12/09/00 15:46:57
| Comments: I amso sorry for your loss. Elisha sounds so delightful! I know there are no words I can so ao comfort you, but I hope you've found some comfort in the memories you've been left with. |
| Comments: Cheryl, I have only known you a short while and I know that you are a diffrent type of person. So I can only imagine how Elisha was. God Bless you and your family and Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Mia |
| Comments: Cheryl, I have only known you a short while and I know that you are a diffrent type of person. So I can only imagine how Elisha was. God Bless you and your family and Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Mia |
| Comments: Cheryl, I have only known you a short while and I know that you are a diffrent type of person. So I can only imagine how Elisha was. God Bless you and your family and Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Mia |
| Comments: Cheryl, I have only known you a short while and I know that you are a diffrent type of person. So I can only imagine how Elisha was. God Bless you and your family and Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Mia |
| Comments: I am so very sorry for your loss of Elisha...I know there are no words to take your p[ain away..a pain I too share. You will remain in my heart and prayers and may God bless you. |
| Comments: Your precious Elisha is a BEAUTIFUL angel! I can see how loved she is and how much she loved. What a blessing!! May she bring you peace and comfort in these "holy days". Hugs to all of Elisha's beautiful family, Diane, mom to my angel Andrea forever |
| Comments: To the family of Elisha Marie, This website is a beautiful tribute to your daughter elisha. I was reading your daughters story in my school lbrary and it brought tears to my eyes. I recently lost an aquaintance to suicide and it does hurt. Your site is very nice and your daughter was v ry cute! |
| Comments: what a beautiful page you have created in the memory of your daughter if only we would have known her God bless you and your family |
| Comments: Just wanted to let you know I came across your memoral page through remembering web ring.You have a beautiful angel,and my heart goes out to you and your family. |
| Comments: i miss her to my friend.i love you guys .she was here today i felt her and i smelled the roses.i am here for you always . may god bless us all. may he help us understand this loss 1 day. kiss n hugs.sue |
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| Comments: Hiya Bro---sitting here crying for your family.Cant really say anything except--i know you loving daughter is in heaven and may God Bless her and also you my gr8 friend. TGF_STRIPER |
| Comments: Wonderful dedication to your terrible loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. But isn't it wonderful to know that you had an angle amongst you for awhile? |
| Comments: Excellent web page. All young people should view this site.It will lead a lot towards the Lord if they take it to heart.MY prayer is that each one that sees this will be touched by the Masters hand that led Elisha up to Heaven to be with Him. |
| Comments: After an 'EXPERIENCE LIKE THIS'it is difficult for me...to find the 'words' to express / respond! "THIS" experience has been an 'awesome blessing' to me. 'SPECIAL' Blessings...to ALL who shared in the preparation of 'this' "SIGHT!" I have 'marked'...will travel back.' I know many...who need 'this experience!' =) OH...may I invite you to visit my 'humble site?' "Heart to Heart"...which features "Heart Talks"...A Volume of 59 Confidential Talks on the Problems, Privileges, and Duties of the Christian Life, Designed to Comfort, Encourage, Strengthen and Instruct. Well...Blessings to ALL! HIS LOVE...thru ~Jerry~ (SMILE!) |
| Comments: Your site of your sweet angel is beautiful. Sorry for your loss. I loved looking at her pictures with her precious smile. Thank you for sharing your site and her beautiful life. May God bless you and your family. |
| Comments: I cannot say I understand for until I walk a mile in your shoes that is impossiable. But I can tell you this. You watched her grow and learn to talk, and you watched her fall as she learned to walk. And everyone watched as she became the center of your life to and the world could see the joy Elisha brought to. You couldn't stop what you couldn't see and I know as hard as it may seem I think maybe things were meant to be. I'm sure god searched for a long long while to find your little girl just the rig t mom with just the right smile and when his search was through he ended up with you more than a mom but a friend and I think she needed you until the end.God bless you!!!!!! |
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| Comments: Elisha is really a cute girl and i felt sorry for her... |
| Comments: hi all and God bless this is TS_fitterman.I was going through elisha's home page you made for her, and my heart goes out to you and your family.It would be an honour to play in this tournement.Im sure the TS's will enjoy playing this tourney.For the remeberance of your litt e angel. Elisha remindes me of my favorite verses in the bible found in 1corinthians 13:4-8. charity in greek means LOVE. |
| Comments: I'm so verey sorry for your loss. I am a liver transplant recipient, my donor was 11 when she died.I think your site is just wonderful! |
| Comments: Wonderful sight. Can't imagine being without my child. Sounds like she was a wonderful girl my prayers to you both. |
| Comments: I have 3 children. I Viewed your daughters site and cried my eyes out. She was such a beautiful child. I can tell you have a strong faith in God. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your Family. |
| Comments: What a beautiful website. |
| Comments: This is a lovely tribute to your daughter.We lost our 12 year old, Sam, on May 21,1999. He collapsed at school when his heart stopped. We were later told it was from an undetected heart defect. I miss him so much. He too had an incredible smile and was so kind and full of fun. He was our only child and was our joy and love. Our sympathy to you and your family. |
| Comments: What a beautiful site! I can not imagen the pain you must deal with every day, with the lost of your child. I have a son w/special needs, and it is a thought I carry every day, how long will we have him w/us? I send you my deepest heart felt love! May god bless you and your family and your special angel up above. Sincerely, Kathy |
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| Comments: Your Elisha is a beautiful little girl and I know she's looking down on those she loved and would be very proud of this beautiful webpage.I know how hard it is loseing a child,we lost our grandaughter May3rd,1998.Til the day we are reunited with our loved ones.God Bless you all. |
| Comments: My dear Cheryl How I cried for you as I read of your dear Elysia. How the heart aches for our loved ones. How others will not allow us to talk of our loved ones. God bless you today and all days and may you find some comfort reading your poems today. Here is another one: A heart of gold stopped beating, two shining eyes at rest. God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. God knows you had to leave us, but you did not go alone- for part of us went with you the day He took you home. To some you are forgotten, to others just a part of the past, but to those who love you the memory will always last. Anonymous Sendin you love Gladys |
