is achieved.

When playing in a Two-Man scramble, the maximum difference in handicap will be 10 strokes (i.e. if you are a 10 and your partner is 25, he must play to a 20). We will also require a certain number of drives by each participant. Handicap for two-man scrambles will be established by taking the two handicaps and dividing by 4.

In four-man events we will require a certain number of drives each participant must use during the round. In our four-man scramble tournaments we will take the total handicap and divide by eitht to establish the team handicap.

We will continue to play tournaments by division and we will pay approximately one-third of the field. in most cases, if you play to your handicap you will win money.

We welcome you to the Bellevue Men's Club and hope you will participate in our tournaments.

Attention - the USGA has approved the use of "range finders" to determine distance on the golf course, they have left it's implementation open to local choice. The Bellevue Mens Golf Club has decided that such devices are allowed in all of its Tournaments PROVIDED THEY ARE SINGLE FUNCTION INSTRUMENTS (no provision for slope, windage or temperature). Anyone found using a multifunction device during a tournament will be DisQualified!

Brian P. Catlin

(425) 827-8227



bulletWashington State Golf Association homepage
bulletUS golf association homepage
bullet"Cybergolf" on-line golf magazine
bullet"The Golf Maniac" on-line golf magazine
bullet"Golf On-line" on-line golf magazine
bullet"Bad Golf Monthly" on-line golf magazine for BAD golfers
bullethttp://www.puttingzone.com on-line putting magazine

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