HEY NOW!! Thanks for stopping by. I have finally started working on this page again. Hope you find something that interests you. Guess you will see the link to The Fayetteville Forces homepage over to the left. If you have never been to a Hockey game I suggest you go! ...then you will be hooked! See ya at the Crown hanging out around the Taco Bell!

I have updated all pages of my homepage so check it out! If you don't know me, and haven't been here before, my name is LANCE. Check out this pic of me and my little,(well, not so little now) cousin Olivia. HEY! Newer PICS coming SOON!

Let me say thanks to my great friend TerrySK for all her help. This should be her page. Gracias!! Hey, and do me a favor, how about signing her guestbook and MINE TOO!!

Ok, a little about me if you want to know. I'm 33, married for 3 years and have a son, Ryan Palmer! My Wife was born in the North Carolina Mountains and now we stay near the coast, but we both love the hills and go there often. My one passion besides my son, is golf. I've been playing for 21 years!!... Here you will find links to some of my favorite Stuff, I hope it dosen't bore you too bad!!...

HERE ARE SOME FAQs I will answer now:

  • NO, I'm not a golf pro!
  • Longest drive in a tourney was 362 yards downwind
  • My handicap is 5.9 (maybe a 12 now since I havent been playing!)
  • My lowest round on a par 72 course is 68. (though I'll admit it was an easy course, and I haven't shot in the 60s since!!)
  • And some of you ask what I shot the last time I played, well here it is, 80 on 9-5-99!.And most likely that score was on my home courseLakewood Country Club.

  • Right now I think Ernie Els is the Number 1 golfer in the world.
  • And who do I think is the Number 1 female golfer in the world?? Glad you asked!

    I think a local girl named Donna Andrews is the best! Wish I could hit the ball as sweet as she does!!!

  • My favorite golfer is Arnie, you can tell that by my son's name. I named him after Arnold Palmer and Nolan Ryan, two of my heros!!
  • ...and NO, I dont believe in UFOs, and I have NEVER seen the X files! LOL (thought I'd throw that one in to see if you're still here)
  • and yes the most FAQ... I'm 6'4" 225 lbs and growing!!

It's a big world, GO PLAY!! ...and take a kid fishing!!!

The Big Show JohnBoy and Billy — Live from     NC!!

 The Late Show with David Letterman

  2h Sometimes you feel like a     nut... Sometimes you don't!! Test your     IQ ~~duh!~~

 Kenny Kramer's Shocked Homepage The         REAL Kramers Page. Thanks, KK!!

 Golf Links

 Links to Other Homepages Visit my friends!

 Y'all HOMEPAGE of the South!! Ya'll come     in!!

  Rossi 2! Well, I gotta     use     something! Got about 10 putters!!
  PING Nickels I like 'em!
  KING COBRA ~~Love em!!
 Titleist Homepage


Me again


Mom, Me, Ryan

    Meet 3 generations of golfers. ME, RYAN   and MOM. (OK, MOM's a PUTT-PUTTER) but it still counts!! ... visit my links page!!

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