| Comments: so sorry for your loss it is sure painful, i lost two of my adult kids... |
| Comments: Cheryl & Gary, I finally got to see this for the first time!! I think it is beautiful!! I cried!! You both have done a great job keeping her memories alive!! The pictures brought back so many memories...I miss her. Tell Jessie we said hello and love her very much!!! Kisses & hugs xoxoxo Love Donna & Greg & Zachary & kaitlyn & Jamie |
| Comments: Dear Cheryl, Such a beautiful memorial for a beautiful child, your little girl. I am so very sorry. My love, hugs and understanding are with you. My son, Mark lives in Heaven with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also. May God be with you, Cheryl, each moment, sending you strength and love and comfort. Marlene mom to Mark |
| Comments: What a beautiful tribute to your daughter Elisha. I am so sorry for your loss, she sounds like a wonderful little girl. The poetry is very beautiful. |
| Comments: Elisha's site is simply great. I had written to you earlier also, inviting you to join the Without You webring. There you will find kind and considerate souls willing to share with you this healing journey. Please do visit my daughter's memorial site also. As I had written to you in my e-mail, there are several striking similarities between Elisha and my daughter Gazal. All the best and God bless. Alok Father of angel Gazal Member Soul Finder's Committee Without You Webring /Paris/Gallery/8778/home.html |
| Comments: I am on my mother is a survivor webring and was exploring other sites..iit has stimulated my want to work on his page. |
| Comments: Oh what a day. Nov.18,1998.One that will never be forgotten. I lost a dearly loved sister that day. God Bless you, you'll be in my prayers. |
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| Comments: Elisha Webpage is so awesome! what a tribute! God Bless all who come here and Elishas family!~Jeff |
| Comments: Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures of Elisha. As another one of her Sunday School teachers, I want to say Elisha will be missed by our whole class. It was a pleasure to be able to teach her for a while |
| Comments: Your Elisha will always be in your heart and soul. A beautiful memorial to her. A Friend, Rich |
| Comments: God Bless and keep you Elisha |
| Comments: hey guys! i was just looking through this page and i found it very beautiful. this is the first time i have been able to see it. i hope things are going well with your family and that the days will continue with the sunshine, Elisha sent it to us ya know. there are times when i just sit and think of how she lit up all of our lives no matter how bad it seemed. she was the light of alot of peoples paths. especially mine. and also there are times when i can feel her presence around me in this room. i know she is with me when i aam feeling down. i can still hear her saying to me "Don't cry! Everything is going to be okay!" well finally, everything is going to be okay. she was a great friend. that goes to show you can have a close friend of any age. |
| Comments: We miss you so very much. You are always in our thoughts & prayers. Know that you were loved very much & missed by your friends the Winsteads!!!! |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you- it is obvious that there is a lot of love and faith in your family... bless you! I found your site thru the "secret heart" site. |
| Comments: Elisha, I pray to you a little prayer that you will be closer to your Mom in these troubled times. She needs you so badly. She has alot of friends here at the board, but her heart is aching for you. A Friend, Rich |
| Comments: Elisha, Your Mommys little girl and always will be. I pray you will be close to her and help her through these troubled times. Always a Friend, Rich |
| Comments: Elisha, Your Mommys little girl and always will be. I pray you will be close to her and help her through these troubled times. Always a Friend, Rich |
| Comments: Elisha, Your Mommys little girl and always will be. I pray you will be close to her and help her through these troubled times. Always a Friend, Rich |
| Comments: What a butiful little girl, Prayers and hugs to you and your family . We also have a child in heaven TASHA and we will always love them. God bless Deanna ps if you get a min please see Tashas site and meet her also. |
| Comments: What a butiful little girl, Prayers and hugs to you and your family . We also have a child in heaven TASHA and we will always love them. God bless Deanna ps if you get a min please see Tashas site and meet her also. |
| Comments: What a butiful little girl, Prayers and hugs to you and your family . We also have a child in heaven TASHA and we will always love them. God bless Deanna ps if you get a min please see Tashas site and meet her also. |
| Comments: Your tribute to your daughter has touched my heart.. thank you so much |
| Comments: Thank you for sharing your precious Elisha with me. Through you, I have met yet another ballerina angel that dances with my 2 ballerina angels in heaven. Your tribute to Elisha is beautifully made and you can feel the love for her coming through and touch ng hearts. |
| Comments: I am sorry. I hope her memory lives long. I am sure she is watching you with a smile =) |
| Comments: What a beautiful tribute to a precious little girl. My heart is breaking for you all. I cannot imagine what it is like losing a child. The pain must be unbearable. Knowing she is in heaven and watching over all of you should be comforting to you although know you would rather have her back with you physically. Just know that if you just talk to her she is listening and right there with you wherever you are....Bless you all |
| Comments: What a wonderful way to say I love you. My heart hurts for your loss, a loss that only a parent can know. |
| Comments: I just had to come back and see beautiful Elisha again. She is so very precious. May you find comfort in all the warm and loving memories you have of Elisha. |
| Comments: I just had to come back and see beautiful Elisha again. She is so very precious. May you find comfort in all the warm and loving memories you have of Elisha. |
| Comments: What a special tribute to Elisha... As a mother I cannot imagine losing a child... I pray that you find strength every day... I am sure Elisha is looking down on her mommy and daddy the same way we did when we first gave birth to them and looked into t eir face with so much love we didn't think was possible... God bless you and yours always... With Angel Hugs, Angel ![]() ![]() ![]() |
| Comments: What a beautiful and loving tribute to your little girl. Your writing tells so much about her spirit. I can see her laughing now as she watches over all of you. |
| Comments: Cheryl,Gary and Jessica, I just read all of the beautiful messages you've received.Tears stream down my face, as I know they must yours every time you read through them.I'm sure through all of the toughest days,(i'm sure every day is still a struggle)these messages bring you strength.Elisha's web site is beautiful. I'm glad i was a part of her life since 1994. She IS a beautiful,loving girl who will be missed by many.We love you guys. I think of you daily. All my love & prayers, Gigi |
