Louise - 08/12/00 20:03:49
My URL:http://www.expage.com/weezer112
My Email:sweet_99_2004@hotmail.com
Occupation: SHS marching band
Favorite food: MCdonalds fries
Favorite sport: football
Favorite web site: this homepage!! ( lol)
THis is a great page!!!
I love Jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so hungry. I want pizza but I"m not allowed to have it and I'm gonnas go crazy. Now Lou. Your page is in major need of some updating. I am so bored. I need a life. And Food. Cuz I"m hungry. Well keep having fun in college. Bye!
Sweet site!!! I would even say that it is 2 SWEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!! Lets hope that your roomie wont puke allover your floor this semester!
Hey Lou, nice lookin webpage.. love the vocabulary. You just need a link to my page on there! =) I'll talk to ya later bro..
hiya. i was at christian's page and i was just bored and got here from his and he's my buddy so i just thought i'd sign the guestbook. go to my page, i have games. fun. yeah bye :) rusted root RULES
Hey Lou! Happy Thanksgiving! That's what I wanted to tell you! So I came to sign your guestbook! Now go sign mine! MwooHaHa... But Happy Thanksgiving, Lou!
Lou. OMG. YOu said MY page looks the same as before? Well you know what? At least I UPDATE mine. Hmph. Well I did redo the whole thing. Cuz it was all jacked up and I was getting mad at it. Yeah I'm good huh? SO guess what? I got these new pants. And they
are awesome. They are SHINY JEANS> Yeah they shine. Cool eh? I know, I know. YOu wish you were still here so you could see them. Well, you kow, we can't always have what we want...(heh, even I know about that...) Anyways, I am bored but I"m gonna go now!
hey lou come on, you could at least do a little section on the 7 of us. i think we count as your friends. the page needs updated, you are a college guy now. see you next week
nice page lou
Hey, neat page. If you are ever looking at college, make sure you look at BAAYYYLLLOOORRRRR. Sic 'em Bears!!!! Stop by my page sometime.
Go to www.angelfire.com/tx2/justbarbour
I need a life I have sat online and siged like everyone's guestbook and now I'm sogning this one. Yeah well I hate drugs and Jolyn has a fat mouth. Yup bye
Good work, Lou!
Well seeing as how I'm the only one that signs this thing...I dunno, but yes I know everyone that reads this guestbook goes, "Good Lord, that Val chick needs a life major big time." Well No FAKE, I could have told you THAT. I go around and sign everyone's
guestbook. Jenn's, Ginny's, Jolyn's I mean like everyone's. So it isn't just Lou's. I mean if more people would sign this ting then I wouldn't look so pathetic signing this thing now would I? No. I rest my case.
Is Val the ONLY person who signs this Guestbook? Well I guess not since here I am signing it but... She signes it like 12 times a day or so... Well yeah. How did I get here? I forget... Was there like a link? OH MY GOD HOW DID I GET HERE? This is so... OH
YEAH! I remember now! Heh Heh Heh... Well down to your page. Cool page, Lou! Yep... And you didn't sign my guestbook even though you said you did! Well if you did I mean then the entry isn't there... Oh well Bye!
your shit little website is a pathetic little minge
fluffy53@hotmail.com (email DUH!)
Ok Comments...well since it doesn't specify...I hate the way People talk about other people. It isn't humane. Why don't we just keep our mean nasty comments to ourselves? Then noone would have a bad reputation. And another thing, I hate the way you senior
are all leaving. I mean I know I know, you aren't going far...some of you...but I guess that's something I can't change. Ok and I hate the way that gay sophmore thinks he needs to go into Jenn's webpage and hack her thing to get attention. That is so gay
Why can't he just stop? And Gabe? Why are you so mean? Geez. And another thing. I need a freaking scanner. If I had a scanner then I could have some cool things on my webpage. And I hate how they don't let you finish what you have to say in these gay lit
le boxes. They all stop you and crap. Ok I'm done complaining. I'm gonna put some stuff in here that I like. Ok I like my hair when I scrunch it. I like the way people call me fluffy. I like the way I'm short. I like the way I like some certain person and
won't tell anyone who it is. I like the way I write in this guestbook all the time. And I like the way I did my webpage. THE END.
