Journal Entries
The Week of April 25th, 1999 until May 1st, 1999
Well my journal has been looking a little rugged later because of my laziness towards keeping things up to date. Having time and making time for designing my web site is something I don't take lightly very often. I always would like to but time just isn't on my side more often than not. Anyways, let me start it all over again on this day making a promise to myself most of all that I will see to it that I don't get lazy, slack, or even just plain old tired. So in other words, this is my vow that my time will be spent wisely in order to complete my life's mission.
Basically this past week was truly remarkable. For one, the great news about my acceptance into Clemson University. I have been waiting a long time for this day to arrive and now that it is only a two weeks away from becoming reality I am very nervous about this whole idea of going out on my own. However, with the right friends, family, and whoever else I should happen to meet, I will remain calm, cool, and rational. I think most of life I have looked at school as perhaps an illustration to live, learn, and pursue happiness one day. Now is it right or wrong though? I do not really know, but I can say I do really care what my life brings. Well let me stop before I turn this journal into a novel.
Geez...this is a bouncy guy...just like me almost!!!
The Week of May 2nd,1999 until May 8th,1999
Bravo!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! Only a short time now 'til I head up to the upstate of South Carolina to see lots of sights and sounds. Now what could I be refering to, perhaps the blue hills of this state tend to wear off all the hate. Or maybe the upstate creates a sense of rage that enables many to urge onwards in life. Either way that is choosen seems to be very good reasons to venture to undiscovered and unraveled mysterious places of the blue ridge region in the south. Just remember that times do change, but the place does rarely loses its form overnight.
Well the end of this week seemed to bring about more smiles on many faces I know. For its getting closer to the move up to Clemson for me. I really am excited now and cannot wait one more day or night!!! Just let it come to me now!!!!
The Week of May 9th, 1999 until May 17th, 1999
Ummm. Let's see. What is there to talk about besides CLEMSON!!! I suppose I can talk about my job, my homelife, or even just me! Anyways all of these are great to observe but simply do not add up to the fact that I am READY FOR TIGER COUNTRY!!! This week will probably appear to be the longest time of my life...just the wait 'n' all. Just let me have fun at school and to do well in my studies is all I am asking for now anyways!!!! I know it will become a reality one day.
Now that I am finally at one of Clemson's finest libraries I would most certainly say, I feel home-free and ready to learn while attending The School of Architecture in Clemson. My life just did not seem completely satisfied before I arrived here over the past weekend, but now it has been proven of acceptance. Both in the mind and socially, I have been forever focused these past few semesters upon being admited to this grand college; and now, I must study hard. Along with building up knowledge, I also I plan on making many new friends and hopefully they intentions are the same as mind right now; which is to concentrate fully on our studies.
Let me say this about my habits in the past before I venture onwards. I have tended somewhat to become overwhelmed at the school experience and I do not live up to my abilities all too well only showing a semi-smile from parents because they know I could do alot better. Also, I just seem to at times want wonder what I am missing while I close my door and put my head in a book. To plan out put it I enjoy partying alot, but I don't get carried away with the idea of it. So I am saying now, as I always do everytime a big event enters my life, that my plans for the summer (for right now especially) are to prepare me for graduate study later on down the line (say approx. 4-6 years.) Well let me conclude this entry of my pages to simply say I vow to become one of the many students at Clemson University that remains passionately focused on his studies, enables for a keen sense of stability (both living and non-living accomodations), and finally to remember to always have fun every once and a while.
Now I best go before my time expires from this workstation in the library hall- a place for refuge in the months and certainly years to come here at Clemson. I cannot wait another hanosecond for this journal to begin, but I can let you wait until I talk again. However before I depart until next time, let me simply say to everyone out there that in order to succeed in this cruel world, you must first find a distant path that makes sense to you before anyone else because you are important,too.
The Week of May 18th, 1999 until May 25th, 1999
All-in-all, my first full week of classes at Clemson went extremely well. I have allready managed quite a handfull of early projects for one of my design courses this summer. Basically this is almsot like a trial and error format for the classes in design. I will achieve only the best marks I can go for, however if my willingness to try hard as I can is presentable. To my instructors, to my piers, and most of all to myself- I dedicate tihs short session of 5 weeks and another 5-6 weeks (for the second summer session) to achieving nothing but pure self-confidence, motivation, and acceptance into the School of Architecutural Design.