| Comments: Dear Cheryl. I just have to comment again. The loss of your Elisha and your pain have touched me so. My Mom died from a brain aneurysm. We share that in common. You will always remain in my heart and in my prayers. Elisha is so precious. I will always remember. |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you. You have made a wonderful tribute to your "baby". I called my daughter Desiree' "baby" al her life. When she was around 13 she ask me why I still called her baby, when she was grown now : ) I told her she would always be my baby and she never complained when I called her that any more. Desiree' was only 17, when her ex-boyfriend old only 3 months killed her. My heart and soul feels like it died too that day. Even though I know she is with God, and in a better place, I do miss he so. I pray daily that God will call me home to be with her, Desiree' was my life....my only child..God Bless you and your family Donna (Desiree's Mom) |
| Comments: I guess heaven needed a little angel and so those chose you. |
| Comments: Elisha; What a beautiful girl. A blessing to your family. Now you are an angel in heaven. Bless your family, for I know they miss you very much. Love-Savanna's Mom, Sandy |
| Comments: This is a beautiful site. I am so sorry about your daughter's death. My boyfriend Tom also died as a result of a brain aneurysm that we never knew he had on 1/23/98. |
| Comments: Thank you so much for the kind words in my guestbook. You have a beautiful memorial site here. Elisha would be proud of this page, it's very well done. God bless :o) |
| Comments: Hi,, i would like to thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook... I would also like to say how sorry i am for your loss..i couldnt imagine what you are going through..no parent should ever have to go through what yo have.. i wish you lots of luck and keep up the good work with your home page. im sure it helps in some way to work on this page up.. take care and God Bless. Tammy :-) ![]() |
| Comments: Hi,, i would like to thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook... I would also like to say how sorry i am for your loss..i couldnt imagine what you are going through..no parent should ever have to go through what yo have.. i wish you lots of luck and keep up the good work with your home page. im sure it helps in some way to work on this page up.. take care and God Bless. Tammy :-) ![]() |
| Comments: You have done a wonderful job here. Elisha must be glad to know her memory is a cherished one. Hugs Cheryl and Gary. From Laurel |
| Comments: Thanks for signing Jeanine's guestbook. This site was a really nice tribute to your daughter. She was a beautiful little girl and whenever you feel down just remmeber she is an angel out of harm's way watching over her family and friends - making sure you are all okay. Rest in peace, Elisha. |
| Comments: What a Beautiful website, and touching tribute to one who died so young, Elisha is beautiful. As anyone knows, there are never the proper words that can be found to ease the pain of anyone unexpectedly losing a loved one, but the pain of losing a child is a pain that few of us experience, and, therefore many cannot understand. My heart goes out to her family and her many friends, whom adored her so much. I pray that God will give you strength with each new day. God Bless You All!! Linda Lane (Angelin97) |
| Comments: I am so sorry. I know the pain that you and your family are experiencing. To lose a child is the most awful, agonizing, horrible grief; it breaks your heart forever, an unbearable pain that scars the soul! Nothing can change that reality. Never can there be a time of greater despair or helplessness, no matter how strong your aith or how courageous you are. Often, all we can do when faced with a tragic, depressing, dreadful crisis is cope. Our only choice when we are pinned against a wall of despair and hopelessness is to take what we have left and make the most of it. Death’s sting never fades, but in a sense that’s positive; it is a constant reminder of what we have and what we’ve lost. It seems that so many of the wisest people in our lives, those who become our teachers, who inspire us to appreciate life more completely, are people who have experienced personal tragedy. Hugs & Gentle Thoughts, |
| Comments: What a beautiful young lady Elisha was. And such a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing her precious life with us. |
| Comments: What a lovely tribute to such a beautiful Angel :) My heart goes out to your family to have suffered such a loss. The page you have built to share with those of us who never had the pleasure of meeting your angel are simply wonderful. If you have a c ance to read my page titled ~Elmeda~ you'll know she's in the most loving hands of a mother who will look after her until you're together again. Thank you so much for allowing me to *meet* your daughter. God Bless....Kandi |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you. There is no greater pain than the loss of ones child. Your web site is a beautiful way to keep Elisha's memory alive. |
| Comments: what a beautiful page for your beautiful angel! I have been looking at her photo album and my heart is just breaking. I cannot imagine how hard it is for you to have lost your daughter! I lost my mom December 7th, 1992...she was 46 when she died. I am now 28 and have 2 of my own beautiful children, boys, they are 4 and 1. They are the world to me, they are what keeps me going, especially on the days when I'm just about to lose it because I miss my mom so much. I am so sorry for your loss, God bless you :-) |
| Comments: Your update is truly beuatiful, Cheryl. You may not remember, but I welcomed you to GAH. I looked at your post and my heart ached for you. God has received your sweet Elisha(great bible prophet, remember?)into paradise. She is fast friends with our belove Ben and my sweet Daniel. Much love to you, Tami and Roy, Ben's loving parents |
| Comments: What a beautiful color of pink for your beautiful child. Precious Elisha. She lives forever. She is loved and remembered. |
| Comments: What a beautiful smile. I found your site through a webring and I'm so glad I had the chance to see such a beautiful little girl. I understand your loss, as I lost my son who also had a beautiful smile. God Bless. |
| Comments: What a lovely tribute to a beautiful young lady! Her smile certainly lights up the screen as I know it did everyone who had the pleasure to meet her. I'm sure you miss her so deeply, as I miss my son. Sometimes, life just disappoints. karen |
| Comments: I am so very sorry for the loss of your daughter. The poetry touched my heart. I know the pain of losing a child. I lost my son two years ago. ![]() |
| Comments: Hello...i just want you to know you are in my prayrs, and that she is being taken care of in Heaven by my friend. I am 19. I am young...but when i was 16, my best friend, and two other friends, were in a tragic car accident that wasnt their fault. My f iend had her heart dedicated to being a second grade teacher...she loved kids...so, i know your dear Elisha is being taken care of by my dear Hether. It will be three years on September 27, and my pain is no less than the day it happened. There is no ti e limit for grieving...God bless and take care. |