Hi Lou!!! Okay, I thought that it was funny last night when me and Mal and Val were in my front yard sfreaming at you, and you actually humored us, and left your away message saying you were outside listening for us.....Ok, so like you had just better co
e to our picnic!!!!!
Ok Lou so you had better not forget about me when you leave for college. Cuz if you do I'll cry. And um yeah so you'll be hard to replace and blah blah blah and I'm going to have to try and have fun being a boring sophmore...oh man....I really don't want
o be a sophmore...Oh well...I hope I grow too....cuz then maybe I can be as tall as my troll buddy...yuppers...And can you change the questions in this thing? I think maybe you should do that...cuz then i can put some funny things in here for you to laugh
at...and um thanx for the hug...and the petting like a dog...hehehehe...(ok peoples don't ask...)Ok well i think I filled up enough space in your guestbook...at least for now...see ya later Lou!!!
Cool page. Gonna miss all you guys next year! Better come and visit us!!
I love Austin powers it's mint.
Nice page Lou! Can't wait to see new additions! :)
i have none
zac hanson-woohoo!!!
Beautiful, it's only missing one thing...and you know what that is...What will I do when you gratuate, walk home I guess..
after the great one reviewed this sack of monkey crap he came to this conclusion..... it is without a shadow of a doubt the absolute biggest piece of pennsylvanian trailor park trash the rock has ever seen...if you want to see a great websit go the the sm
ckdown hotel .com and see how to run one you candyass.you konw what louis klein..boy is that a stupid name...if ou dont watch your keyboard like you watch yor step around the rock then hell send yor roooooody pooo candy ass to the smack down hotel where w
th each visit you get a complimentary foot in the ass and a fist in the face.ifffffffffff you smelllllllllllll...wait a minute world wide web this aint sing along with the rock....ifffffffffff you smelllllllllll......... what the rock.......... is cookin<
Scott - 04/02/99 21:55:34
Occupation: Student
Christian Milanovich - 03/24/99 03:14:06
My URL:http://expage.com/page/milanovich
Occupation: miser7@hotmail.com
Favorite food: Calimari
Favorite sport: Hockey
Favorite web site: expage.com/page/memorabilia
Love the page, your majesty!
Scott Jubeck - 03/07/99 21:46:17
My Email:scottie1981@hotmail.com
Occupation: Student
Favorite sport: Football and Track
Favorite web site: THIS ONE!
Val/Fluffy - 03/06/99 21:27:35
My URL:nope, never gonna have one
My Email:nope, too lazy to set it up
Occupation: nope, too young
Favorite food: I dunno. Everything?
Favorite sport: I dunno. none?
Favorite web site: It's STILL yours!
Ok so I have three words: Cool Page Lou
I like the pics!!!!!WooHoo!!!
So start thinking about the Prom so I can come see you!!!!!
Brandon St. Anne (aka mr_guy) - 02/21/99 18:00:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/pareofdice
My Email:pooper84@hotmail.com
Occupation: N/A
Favorite food: Food?
Favorite sport: Sport?
Favorite web site: Mine!
Hi....Ya! Go sign my guest book now! BYE! =)
Val - 02/17/99 22:01:12
My Email:I forget
Occupation: none
Favorite food: Chinese
Favorite sport: Uh, all ove the above?
Favorite web site: well it just HAS to be your's, Lou!
Ok so Lou. This is a cool page. Do you even read these things? Well Ne ways, this is a cool page and you need some more NEW pics in it and then you can show everyone what a cheap school we really have! Ok so I need to go and check out the new crap.
Rachel - 12/06/98 02:01:05
My Email:lildoogie@hotmail.com
Occupation: rocket scientist
Favorite food: any kind of sugar product
Favorite sport: softball,cc
Favorite web site: don't have one
Nice page Lou! Thanks for writing all that stuff about Ryan and Chris that I never knew! Now I can call them Spangler and Onion Boy!!!
