What's New?
I have a new associate that I am kinda proud to sponser!
I know they have helped me a great deal this past year.
You can link to their site from the button above.
Or you can search for something special from this link
OK! What Else Is New?
Vickie, Temporary, and I are now relocated in Knoxville TN, yep back in Big Orange Country.
I am adding a new Who Are These Guys Section, with some bio's geographical info, and yes RESUMES.
I am studying hard to pass my MCSE exams.
I finally got a chance to update this home page.
And I am looking for a new Banner, any help would be appreciated, I am not the graphic type.
Oh! I plan on adding several pages on different topics! Duh! I know I promised that a while back,
but now I have a little more time and incentive. :-)

The Mars Pathfinder Mission

Vickie, Temporary(Our Baby Dog), and I are here!
Planned additions are:
Computer tech support links, (computers, modems, etc.)