ZmeyNet Presentation

by Zmey Smirnoff

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Introduction to Project "ZmeyNet"

What is ZmeyNet?

-New Website

-ZmeyNet will be created, tested and launched on a free server

-In case of commercial success site will be moved to or any other available domain

-Great opportunity for self-development

What ZmeyNet is Not

-It is not an organization.

-It is not a commercial scam.

-It is not a lone hearts club.

-It is not a cult/grotto/church.

-ZmeyNet Project has nothing to do with religion or lack thereof

Project Goals

-ZmeyNet will replace out-dated S.E.F. web site.

-ZmeyNet will focus on entertainment, rather than organization of any kind.

-Unlike S.E.F. ZmeyNet has a potential to become profitable venture.


-Project "ZmeyNet" will be developed by SEF-generation team.

-ZmeyNet will be funded privately or with help of original SEF HQ staff.

Competitive Analysis

-I do not expect any competition. ZmeyNet is to be non-profit and “fun oriented”

-Unlike similar sites ZmeyNet will focus on entertainment and amusements.

-Site will be listed as non-profit but will have big opportunities for growth and development

-ZmeyNet will be great place for meetings and chat.







-ZmeyNet will incorporate latest web design technologies



-Flash 5


-Streaming Media/E-Radio Broadcast

On The Inside

-Latest News

-Chat (PC/WebTV)



-Software downloads (free/shareware)

-Video Files

-Audio Files

On The Inside 2







-Public Domain Library

On The Inside 3

-Interactive Games

-Gaming Reviews/Cheats/Codes

-Microsoft NetMeeting support


-Imagination is the limit

Why ZmeyNet?

-If you are reading this, you share same affection as I do. ME

-You don’t like it? Come up with the name of your own and convince me that it is better.

-As if you don’t know me =)

Current Status

-Current Status: Analysis

-Development and Design will start as soon as participants, schedules and resources are defined

-Any preliminary ideas and opinions are welcome

If ZmeyNet is successful

-Commercial Success

-Read: Money and Fame

-Possibility of attention from large companies/organization

-ZDnet, AOL, MS, ACLU, NRA (read above)

-Self-education and Self-development

-programming, web design, marketing

If ZmeyNet Fails

-What are we losing?


-ZmeyNet Project will be discussed in #Sef-generation ( port 6667)

-Anyone interested in supporting, participating or commenting the Project strongly encouraged to contact Zmey Smirnoff by email