Welcome to our Guest book!

The following comments were left by kind surfers such as yourself.

__OCean_LuVr - 09/09/99 18:49:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/LuVrS_club/welcome.htm
My Email:Luvrsclub@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: webring
Are you a Zone member?: yes
If so where do you usually hang out?: spades - hosting
Do you have ICQ?: yes
If so can we add you to our contact list?: 29382186
Hi I just was surfing on the zone webring and came across your page and noticed that you are moving to Clearwater FLA... wonderful place and state I was born in clearwater and raised in New POrt Richey... I now live in Sacramento CA .. but love FLA!!! :) Ocean

Jason Lemons - 03/14/99 23:53:04

Cindy - 09/07/98 14:57:13
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 14:21:54
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

kitzy - 06/27/98 06:38:46
My URL:http://www.primenet.com/~jhaemmig
My Email:jhaemmig@primenet.com
How did you find us?: you gave this to me :P~
Are you a Zone member?: yes
If so where do you usually hang out?: Zone, IRC: mystical.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
If so can we add you to our contact list?: you already have me on your list
nice pages chuck...however, I would like to see a picture of you and your family :)

CHoachy - 01/24/98 22:53:21
My URL:http://funnelweb.utcc.utk.edu/~choachy
My Email:choachy@utkux.utcc.utk.edu
How did you find us?: Zone Ring
Are you a Zone member?: YES
If so where do you usually hang out?: Spades room and Zone LAN
Do you have ICQ?: NO
Nice Page. The VOLS sections caught my eye. GO VOLS!!!!!

Jay - 12/08/97 00:19:12
My URL:/CollegePark/Campus/1380/
My Email:jay@machebeuf.com
How did you find us?: banner
Are you a Zone member?: no
Do you have ICQ?: no
enjoyed my stay

Jodi - 09/03/97 15:56:56
My URL:http://www.geocities/thetropics/shores/8186
My Email:wrongway@pacbell.net
How did you find us?: Clicked on your banner from my homepage
Suggestions: It's great keep building
Are you a Zone member?: no.can't figure it out
Do you have ICQ?: new member 3124617
If so can we add you to our contact list?: sure.as soon as I learn how to use the thing
Neat Site.This is so much fun. I am new at the homepage thing also. If you visit might site be kind, I am still learning.Come visit me at
I'll be(.)(.)watching for you at my GUESTBOOK.
Be sure to check out the new prize game button.
Thank You

Wong Kim Wah - 08/25/97 06:12:27
My URL:/SoHo/Studios/5371
My Email:kimwah@pl.jaring.my
How did you find us?: georeward
Are you a Zone member?: No
What a NICE page. Cute and wonderful graphics. Congratulation to you.

Carol - 08/23/97 11:19:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/3973
How did you find us?: clicked on a banner
Are you a Zone member?: no
Gee what a nice looking page. Lots to do here also.

ronnieg - 08/21/97 23:46:31
My Email:ronnieg@webspan.net
How did you find us?: geocities
You have a real nice page. Keep up the good work. If you get a chance click on the banner and return the visit. Thanks....My ICQ# is 2360919


John P. G. Stiles - 08/21/97 23:44:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/6126
My Email:jpstiles@msn.com
How did you find us?: geo guide banner on my site
Suggestions: keep up the good work
Are you a Zone member?: No
If so where do you usually hang out?: here, there, and everywhere.
Do you have ICQ?: What???????????
If so can we add you to our contact list?: What???????????
Nice site. LOVE THE MUSIC!

Xaviar - 08/20/97 20:19:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dungeon/2166
My Email:xaviar@dave-world.net
How did you find us?: geoguide
Suggestions: none
Are you a Zone member?: no
If so where do you usually hang out?: On ICQ
Do you have ICQ?: yes
If so can we add you to our contact list?: yes the #1122216
Awesome page. I definately will bookmark this one.

Joseph Allen - 08/20/97 15:04:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/3490
My Email:nasa@earthling.net
How did you find us?: GeoRewards
Suggestions: None this is COOL
Are you a Zone member?: No
If so where do you usually hang out?: N/A
Do you have ICQ?: Yes (609553)
If so can we add you to our contact list?: If you want
Cool site I'll be back Visit My Site

ShrtCake - 08/17/97 22:09:49
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JEinPA/index.html
My Email:JEinPA@aol.com
How did you find us?: you told me silly :)
Are you a Zone member?: yes I am!!!
If so where do you usually hang out?: Backgammon,Reversi, and Spades
Do you have ICQ?: yep!!
If so can we add you to our contact list?: ya got me
I love it Silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan aka Kitzy - 07/27/97 23:08:57
My URL:soon :))
My Email:jhaemmig@gv.net
How did you find us?: you gave me the url silly
Are you a Zone member?: you bet
If so where do you usually hang out?: ICQ, IRC, gaming zone, Onlive Traveler
Do you have ICQ?: sure do :)
If so can we add you to our contact list?: you already did
Hey Chuck ....the pages are looking good...you are my motivation...need to work a little harder on mine.

indyannie - 07/26/97 08:03:11
indyannie> <------------------petting Temporary lol

teed - 07/20/97 16:11:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2134
My Email:terryd13@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: word of mouth
Are you a Zone member?: I was
If so where do you usually hang out?: I did
Do you have ICQ?: 179104
If so can we add you to our contact list?: You already do
Love what you've done to your page! Just did some updating to my puter, and maybe I can get back into the zone now! Going to try! teed

Chuck & Temporary - 07/16/97 02:11:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/3858
My Email:silverreed@bellsou h.net
How did you find us?: Just surfed in.
Suggestions: Get the dog a job.
Are you a Zone member?: Yep
If so where do you usually hang out?: Spades
Do you have ICQ?: Yep
If so can we add you to ur contact list?: Yep/ 186795
Go Temp, about time I got you to do something! See ya, Silver

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