Sara - 11/27/98 01:09:15
My Email:juliet@forcomm.net
Occupation: student
Favorite food: cheese cake
Favorite sport: softball
Hey Lou!!! I like it!!! Umm... that's all I have to say...buh-bye...
dirgiS - 11/21/98 01:26:35
Ummm...Lou...? I found a mistake on one of your friends' profile. We ALL know that Erin is 16. AND... you forgot to mention that you are now engaged in 'swing dancing.' I just thought everyone should know that. I like the how you changed the page. Great J
M??? - 11/11/98 13:39:26
My Email:WEB??
Occupation: jigelow
Favorite food: cheese
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite web site: my sis's
anonymous - 11/10/98 23:41:29
for god sake trumpets learn your music....you guys suck!!!!!
Mary - 10/30/98 21:09:55
My Email:don't remember
Occupation: student
Favorite sport: softball
Cool page!!! Keep adding to your page and maybe some more pictures. I fun tonight at Senior Night... You work hard on the drill, even if it is hard for the woodwinds to move with the percusion behind us. hehehehehe, just joking---- you did a great job
on the drill.
Stephen - 10/27/98 03:49:28
My Email:cfazzi@bellatlantic.net
Occupation: Fulltime movie watcher
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite sport: Golf
Favorite web site: The Brotherhood's Page.....(Lou you need some Twin Peaks stuff)
I'm gonna have to make you watch one of the strangest movies in the whole world. Some day your gonna come over and watch my David Lynch collection. You have to see more movies. EVERYONE: LOU SAYS TO SEE THE REPLACEMENT KILLERS!
lindsey - 10/17/98 20:41:58
Favorite food: ice cream
Favorite sport: soccer
Chris - 10/17/98 19:21:39
My Email:p5166@bellatlantic.net
Favorite food: italian
Favorite sport: soccer
You know its sites like these that if you are on it every day for multiple hours at a time it just might have some content.
Laura - 09/23/98 01:43:44
My Email:strawbrryfields@hotmail.com
Favorite food: anything italian
Favorite sport: soccer
cool page!
Holli - 09/19/98 04:41:22
My URL:/Hollywood/Picture/2023/index.html
My Email:janatalk@hotmail.com
Occupation: Student
Favorite food: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite sport: Soccer
Favorite web site: ???
Kick ass page Lou! You should really call Chris "Rack".......sorry Chris! But your page kicks! See ya in band! (trumpet is better)
dirk - 09/18/98 02:32:44
My Email:dirk_922HOTMAIL.COM
Occupation: NONE
Favorite food: EVERYTHING
Favorite sport: HOCKEY
Favorite web site: you4rs
The average Man - 09/16/98 00:26:34
Occupation: critic
This page isn't that good.
Mallorie - 08/30/98 17:33:58
My Email:powers97@hotmail.com
Occupation: hmmmm.....being annoying!
Favorite food: Chinese
Favorite sport: Definiately golf, hee-hee!!
Favorite web site: Don't have one.
Great page Lou. Hmmm...for once I'm at a loss for words, I'm just so speechless over your page. :oP
Stefanie Cronin - 08/28/98 01:35:49
Favorite food: Ice cream
Favorite sport: Gymnastics
Left - 08/26/98 04:12:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/left
My Email:left@usaor.net
Occupation: Yeah right!
Favorite food: SPAM
Favorite sport: Polevault
Favorite web site: Mine... duh!
Yup... uh huh... that's it.
cheese - 08/19/98 18:27:54
My Email:vaultman9@
Occupation: none
Favorite food: anything
Favorite sport: pole vault
Favorite web site: nice try
great page.
Dj Darak - 08/18/98 04:30:07
My URL:http://www.pga.org/tristate
My Email:djdarak@aol.com
Favorite sport: Golf
Favorite web site: Lou's
Now I'am 3 way chatting and signing Lou's guest book. Lou, you left the chat before I wrote my message. Now you won't hear my profound Wisdom and witty comments.
Fazzi - 08/17/98 04:59:20
My Email:cfazzi@bellatlantic.net
Favorite food: anything unhealthy
Favorite sport: GOLF
Favorite web site: www.aboutmary.com
hey lou! i'm just bored out of my mind so i thought i would say hi. i just watched some great movies. weren't they great lou?
me again - 08/14/98 00:32:22
it's me sigrid. I found them. I forgot that that's where you put them. I called around 7:15 but no answer. And Ryan, NOTHING IS SEXIER THAN A MAN WITH BIG HAIR. Didn't Rupaul have his hair like that on his one episode? Hmmm? If you were paid enough, would
you wear a tight dress, lipstick, and boobs and sing for us? Scratch the senile man thing. You have a NEW FUTURE!!!