| Comments: As a mother of a young son, I can only imagine the pain your loss has brought. I just wanted to say that she looks like a loving and beautiful child. HIS plan isnt always clear or easy to accept... but she is safe and happy.. waiting to see you all again I will remember you and your family in my prayers. I think tragedy (even if its anothers) makes me aprreciate and value what I have been giving. Thank you for sharing Elishas story and life with us. Her smile is infectious. :) Hoping and praying all is w ll... Kera Pastusic and family |
| Comments: It is a great mormorial |
| Comments: Your girl is so beautiful...I wonder so very often why the good die so young. I hope you find some sort of peace in this world..I am still searching most everyday. From one grieving mom to another |
| Comments: I am so sorry for your lost, you and your family are in our prayers. I am new to this site, we just lost our 9 year old grandson on Valentine's Day, it is such a lost how do you begin to get over something like this/ |
| Comments: I just wanted you to know I was here and your angel looks like someone I'd like Sarah to meet while waiting on the rest of us. Mary |
| Comments: We were so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. |
| Comments: It saddens me that only the best people die so young.=( But what she left behind is what you should cherish for life. Use here as a guider to a better life for you and all of mankind. I am truly deeply sorry. Babiebear my heart goes out to you and you family. |
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| Comments: It does sadden to hear about a tragedy like this even when you don't know the people it happened to personally. The only advice that I have to offer is to just keep going on living and remember the good times and forever hold on to them. |
| Comments: Oh I can't imagine it. I will someday feel it but right now I am untouched by loss of someone I love...Seeing people loose someone is horrifing to me; I couldnt think of living without my parents. It brings tears to my eyes whenever someone is unable to experiance anything so much as a few short years of life. I am so sorry that this happened. I wish anything that I could change it. The worst part of life is death...but not of yourself; death of another. I dont know if I could cope with loosing someon I care about. I extend my greatest sympathy to you all, babiebear & family. ---Greven (Brett A. Jones) |
| Comments: WE see the happy smile and loving glo of Elisha in her picture. What a blessing to have daughters that love the Lord Jesus Christ. The comfort comes in knowing Elisha is with family and completely taken care of. We will be united in the place He has gone to prepare for us. The person she is will continue in your hearts to keep, until you meet |
| Comments: My deepest sympathy goes to you and your wife. |
| Comments: Hi. I don't know your daughter but I would like to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose someone close to you. Just hang in there. She's in a safe place. |
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| Comments: Gary & Cheryl, I want you both to know that Donna and I are here for you. We will miss Elisha. The Lord will take care of your little girl until the day we can all join here again. Love always, Greg & Donna Fontaine |
| Comments: Boss, My heart reaches out to feel your pain. I hope you can find peace and healing in God. My prayrs are with you and your family. Will all my Love, Lynn Bayless |
| Comments: These poems are all very beautiful |
| Comments: I just wanted to say Im sorry you have lost your little girl. I cant imagine your pain. I'll prey for you and your family to get threw this time of sadness. Your little girl is in good hands now, God takes good care of his children. God Bless you, Kristie Lalinsky |
| Comments: I;m vary sorry to here what happen my friend. My Family sends there Highest regard and God bless you. We will pray 4 you. |
| Comments: My sincere regrets, God is a loving God and his plan is for the goodness of all. God bless you and family. DID |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you and your family,for such a loss.I know it doesn`t help much but take heart in knowing she is in a betterplace then here.I also have a daughter there,maybe they get to play together. |
| Comments: I'm truly sorry for your lose, but please remeber she will always be with you, in your hearts, memories, and as an angel that will guide you though all the hard times. God Bless your family and know that my heart goes out to you. May all of your days be blessed with love, happiness and most of all the memories that you share with each other. |
| Comments: We are very sympathetic to your circumstances and are sorry to hear about it. I recently flew back from Romania for the death of my brother, and it is a very difficult situation for anyone. You will be in our prayers. Phillip and Tara |
| Comments: Its hard to lose a loved one. My father passed away during bootcamp in 1992... but I have always felt that the pain you feel only makes your soul stronger. Keep your heads up, and your spirits high, and soon you will be reunited with your daughter. Sincerely, Scott |
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| Comments: As your Friend for Years! My most sincere Blessing to you and and Your Family. The Loss of a Child cannot be measured. What a Beautiful Daughter! With her Memories I'm sure you will have nothing less than a Smile and a Tear remembering Now God's Child. Y ur Friend JT_Duck |
| Comments: The deepest sympathy for u and ur family for the loss of ur lovely little girl. May god bless and keep u. |
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| Comments: i know that your hurting, that is also one of God's creations. Let yourself hurt for as long as it takes. Jesus attends every sparrows funeral, and your daughter has the gift of his company right now as you read this. My prayers are with you, god bless, ( athan) |
| Comments: Boss,Cheryl, and family... we are so saddened by your loss. Children are gifts from God, know that she is safe and at peace. Our prayers are with Elisha and your family. Kevin Cudd & family |
| Comments: Sorry to hear about your loss. No one knows what God has in store for us, but always think on good things, especially in times of bad. |
| Comments: Sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. |
| Comments: May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sustain and keep you through the time of your sorrow. May the blessings that were given through the life of your daughter's life continue to be a blessing to all she touched; for an eternity and a day. In Love, The Russells |
| Comments: I can't add much to the beautiful messages sent already. Just remember that the love you all had for Elisha will last forever in this world and the next. |
| Comments: My sincere condolences for the loss of your child may God give you the strengh to deal with this terrible loss and the strengh to proceed with your lives in peace and harmony |
| Comments: I am sorry to hear of your loss. I will pray that God will be with you and give you strength and courage during this sad time. |
| Comments: Know that God does not make mistakes, he's all knowing and sees all things. He is the author and finisher of our faith-faith to continue in him, even though that love one is not physically with us anymore, he can confort us and fill that void with love, eace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. |
