Reproject software page
can recalculate map projection of georeferenced raster images to another map projection, local datum (264 datums) and on different spheroid(33 spheroids). Images will be resampled (may be with another step). It uses coordinate system definition, recommended by Defence Mapping Agency(DMA) 8350.2 Technical report. You can use all functions and expanded list of spheroids during evaluation period and after registration. ReProject is a 32-bit application and can run under Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP. Supported formats of raster files: TIFF, GeoTiff(partly), Windows BMP, ER Mapper ERS, JPEG, Orthospace OSD, Z-space DTM, NOG, RAW(with header). File size more than 2Gb. You can download full version 2.00
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