picture:Champions, Cypress #18
picture:Barton Creek, Fazio #18
picture:Preston Trails #7
picture:The Hills of Lakeway #7
picture:Four Seasons #14
picture:Dearwood #4
picture:TPC Woodlands #17
picture:Purple Possom logo So glad ya found the time to
Teepicture: Teed up golfball off with us here on the "Trails of the
Purple Possom"(TM)
{Last updated 2/21/99}

July 1930 to Nov 2006

The Purple_Possom went down his final trail today.
Please continue to enjoy his site as we continue to
celebrate his life's memories.
Thanks! (from the family of the Purple Possom) at 75 th B-Day

picture:flag n cup
the TOP TEN reasons
why this course plays the best:

10. No gallery noise causing errant shots
9. Fear of lightning eliminated...we have a surge protector
8. You'll always shoot in the 70's...
we keep the airconditioner on 74-78
7. No TEE times need... our servers just must be up
6. Greens fees are nada!
5. No one to laugh at the funny cloths you are/are not wearing
4. the NINETEENTH HOLE may always be... the next one!
3. There is the absolute "guaran-TEE" that...
no presidents will hit you here with a TEE shot
2. The size and shape of your putter will never be discussed
and the #ONE reason "Why this course plays the best"...
1. Here you will not have to wash your balls in public!

picture: 'purple' possum tracks

picture: picture:

Befo'e yo' start ta wan'erin' off...
accestom t'errant shots?
Viset our nooess addishun Into the Ruffpicture:tee'd up gofball
( featurein... golf jokes, golf funny moments, golf trivia )
Updated Dec 10, 20001

picture:tee'd up gofball wouldn't wonna git caught...hyar,
Woooh! Fry mah hide!

picture:tee'd up gofballpostibly mo'e n yo'd evah be hankerin' t'know...
'bout Austrailian possums

picture:tee'd up gofballdis'd be a great place fur us to play...
...on sum links?!

picture:tee'd up gofballthe history of Augusta

picture:tee'd up gofball our oldest o' da litter's got a lil country corner,
it's just a hoot-n-a-holler away,
mosey on over fur a visit...

picture:tee'd up gofballBubba's sites done gone?

picture:tee'd up gofballOur 50th July 3,1998"

picture:tee'd up gofballall this hyar "site-see'n" gittin ya so'tta hungry?
Order ya a tasty treat!

picture: 'purple' possum tracks

You'd be the Counter visitor to hit the possoms trails.
Please have an extraordinarily great day!

picture: postoffice sign post
for the purple possom

[ image- P Possom -Texas lic plate ]


We are registered with the Rail
picture:The Rail icon
click on the rail to visit 100's of other sites.

Some Page Credits:

3-D Lic. Plate courtesy of:
3-D by DEWA
It's free, but you'll need an art program to do sum cut-n-paste!

Th' redneck dialeck is courtesy ...The Dialectizer.

We mooched "sum o' da possoms' logo" from 93.3FM the possum online

picture:Augusta-1942 http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/1942,
hosted by Geocities.

page design, & background by LazyT
COPYRIGHT ©1997 All rights reserved

picture: td logoLAZY ROCKIN TD TM
picture:steer skull, drapped Texas flag
"Y'all come back now.. ya hear?"