| Comments: I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter. I can't imagine how hard it is for you right now. I hope that you and your family will find a way to fight through these hard times. |
| Comments: So sorry to hear of your loss. Your family and your beautiful daughter will be in our prayers. May God bless you and help you cope with your terrible loss. |
| Comments: My deepest, heartfelt sympathy. |
| Comments: I was very sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. |
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| Comments: Bright Blessings |
| Comments: MAY GOD BE WITH YOU. |
| Comments: Real sorry for the loos of your angel,We will be remember her and you guys in our prayers. Wish the best for you guys and your family in this sad moments, and GOD got a sweet angel on his side. That she will be watching for everybody. Mariano And Nancy |
| Comments: Your poems are beautiful :-) |
| Comments: Please know that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers. |
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| Comments: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My God be with you and your family, and i will keep you in my prayers. |
| Comments: I didn't know Elisha personally, but from what I gather, she was a wonderful little girl, with a heart filled with joy, love, and alot of happiness. She was a part of my mom's life too. Elisha will be missed greatly. My deepest regrets. |
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| Comments: I'm very sorry for your loss. This website is a lovely tribute. God be with you. Sheila Patterson, MD ER Medical Director Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune |
| Comments: I am so sorry about your loss. Children are so special and they bring so much joy to our lives. It's times like these that we can really question God and wonder how he could let things like this happen. It is hard think that maybe God can make some goo come out of such bad situations. I just want to encourage you to seek God. He is the only one that can ease your pain and give your life a real meaning. Your daughter is with God today and I have a hope of meeting her one day. |
| Comments: I would like to say that I am truely sorry for your lose and I know it may not help much, but knowing that she is with GOD will give you great strenghth to get through this very hard thing that he has givin you to handle. Our prayers are with you and you family. I know you don't know me or my family but tonight we will all say a prayer for you and your family. Signed: Gary Tammy Macayla Maranda and Spencer McIntosh |
| Comments: My heart and deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. You are in my prayers. TS_Howlin |
| Comments: I am very sorry for the lost of your child. I also have a ten year old daughter that have been in and out of the hospital and I thank God everyday that she is still a part of my life. One day the hurt and the pain will ease, until then keep believing in the man that rules everything. My prays are with you and your family. Ava Lane |
| Comments: Your family has been in my family's prayers since the day I met Elisha's aunt. I was traveling to Jacksonville to visit my son and we were sort of stranded in trying to get to the Jacksonville airport. She was on her way to be with the family and my hea t went out to her. I have worried about her since that day and pray that she finally arrived safely. Your daughter has touched so many hearts even those you don't know. My son has sent me the tribute knowing she was the little girl I had told him about and knowing I would want to see it. What a beautiful tribute for her. You are blessed in having so many nice people to comfort you. Please know that even in Iowa my heart goes out to you and your family. |
| Comments: |
| Comments: I can't begin to imagine your pain but your faith will hold you and comfort you. |
| Comments: I am the father of couple of your daughters friends. (Jessie and Heather Kerr) They were both with your daughter when she passed on. Our hearts go out to you and your wife. I know she is in a better place. |
| Comments: A moment of sadness came over me when someone of your friends told me about your daughter. Your daughter was not born in vain, she came to this earth to bless you and her surroundings with her existence. Even if she is not among us anymore - she will allways remain in the heart of those who where fortunate enough to enjoy her company. Allways remember that she was here for a reason and went away for a reason - even though the last reason might seem harsh and unforgiving life is like that sometimes and it is beyond our understanding. However - the moments that YOU and her had togheter will be a part of you for as long as you are here on this planet. I wish you all the best "+Babiebear". I bet that your daughter was as happy and cheerful a person as you are - and I wish there where more of you on our planet. The spirit of your daughter will live on in you for years to come - and your presence will be appreciated by everyone who gets to know you. Your lovely daughter is forever a part of you - and everytime you speak to someone you will allways carry a part o your daughters soul with you wherever you go. My best and warmest wishes to you from JoOngle "out there - somewhere" |
| Comments: I said a prayer for you last night I prayed to my father above I asked Him to protect and strenghthen you by showering you with His love. I can only imagine how difficult a time this is for your family. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Tx |
| Comments: My deepest regrets and sympathy in you lose of your loved one. |
| Comments: So terribly sorry to hear of your tremendous loss. I know you must be feeling an enormous amount of grief right now. To lose a child is a horrific thing to have to go through. My heart and thoughts are with you. Elisha sounds like an amazing little gi l. She must truly be a bright star in the sky looking down upon you. Just remember that she will always be alive in your memories and heart. Remember her smile and all the happy memories that she has given you. That is really the greatest tribute that you can pay her is to let those happy memories bring a smile to your face. God be with you ! |
| Comments: You are in my thoughts and prayers always, Cheryl, Gary, and Jessica. I will always remember the little girl who reached three thousand miles to make friends with my Debbie. Thank you for sharing her with us. Laurel |
| Comments: Nice tribute to a very happy child, I'll always remember her with a smile. We're glad we could do a little something to help remember a special person. Love the Robles'. |
| Comments: May GOD be with you in your time of need as he surely is with her. |
| Comments: The time and joy and love you shared together are what really matters. ### |
| Comments: Wishing you my heartfelt condolences in this time of loss. |
| Comments: Very Sorry and saddened at the news i recieved.your family shall be in our prayers. Always remember,God picks the most Beautiful Flowers First. |
| Comments: My heart is with you! |
| Comments: this is Sinjuku from the JKCA, I just wanted to offer my symathies. I know what it's like to lose someone so young in your life, thinking of her everyday will keep her alive and bring that smile to your face whenever you do. Cherish all the moments you ha few though they may seem. When all is said and done, you will see her again. |