Erin - 08/14/98 00:08:00
My Email:sigrid444@hotmail.com
Occupation: none
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite web site: this one
Sorry Lou but you brought it upon yourself at the batting cages. If you hadn't "attempted" to bat the softball one, no one would've found out I can hit a softball farther than you (when you DO hit the ball). :o) Gee, now I can't wait to go golfing!! Maybe
you can get in for 1/2 off!!! Where are your pictures?!? Didn't you say that you were adding them? For anyone reading this, Lou isn't THAT bad of a batter....
Amber Kiesewetter - 08/08/98 00:10:43
My Email:i'm not telling you!
Occupation: annoying you, hehe
Favorite food: mexican
Favorite sport: SOCCER
Favorite web site: mine, even though i don't have one
GULF SUCKS!!!!! hahaha just kidding! you'll have to teach me it sometime since i never played before. soccer is better. i love the page, keep up the good work. remember what i told you if you do anything to me this year. hahaha that is a promise you know!
c-ya later
Amber Kiesewetter - 08/08/98 00:06:18
Egon - 08/06/98 20:19:20
Occupation: glass eye manufacterer
Favorite food: anything Italian, of course
Favorite sport: making fun of you all the time
Favorite web site: definately Kirk's page without a doubt, HAHAHAHA!
I see you added some more stuff, but it's still lacking what you know we all want to see......HARD-CORE NUDITY!!!!!!!!
Erin - 07/30/98 23:32:20
My Email:sigrid444@hotmail.com
Occupation: babysitter (unfortunately)
Favorite food: limberger cheese (just kidding)
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite web site: Lou's
Hi Lou. I'm signing your guestbook again. I like the improvements. Right now I WOULD like to get a hold of a few rocks. Oh cool! I just found an animal cracker with a little weenie!!! *yum..yum...yum* :o) See ya later.
christine ventresca - 07/30/98 05:53:41
My Email:hunnychild81@hotmail
good job it needs more pictures
Erica, Cornellia or WNBA - 07/29/98 23:11:18
Occupation: annoying you as your friend
Favorite food: Red Lobster Food
Favorite sport: Softball and Basketball
Favorite web site: None at this time
Guten Tag Bjorn! This is Cornellia!! I know you missed me so much that you were crying, well I am going to see you next week bright and early! Don't miss this Saturday's game (WNBA) at 4 on NBC I'll be quizing you on Monday! Well, God Bless You Alwayz!
Auf Wiedersehen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amanda - 07/29/98 06:38:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/5979/index.html
My Email:cant_remember@help.com
Occupation: Walmart Woman!
Favorite food: anything dead.. hey I'm big and luv food!
Favorite sport: anything.. I'm a tomboy!
Favorite web site: all my friends and anything Christian ska!!
Hey Lou... finally had time to sign this thing. Have fun learning more html...it's easy just ask me! Hey sign my guest book and all. Hope you found someone on icq to bug also. LOL
Kristen - 07/26/98 05:03:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire/com/ks/kristinamaria
My Email:kds1369@yahoo.com
Occupation: student
Favorite food: steak
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite web site: www.secretadmirer.com
Cool webpage. So you go to Center I live in Beaver.
Allyson - 07/17/98 05:10:42
My URL:not yet, prob never
My Email:allyson@nb.net
Occupation: bank teller, bagger, k brasser
Favorite food: yogurt & chocolate
Favorite sport: soccer and being nervous
Are you happy now?
nice page......
carla - 07/14/98 05:02:23
My Email:frogfoot35@yahoo.com
Favorite food: speghetti
Favorite sport: ice hockey
Favorite web site: don't have one
hi lou just saying hello
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 14:43:06
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Eddie "Eggs" Benedict - 07/02/98 02:43:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/skanktuary
My Email:eggs36@hotmail.com
Occupation: Musican...Student...Busboy
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite sport: HOCKEY
Favorite web site: Mine...well it's true
Cool page Lou....I've been to most of the links before. I'll see ya around
Lauren - 06/30/98 02:13:53
My Email:flipfam@usaor.net
Occupation: "buff" lifeguard
Favorite food: let's see...could it be PASTA?!?!
