Here are some helpful links to get you started with your internet journey.
Your Off-Track Test Questions are located on the "home" page.
Mr. Miekosz' Requirements for A.P.
Course Outline -Here is the official college board outline
Tutorials, Study Tips and more A.P. Stuff!
Here's an outline of the U.S. History Class.
Richard Montgomery High School United States History Advanced Placement Web Project -See what other high schools are doing in A.P.
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Forgot your A.P. book? Try this one!
Virtual American Art Museum -Visualize the artists you've been reading about here
A.P. Class from Florida -Find out about the 2000 DBQ and other helpful primary sources
The Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention -Some explanation of what happened in 1787
Supreme Court Decisions -From Marbury V. Madison TO Roe V. Wade
U.S. History B Terms to Know Here's an actual college list of Terms from "Reconstruction" to the present
The 1920s -Check out this college site with all the important events of the 20s.
Nixon Debates Listen to what Tricky Dicky said to Khrushchev as well as Kennedy
Nixon's Checker's SpeechWhy did Nixon go on TV and divulge all his financial information?