| Comments: Cheryl, Gary, and Jessica ~ Just remember she will always be with you and know that she is looking over you as your guardian angel. Obviously, she touched so many people and was a very special little girl. You are in my thoughts and prayers! |
| Comments: Trust in the Lord God always, for in the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting strenght. "Isaiah 26:4 We have you in our prayers. We know that God is able to wipe away your tears and take away your pain. For in all things, there is a reason. |
| Comments: my prayers and thoughts are with you and with her... |
| Comments: Cheryl & Gary, I was so very saddend and stunned when I heard. I cannot possibly begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Please accept these few words as sincere sympathy for your family. We have added your family to our nightly prayers in hope that our Lord will comfort you while caring for your precious angel. John, Melissa, Caitlin, Patrick & Matthew |
| Comments: Cheryl & Gary, I was so very saddend and stunned when I heard. I cannot possibly begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Please accept these few words as sincere sympathy for your family. We have added your family to our nightly prayers in hope that our Lord will comfort you while caring for your precious angel. John, Melissa, Caitlin, Patrick & Matthew |
| Comments: gee +babiebear i dont know what to say huh 8-) well ididnt know my grandparents, they all past away when i was about 3 or 4. I really am sorry to hear about your daughter. *HUG* Oh a bit better huh *hug hug hug hug hug* I hope u feel better 8-) |
| Comments: Sence you are not hear ill hug my kids instead. =( |
| Comments: Sometimes life just throws you a punch in the stomach, and no matter how much you try, you can never find any reason of why?! I don´t think anything hurts as much as loosing a familymember... Just let her memory live on in your heart forever... you´re in my thoughts and prayers... take care Tobias "Veranon" Asplund |
| Comments: I am truly sorry to here of your recent loss but remember in these days that face you that no matter where your daughter is she is watching you with loving eyes. And remember to charish your memories of her forever for in those memories your daughter may ave everlasting life. Godbless |
| Comments: Hi. I wanted to tell you all that you are in our prayers. We lost our 9 year old daughter ten years ago. I just wanted to assure you that you will adjust to your loss. I do not believe that it is something that you will ever "get over" as many promise but you will find happy times and she truly is only a "blink" away. I would be happy to chat with you should you ever need an ear. Take care, be kind to yourselves and God Bless you. Warmly, Paula |
| Comments: +BabieBear, I am Truly Sorry and I wish to give My Condolances things like this Sould Never Happen I Wish there was Something I Could do to Help you We All Feel for you and Praying for Her... She WILL go to Heaven.. God remembers the Children.. The Entire PC Clan is Praying for you and your Family... We are Looking Forward to you Return to the Zone... Sisnerly yours, PC_McCloud & the Pure Chaos Clan |
| Comments: Very Sad news this is... I am very sorry for this loss and my heart is with you. |
| Comments: Sincere sympathy to you and your family from me and my family God Bless!! |
| Comments: Gary and Cheryl, Very very sorry to hear of your loss. Just goes to show how precious life really is. Never let a day go by, without enjoying what you have. They say, Only the good die young. So true a statement in a situation like this. Heaven just gained another An el. Paul, Sherry, Kaitlynn. |
| Comments: My sincerest sympathy to your family. I pray that God may grant you comfort and peace during your time of grief. Keith C. Wright Sr. & Family |
| Comments: Love is a wonderful and powerful Feeling. May god look over you and protect you all in your time of loss. and may the love of god and all of his children surround and confort you in your time of need. Now and forever. |
| Comments: Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in your time of grief. Please accept my sincere regrets to your great loss. |
| Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you, If you need anything just let me know. |
| Comments: So So sorry to learn of your loss and my family and i offer our heartfelt sympathy |
| Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you. |
| Comments: Wow.. I waited a while to respond to anything here as I was in shock myself. My daughter Kayla was born January 18, 1988.. just a few days before your daughter. I can't imagine the pain that you are going thru... Our prayer and sympathies are with you nd your family... HUGS, Cheryl and Gary... We are all here for you... +DakotaSky and Family I hope the url is right. |
| Comments: Your daugher is in a better place! |
| Comments: sorry to hear of your loss.my deepest sympathy to you and your family.Jeff DeLisle {GGCMrMoe |
| Comments: Boss and Cheryl, again we are so saddened by your loss. Our prayers go out to you and your family. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful angel. I know it must be impossible it seems, but stay strong for those who still need you both. |
| Comments: I am very sorry about your beautiful little girl keep your eyes up |
| Comments: I have a seven year old boy and I would be lost without him. I wish you well and I give you all my love and prayer. |
| Comments: From all of the nurses at the hospital, our deepest sympathy to your family. This was a tragedy that we (like you) carry with us, and we are left with the overwhelming sadness that we could not save the life of this little girl for you. With time perhaps the sadness we are left with (like you) will go away just a little so we can continue with our daily lives. From all of us in the ER to your family our deepest sympathy. |
| Comments: My prayer's are with you and chery.May you find strength in this time of sorrow..so very sorry |
| Comments: |
| Comments: beautiful tribute. Our prayers are with you and your family all God Bless |
| Comments: Words alone cannot express the sympathy that parents can feel towards parents who have lost their most precious gift. May God be with you and give you strength to understand. |
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| Comments: Dwell on the good and joy this little girl brought to your lives and everyone elses she touched. My prayers with be with you, your family, andespecially this little girl on Thanksgiving Day 1998. |
| Comments: May God bless and keep your heat in his loving care today and always. |
| Comments: May God bless and keep your heat in his loving care today and always. |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you and your family.May you cherish the time you had and the memories you have. God Bless All |
| Comments: Such a loss can only be overcome with by allowing others to share your grief. We are sure your child is now graced by angels and held gently in GOD's arms.Our prayers will be for you this day of thanks giving, and for as long as you might ever need them. OD BLESS THE PARENTS |