Favorite sport: anything that's easier to watch than play!!!
Favorite web site: I should say Kirk's out of loyalty, but that would be a lie. Yours, Lou!
This is a great page, Lou. Maybe you can give Kirk the much needed help he needs for his page. Peace out...
John Ranieri - 06/29/98 03:57:30
My URL:not good enough..
My Email:Moritasgus@hotmail.com
Occupation: GapGuy
Favorite food: pizza (used to be the pizza guy)
Favorite sport: eh.. tennis..
Favorite web site: YOURS, LOU!
nice page.. got to hand it to you... HEY ONION BOY! heh heh..
carla - 06/22/98 04:38:13
My Email:frogfoot35@yahoo.com
Occupation: i hate work
Favorite food: i don't have one
Favorite sport: ice hockey
Lou your home page is cool i didn't get to read it all b/c i am talking to you right now but i definatly will come back and finish it.
love ya carla
Grando - 06/19/98 17:00:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/2803
My Email:grando@rocketmail.com
Occupation: bingo worker
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite web site: ESPN SportsZone
great page, Lou. I'll make sure I bookmark it. Hopefully I'll get to see Big Mac (Mark McGwire) and the Cards when they come to Pittsburgh. C-ya.
Dana - 06/18/98 18:54:28
My Email:danster81@hotmail.com
Occupation: nothing!!!
Favorite food: Fat girls like ALL foods!
Favorite sport: Soccer
Nice page Lou!
Michael Joseph Duganich - 06/16/98 00:43:03
My URL:At this time I have nun
My Email:hvh@aol
Occupation: the holy game
Favorite food: tea and crumpets
Favorite sport: the holy game
Favorite web site: www.theholygame.com
After i returned from the pitch at the holy game, llet me tell you about the match.
I started the game at left half, but as the manager realized we needed more offensive punch, he moved me to right flank.
After taking a beautiful cross at the mark, I half vollied the ball across in touch for a score.
O ur club won 1-nill
anybody know what I'm talking about
Val Venis - 06/16/98 00:32:28
My URL:http://ladies.com
My Email:laadies@hot girls
Occupation: porn star/wwf superstar
Favorite food: laaddies
Favorite sport: intermural wrestling
Favorite web site: ladies of lust
Laddies, when Val Venis burst into your web site, youll feel the burst of it all night long
And when i burst ont the sceeen youll feel it all nightlong
Kirk - 06/15/98 19:21:30
My URL:http://geocities.com/colosseum/arena/6024
Occupation: Female-ologist
Nice page Lou...thanks for putting that cool link to my site...
T-Money - 06/15/98 12:59:13
My Email:t_daddy7@hotmail.com
Occupation: lifeguard, Ironwood worker
Favorite food: my Grandma's spaghetti
Favorite sport: golf, duh!
Favorite web site: :)
Lou this page is pretty cool....whats this about DelSlappio wanting to be the senile old man????
Sigrid - 06/10/98 00:10:03
Occupation: stripper
Favorite food: Wieners
Favorite web site: Lou's
Will you tell me what you were going to say... even if it IS STUPID!!!! Pay backs.... hahahaha you almost threw up!! See ya later BUB.
Mike "Big Dog" - 06/09/98 19:16:51
My Email:hvh@aol.com
Occupation: moron
Favorite food: beefy steak
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite web site: not yours
Yo the sun dont shine forever, buta s long as were here then we midas well shine forever business before pleasure P-diddy and the famnily who you no do it better yeah right nomatter what were air tight so when you hearin somethig make sure you here it rig
t dont amake an ass out of yourself so
Mike "Big Dog" - 06/09/98 19:12:46
Jennifer - 06/09/98 15:13:31
My Email:brandy213@yahoo.com
Favorite food: hamburger
Favorite sport: basketball
Favorite web site: www.yahoo.com
Hey! What's up? Nothing your site isn't that bad ! see later!
