The Vampire's Webring Logo 

Welcome, thank you fo taking the time to visit us.  You probably got to this website by a link
off of a member's HTML code, correct?
Let me specify a few guidelines for the new members (does not apply to members already in the webring):
a)  all pages must load somewhat quickly, if you are like me, you hate to sit around and wait
for a page to load, so keep the load time down.
b)  page must have some form of a vampire topic, whether it be your veiws, or even if you consider
yourself a vampire.
c)  bad backgrounds are a no-no.   i don't want to have to strain my eyes to read your page.
d)  you must put your HTML code to some place where everyone can reach it easily.
i.e. a link on one of your main pages that gives direct access to your webrings.

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