| Comments: I am deeply sory to hear about the loss of your family. Kids are the light in our lives, but with the light also comes darkness. Your daughter will always be with you. I know it is easy for me to sit here and say that, but God is there and so is your daug ter. keep up the faith my friend and God Bless you and your family...... |
| Comments: I am so sorry for your loss. I know you're daughter is at peace. I pray that you two find the strength to accept what has happened, and to eventually be at peace. Take care - you're in my thoughts |
| Comments: Hello.. I am a friend of MIB TIGER and he asked me to stop by. Your tribute to your daughter is truly beautiful and the poems are so touching, they brought tears to my eyes. She must of been a very special young lady to have touched so many lives in her hort lifetime. May God Bless you and keep you within his loving arms. His strength will guide you through these tough times. |
| Comments: My family wishes your family the best in this moment of loss. |
| Comments: Boss deepest sympathy to you and your family.Our prayers will be with you. MIB_Rbach&Family |
| Comments: Elisha will be in our families prayers |
| Comments: My family sends its prayers to you. Although her life on this earth was short, she now looks over us for eternity. |
| Comments: I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter. Remember she's in a better place sitting next to God. And u are in our thoughts and prayers. Dave |
| Comments: Very sorry to hear about your daughter. May God give you the strength to endure... God Bless |
| Comments: My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family Boss, Sometimes life is just not fair. If there is anything you need please feel free to ask, You and your family are in my prayers. |
| Comments: My prayer go out to You and your family |
| Comments: Our thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. Though she no longer physically walks among us those who knew her will always feel her presence in their hearts. |
| Comments: May the Lord be with you in this time of grief. Hold tightly to your Faith and He will carry you through.You will always Love and Remember her and in time it will become easier. He took my first born son 4 years ago,2 months short 32 years old but knowing he is with Our Father has carried me through these years. Robert was a grown man but still my child,my little boy,but ultimately His. He loans them to us to love and care for here,and then in HIS Wisdom picks the sweetest flowers to bloom forever in His House of Love. Draw your comfort from the knowledge that your precious little flower is now fully in His care, that He Loved her so much He needed her there. GOD BLESS YOU. |
| Comments: Boss,my prayers go out to you and Cheryl who i know will somehow get through this tragic time. |
| Comments: We were saddened to hear of the tragedy that was bestowed upon you. We wish you every strength in dealing with your pain. JT_Dodger and family ( Australia ) |
| Comments: I lost my eldest daughter of 30 in October of 1997. She too had a winning smile, a sympathetic ear, and she touched many lives in a positive way during her short stay amongst us. From your description of Elisha, I know that both of them are with God. Bless you and trust that God always knows what is best. |
| Comments: Have strength. There is a purpose for everything under God's heaven. It's especially hard to understand in times of deep sorrow, but someday we may be blessed with peace. |
| Comments: Have strength. There is a purpose for everything under God's heaven. It's especially hard to understand in times of deep sorrow, but someday we may be blessed with peace. |
| Comments: Lord give us the strength to understand, if you can't make your purpose clear, give us the strength to go on and still love. |
| Comments: You have my deepest sympathy and prayers Boss....This is a tough one butlife go's on...I will pray for you and your family. |
| Comments: I am truly sorry for your loss. As the parent of a little girl, I can only begin to imagine the pain you are going through. My blessings are with your family. |
| Comments: Our hearts go out to you all! Elisha was such a wonderful little girl, she was bright and such a pleasure to have around, we will miss her dearly. I always enjoyed her company and when I was feeling down she always seemed to make me smile, I truly will miss her lots! Love Chrissy Stephens, 203 Snapper Ct., Hubert, NC 28539 |
| Comments: I am truly sorry for your loss. It is at times like this when I am truly at a loss for words. I can tell you that from a personal experience that I do understand how painful it is. While the pain never goes away, it will hurt less. I wish you and your family the very best and as always, please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do. |
| Comments: I am sorry that you have had to lose your little girl at such a young age. I being 14 dont know how my parents would react to such a devastating tragedy. She is in Gods hands now which is the best thing for everyone. You have all my sympathy and love. She will be with all of us now in our hearts forever. Excellent idea for the Book to sign. We have all of you in our prayers and are open to talk to. Sincerely LT_Marvin |
| Comments: I am sorry for your loss, i wish you all true blessing |
| Comments: My prayers are with you. God knows best. She is one of God's little Angels now. I know how you are feeling now. I lost my father this past July. |
| Comments: Having a one year old daughter, I could never begin to imagine how life would be with out her even though it has only been a year. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and may god help you through this difficult time. |
| Comments: Having a one year old daughter, I could never begin to imagine how life would be with out her even though it has only been a year. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and may god help you through this difficult time. |
| Comments: I too have a brother that is ten years old, and I could only imagine what great sorrow I would feel if one day I would wake up and he wouldnt be with me, but then I will feel a glow inside of me letting me know that he is still in my heart and in my soul. Im very sorry for your beautiful daughter that you lost, and my prayers goes out to every indivisual person in your family. God Bless. |
| Comments: OUr prayers are with you at this time of great saddness, may you continue to trust God in all that you do!! |
| Comments: I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My sympathy and condolence go out to you and your family. |
| Comments: My heart goes out to you and your family. Last July our 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia and we were devestated, since then we have learned more about the disease and know that it is not only treatable but cureable. I would like very much to think that your daughter is my daughters Guardian Angel. My family and I shall say a special prayer for you and yours on these times of sorrow for you. With much heartfelt love and concern Jim Ferrier a.k.a. OGF_SirKirb |
| Comments: My aunt showed me your page.My uncle is MIB_mikeO. I'm really sorry for your loss. I dont know what eles to say, being a kid myself. May God be with you. |
| Comments: We send our deepest sympathy and you are in our prayers. |
| Comments: That was so beutiful! And am so saddened at the loss of your daughter, my prayers go out for you and your family |