Next, I am starting to get very comfortable to the surroundings both on and off campus. However, I thought it would be different from back home; I mean, my thoughts about a "big" campus having lots of crowded passage way with nothing but noise in the buildings have been wiped away from my mind now. Still it is just the summer months which means the campus is purpose in its calm state. I see everyday people coming and going never stopping for chit chat conversations with one another, just trying to get to they next class. Even at lunch or dinner time, the students and faculty eat in utter silence as everyone else watches they ever move. Anyway hopefully allthis will change by the end of the next week and into the upcoming fall semester here at Clemson University.
Also when the weekend hits, my parents will be bringing my computer from home. It was in the shop for repairs on the internet devices in the system. Basically my palms have felt practically naked without the feeling of touching these fabalous keys. Besides that however, I would say things are definetely looking up for me right now. In fact whenever I get contact with Natalie (a friend of mine who I have met on the global internet world and goes to Clemson too!) things will be brighter perhaps for me. Which my all means I do not mean my days are gloomy, but rather just fair. Maybe I just need balance of pleasure and work related experiences in my young life. It could be anything from school work to hanging out with friends late at night to even just relaxing on my bed waiting for the sun to set. I would definetely say that Natalie is a fascinating young energetic lady who is purely a sparkling star to observe in person for sure. She is the candlelight on any given evening that radiants a beaming light over my head to guide me back home. Well I am going to put up my writing utensil and fall fast asleep. Although this journal entry is not yet completed, I will write more later on. Tomorrow will be a fun-filled day full of drawings in the design class I am taking of which I surely LOVE!
By the end of this week, I got into contact with Natalie finally! I hope it becomes a fast-growing relationship for a longtime to come. Whether or not she and myself are compatible (which I know we are- feelings and all) to one another is the major issue as of right now. Just becoming friends forever in person to person format now is more important than anything else. I can really see that our friendship will kick out of not just a seeing each other's emails, but rather we see each other face to face. Everything else is looking up still for myself as I hope it always does. I just have to remain focuses on my studies not letting this pure sunshine an fresh air around me kick into my senses that summer is here. That is probably the only diffculty I have with summer classes; it is just so nice and pretty outside that I tend to relax and not slack off but just take a chill pill for a while. However that way of thinking leads into bad doings in the long run, so I try to stay out of the bad areas. Well I am going to vanish once more until next entry pops up which might not be for 2 weeks. But hey they will be alot longer and longer if I wait a long time to actually write about my life. So just something for you to look forward to a little bit and always keep your chin up and smile! I'll be back laters now....TTFN!!!!
The Week of May 26th, 1999 until June 2nd,1999
These weeks keep on gettig better and better here at Clemson for me. I have enjoyed this wonderful experience of studying away from home and making surely great companions too. I have been working away hard on projects cutting up a green bell pepper and really slicing it into components. I then took those objects that I cut up and drew them on a sheet of paper sized at 18" X 24". And then another drawing I drew a value perspective of the pepper's inside that the instructor called conplicated to all extremes. I didn't think it was all that but afterwards I really was able to see the point my teacher at Clemson was trying to get across to me. AND was very successful!
So anyway, my time has also been spent searching the campus grounds for all types of fascinting wonders particular man-made features that inspire one's own imagination. From church bells to stadium lighting, I have found quite alot of interesting objects to begin taking pictures of. Basically I have seen hardly none of the sites here yet, which I am going to pursue later today. But if I do not get around to it soon, then by all means I will make plans to see everything one day at the very least. In a nut shell that is about it for now...kinda short I know but my time is very limited to only a few hours of pleasure writing and then it is off to work I go. I really miss having time to just sit back and relax, but my body tells me I would rather be working hard then hardly working. Something about that last statement makes me wonder and ponder that life is not just a bowl of candy corn- meaning sweet and easy; but instead life is perhaps like a bowl of fruits mixed with lots of varities0- meaning sour and hard. Now if that at all makes any sense to you then by all means stick with that feeling. However right now I do not even know that what I just wrote even makes sense because of the weird wording. Well just keep in mind that I am typing what I think to the second of the fingers slapping the keys, which gratefully means I have no intention of too many people reading this at all. Hopefully it will be appreciated by lots of people as one of the most imaginative statements they have ever seen or heard rather.
Well I am going to hang it up for now, but will be on laters. Time is very important and so are everyone else in my quite young but very unpredicatable life. I hope you keep on coming back- always!!!! Bye for now!