Dan - 06/09/98 04:21:09
My Email:d_tapyrik@hotmail.com
Occupation: soon to be struggling Lehigh engineer
Favorite food: Philly cheese steak
Favorite sport: cross country/ultimate frisbee
Favorite web site: not Keel's
Nice page Lou....hey Lou....remeber what I told you tonight about you know who. You better get working on those two !!
Have some fun next year, I know it'll be hard to cope without my smart ass comments, but I know you'll manage
David Rizzo - 06/07/98 16:05:12
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/i/t/a/italiano333.html
My Email:d_rizzo@hotmail.com
Occupation: College Student now
Favorite food: Pasta...what else is there?
Favorite sport: Soccer
Favorite web site: /SouthBeach/Pier/2158/
Well...I can certainly say that it's better than Kirk's. I'll come back and see ya next year Lou...I know how much that makes you happy.
Stepanie..oh yeah...Stephanie - 06/04/98 21:12:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/4094/index.html
My Email:stephanie69@hotmail.com
Occupation: ask John (I mean Jon) about that
Favorite food: spaghetti!!!!!!
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite web site: Jon's and mine..others can only wish to be as great
Nice page Lou. Don't worry, when summer comes and since YOU DON'T WORK, you'll have more time to put into the page. Just let me know when you update it a lot. And you can give me pictures during summer band for me to scan. See ya!
Erin - 06/01/98 21:49:55
My Email:sigrid444@hotmail.com
Occupation: pooper scooper
Favorite food: Pizza! (because i know Lou loves (PIZZA)
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite web site: Lou's and Jon's
Im not really a pooper scooper. I like your page Lou. I liked your special thanks to me. I stay up until 3 am for you you spend 10 minutes listening to me!!! anyway... keep me listed on any changes. I know you would even if i didnt ask.... :o) only a 4 1/
more days left... (of paul or school... i wonder...)!!! cool page. bye.
Spangler - 06/01/98 20:58:39
My Email:wouldn't you like to know
Occupation: that senile old man next door
Favorite food: anything Mexican
Favorite sport: Tennis(hey shut up, I know)know
Favorite web site: definately not this one,Fool
You truly have to be the most unintelligent person I have ever met. Your lack of common sense is evident in the things you say without thinking first. Frankly, you disgust me. With that out of the way, cool site. Long live Rack,Mabel......
Chris Cronin - 06/01/98 20:36:38
My Email:cronin@sgi.net
Occupation: student
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite sport: basketball
Favorite web site: Star Wars
Need more stuff Lou!!!
Jonathan McCune - 06/01/98 02:53:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/skanktuary
My Email:citizenx1@hotmail.com
Occupation: Student/Musician/International Man of Mystery
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite web site: Mine, Stephanie's(My Girl's), and www.supertones.com
Awesome site Flav, keep it up!
Heidi - 05/31/98 20:48:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/pier/2192
My Email:fat_girl@hotmail.com
Occupation: day job-->sunbathing, night job -->working the streets....
Favorite food: a true fat girl can never chose just one favorite food!
Favorite sport: softball... i wish i would of never quit.
Favorite web site: www.hotmail.com
cool page lou,check out mine and sign the book... just think NO MORE PHYSICS!!!! YEAH!!!
Marisa - 05/31/98 20:40:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/2158
My Email:crazydego@hotmail.com
Occupation: uh, student?
Favorite food: any kind of dego food
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite web site: matt's page
hey lou...nice page! i didn't even know you had one! thanks for signing my guestbook and leaving the link...stop back at mine and keep the pages coming -->
Lou - 05/31/98 19:57:34
My URL:youre here
My Email:ldk129@sgi.net
Occupation: serial killer
Favorite food: spaghetti
Favorite sport: any sport is cool
Favorite web site: this one of course
Wow....what an awesome page....I have never seen such genius!!! I am in total shock....I must meet the creator......
Lou - 05/31/98 19:56:12
My URL:youre here
My Email:ldk129
test - 05/31/98 19:34:44
My Email:test
me - 05/25/98 22:26:11
My Email:me