Phillip Scott Price
1461 County Road 3631 • Lamar, AR 72846
Residence: 479-885-2560 •

Quick Links

Arkansas Tech University

Lamar School District

Personal Information


The Wonderbot



My name is Scott Price. My wife, Ann, and I live in Lamar Arkansas. This August I will be graduating from the ABET accredited Arkansas Tech University School of Systems Science with a Bachelor of Scince in Electrical Engineering.

Currently, I am working as a Computer and Network Specialist in a local public school system. I enjoy playing golf, riding four-wheelers, carpentry, and much more.

My most recent resume can be view by clicking on the link under personal information, and my contact info can be found at the top of this page.

Thanks for visiting,


Scott Price



The statements set forth in this web site are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis
of a contract between Scott Price and any individual. While every effort will be made to insure accuracy of the

material stated herein, Scott Price reserves the right to change any provision listed in this web site without notice to any individual.