A Change of Focus

Hello from Jacksonville, Florida. I began this web page in the fall of 1997 in an attempt to reestablish relationships with some loved ones. I have received information about those I have been trying to locate and flack about the way I was doing it so I making some major changes.

What I find interesting is the number of people that have visited the site which tells me that the internet can be a very powerful communications tool. I sure that registering the page with Yahoo had a lot to do with it, meerly searching the name McCahan gives reference to this page and I sure most of them got here that way.

I have begun checking my guestbook comments more often because of a series of personal comments from a person or persons not identifying themself(s). If anyone wishes to communicate their displeasure with me please do via Email so we can establish a two way discourse, or else don't bother at all.

The original purpose of this page was to locate my two daughters from my first marriage. I know that Stacey is in San Francisco and that Rachael is in Baltimore. So my original endeavor has been acheived. However the establishing of a relationship with them will be more difficult than just knowing where they are. But keep checking back, I will eventually have information about both of my marriages and the events that led to me losing contact with my daughters Stacey and Rachel from my first marriage and the problems I'm having dealing with Valerie, my daughter from my second marriage.

For now I'll just say that I'm the product of a very disfunctional family and that I got married the first time for all the wrong reasons. My daughters were taken out of my life by their mother who in turn did all in her power to destroy me and keep my children from me.

My second wife wasn't anywhere near as spiteful as my first wife, but she did move to different cities often enought that I couldn't keep up with her or my daughter.

If you are someone who is really interested in my problem, or have constructive comments or other information I am open to communicating with you via Email.

Early in 1998 I received an Email from a woman researching the McCahan family, specifically the decendents of a Patrick McCahan who left Ireland in the late 1700's and went to Chester County, Pennsylvannia. There is now a web site devoted to The Decendents of Paterick and Jane Green McCahan. Having been through this site I could not, however, find any common relatives.

A special thanks to my friend Jack Woodward for getting me started. Jack turned me on to the free web page here at GeoCities, and both Jack and I have since acquired web space at other places. Jack is an amature photographer and is using his web pages to share his works with the world. You might even run across a picture or two of me on one of his pages and there is a least one photo of flowers from my garden posted.

The amazing thing about my efforts is that I do not have a direct connection to the web! Another friend of mine has a ISP the gives its custoners two Email accounts and he has let me have one of them. By having an Email address I was able to get the free web space here at GeoCities. Now anybody can get an Email address without even having a friend like mine at places like Hotmail and couple that with the computers at the local library that provide internet access and voila!

Another special thanks to Mike Hendrix Stump Removal Service for the scans of the photos that can be found here. Whenever Mike's ready I'll help him with a web page for his business

Eventually I will be using my virtual home to share some of my other interests with whoever makes it here. That will include, but not be limited to:

    1)My old stomping grounds as a child, the western suburbs of Baltimore. This includes Catonsville and Ellicott City.

    2)The history of the B & O Railroad, and my grandfather, John Cowan McCahan, who was Assistant Treasurer of the B & O in the 1940's

    3)The streetcars of Baltimore, especially the number 9 trolley that ran from Catonsville Junction to Ellicott City. Check out Some Memories of mine.

    4)Educating people on the Mason-Dixon Line. If you think it's original purpose was dividing the North from the South during the Civil War, you're wrong! If you want to know it's real purpose ask me.

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    To send me an email just 'click' on my name:
    Steve McCahan

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