| Comments: Words can hardly express the sorrow I feel for you in this time of loss.My prayers are with you and your family. |
| Comments: I am sorry for your loss. God will be with you through all these trying times. He will show you the way. |
| Comments: |
| Comments: I'm am sorry for your loss. If you need anything please let me know. I wish you the best for these holidays because I know this is going to be the most difficult time in your lives. Take Care, Scott Jacobs |
| Comments: i don't always understand these things. my thoughts are with you. |
| Comments: I was saddened to hear of your loss..no words can relieve your pain, but God has taken over. Please accept my family's deepest regrets. Dod Bless You All C.Felipe (Flipper Webmaster Eagles Nest Clubhouse) |
| Comments: Dear Mr. & Mrs. Fontaine, I cannot suppose to imagine the loss of a child. At times like this when we find it difficult to accept the death of one so young and innocent. Over the loss of a loved one, I have found peace of mine in the reality that God's timing is perfect. For Elish there are no more tears,no more sorrow and no more pain because those things have passed away those. Please accept our deepest sympathy. Our prayer will be that you will find comfort in the fact that for all who are belivers in Christ there is the certainty of eternal life. For those of us who never had the pleasure of meeting Elisha in time, we will certainly have that privelege when we transition from time to eternity. May God bless and comfort you and your family and provide the strength for you all to weather the pain an loss of these difficult times. Sincerely, Robert & Michelle Ferris Jacksonville, NC |
| Comments: My deepest sympathy goes out to your family and friends. You were blessed to have such a wonderful child, altough for far too short a time. God Bless |
| Comments: so so sorry for your lose all our prays are with you. |
| Comments: all my love and prayers are with you. |
| Comments: I am so sorry to hear about your loss. The page is lovely and very moving. |
| Comments: Our prayers and thoughts are with you... |
| Comments: Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I've only gone to rest a little while. although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has given me relief. So dry your eyes and remember me, not as you last saw me but how i used to be. Because I will remember you all, and look on with a smile, understand in your hearts, I've only gone to rest awhile. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you. "remember that your loss is shared, by many friends who care, and that you're in our thoughts and hearts and in our every prayer" |
| Comments: I did not have the pleasure of meeting Elisha during her too short life, but as a father, I can faintly imagine what your pain must feel like. My deepest sympathy goes out to your entire family. Bright Blessings to you... |
| Comments: Beautiful page to the repects of a beautiful young lady. God bless your family, and like the "Footprint" poem iterates, she is with you now more than ever, and certainly in a better place. |
| Comments: We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to your family. God has one more angel at his side in heavens kingdom. One day we will all be reunited together. Until that time, may you find peace with this seperation. Our prayers are with you. God Bless. |
| Comments: That is a beautiful web page Boss . I said a little prayer for you and your family . I know that your little girl is in heaven now , and you will always have your own personal Angel to watch over you. Have a good day bro , Patrick Alexander |
| Comments: There are no words to help for your loss. I wish you all true blessings and will say a prayer for your beautiful daughter... |
| Comments: dunno what to say .... i have a daughter of 7 years myselfe .... i hope u have the strenght to go on .... |
| Comments: Just a note to let you know I am very sorry for your loss. But she is in a much better place now. At least you were blessed to have her in your life for 10 years.... smiles. God bless your family. |
| Comments: I know at this time in your lives things look sad but please know that there are many of us wishing you and the family all our prayers and best wishes. |
| Comments: We guide our children but cannot live their lives. We show them the rightfull path but we cannot walk it for them. I wished I could take away some of the pain u must feel at the departure of Elisha, too loose a child is the saddest thing that could happen. I pray with u in this time of sorrow. Jan |
| Comments: I do not know you or your family but we have friends that know you. Please be strong. Remember we only see the here and now. God sees the begining and the end. We are all praying for your family at this time and that God will bless you with comfort. His w ll be done. |
| Comments: deepest simpothy to you and yours in this hour of your family greff |
| Comments: Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of need. |
| Comments: I'm sorry to hear of your lost... Friday my only grandparent also passed away... so I do know what it feels like... she was born on my brithday...:) well I just wanted to send my condolences... :) *hugs* |
| Comments: Our deepest sympathy to your family for your loss. |
| Comments: All my thought and prayers are with you guys-u know us better as nZo_Goldberg and my Son nZo-StoneCold. Wishing you all the best |
| Comments: we are very deeply saddened by tis tragedy.Life is not fair sometimes and u have to wonder why for only god can tell.Stay strong!!! PMan |
| Comments: It is with heartfelt sorrow that I have heard of your loss. My prayers, and indeed those of our club are with you and yours.I am sure that the heavens above have gained a true inspiration in there newest Angel.God be with you. |
| Comments: May God Bless Elisha, and the wonderful Parents that gave her to our Lord in Heaven. May she be with the Angels on the soft Pillows of Heaven. God Bless You Gary and your Family. |
| Comments: no words can help boss, wish they could. i will say a prayer for you and your family though as i believe these are very tuff times for you all. My heart goes out to you and your family. Kcobra |
| Comments: i'm so sad to hear the death of ur daughter...i could not image how u feel but we pray for ur comfort in this time of need...and my God bless U..and he will comfort u ...loving memery ivan |
| Comments: my prayers are with you my friends. having my own child about the same age i can imaging what pain are you going through... once again, my most sincere condolances to the whole Fontaine family. |
| Comments: My family & I would like to say we are so sorry for your loss. Are deepest sympathy goes out too your whole family. Remenber one song in life,by Vince Gill. GO REST HIGH ON THE MOUNTAIN. It is a lovely song. I just lost a father and I listen to that song hen I feel the pain & lost, it help me make it though the day. So may God be with you. Peace Be With You The Skeens Family MIB_mikeO |
| Comments: Sorry about your loss and my prayers are with you and your family. |
| Comments: Sorry to hear about your Loss God Bless you |
| Comments: So sorry to hear of your loss, may God be with you. Bob & Sophie |
| Comments: i know she is 1 of God's angels. if you need somebody to talk to let me know. Sincerely Quasi |
| Comments: so very sorry for your loss |