The Weeks of June 3rd, 1999 until June 20th, 1999
Well these past few weeks have been totally remarkable for me. I have drawn many interesting concepts lately that have a great architectural feel towards they relation to the projects I am doing. Making prelimenary sketches of buildings, houses, or just simply any sort of design structure that overpowers one's mind (particularly an architect's mind) has been the agenda for myself lately. Also at the top of the list to do good on is studying for how buildings work overall, cause afterall I cannot design a place that falls over, bends, or even toppled slightly if I so desire to become a so called "Frank Lloyd Wright." Anyway I am very pleased with the new college environment I am living with.
Now this is the part of the page that really gets interesting alot. My online sweetie, *private*dancer, and I are getting married on sony. We just actually found each other's true love for one another as of late, but so be it! I love you sugar if you drop by my page more than once!!! (HE HE) Okay back to the big day now, I am very happy that she adores me so 'cause there are plenty of our attractive guys out that she could have. Thankfully and I fully accept that she choose my handsome self. I truly know that I will be forever faithful to her both online and probably off line as well. Just because I am not that popular with the ladies at all off line but I could be if I simply acknowledge their presence somewhat. Also I know that I will be honest about anything that ever comes up between us both. I really want this relationship to work out now that I have found a passion between both her and me. Besides all that though, we will always hang out and just be friends because that is what we both want to do. I am completely aware of her life and my life because the lives together make a match.
Anyway I have had the best weeks of my life and I owe it all to my lover. I also owe it to many othes you have pushed us along and are simply happy for us too! So just keep it loose and always know that we are happy together and it is all because of each & everyone of ya'll!
The Weeks of June 21st, 1999 until July 5th, 1999
Well this week my first summer session came to a dramatic halt. I was able to tell my parents and friends back home about my experiences going to Clemson too. It is really exciting to attend college- being able to get educated, partying hardy, and of course finding lots of friends to do stuff with. However, I have to remain focused on what my priorities at school are first.
The first project for this next term deals with making a license plate for any state or province that fits our liking. I have choosen places of which the master-minded Frank Lloyd Wright (F.L.W.) has done explicit architectural designs of all kinds of buildings. I really admire his work ethic that he followed during his lifetime that he used to become the one of the greatest architects (if not the best architect) at performing magnificent wonders on sites. So basically learning the tricks of the trade in this field from F.L.W.'s perspectives really enables a young man like myself to see that is takes hard work, dedication, and lots of energized potential to become a successful in the world of architecture.
By the end of the week, however I really got involved in the design process of drawing the license plates of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and California. All of these states and many more places around the globe (like Tokyo, Japan)have been defined by F.L.W's ideas on design and structure. He is surely a man for the record books due to all his quite fascinating accomplishments such as "Falling Waters" in Bear Run, Pennsylvania. Another amazing place F.L.W. designed would have to be the Soloman R. Guggenheim Musuem in New York City. I will try to have some pictures of all the sites up and running in the near future because these places are just to good to leave in books!
The Weeks of July 6th, 1999 until July 20th, 1999
Well the last of the summer session for me went along basically okay. I had a fun-filled time just observing the campus sites and seeing new people too. Now though I must get ready for the fall semester after I headed home for as short break. I really did not have much fun at home though because I knew how much fun I was missing here at Clemson,SC. Anyway my life has basically been blessed these past few weeks.
MY life has been turned upside lately due to this turmoil over these medical illlnesses I have lately. I really do not know what to do now though with my life. I can study at school for starters. I can also have fun at school for starters too. I can be the best I can be at school and just push this treatment plan for me aside for right now in a sense. Besides that though, my life is looking up more and more now instead of down.
Also before I end this little insert section let me say I will not be able to write as much as I would like. So do not think I am getting slack. I just have to study, be with friends, and loads of other things to do at Clemson! Hope everything is gonig well for everyone too! Look for my pages later on in the next few weeks always...never stop coming back! Love ya!
Come back soon for:
August 1999
This month has been a fun-filled packed time of my college career. Since it is just starting out now for me at Clemson, it has been everything I expected and some. I will be sure to stay focused on my scholastic studies. Anyway I am sorta tired now so I will get back to you later in the month. Well the rest of my month went along as planned even thought I hardly had time to write much! Hope I dont get too lazy though! I do I always want to be here just letting my thoughts flow away from the spots!
September 1999
Well let me concentrate on perhaps in the future keeping up with this journal page of mine. It is getting to the point where I need to just sit back like I am doing right now and just begin typing away my deep thoughts at the moment about this month. With all my scholastic studies in full effect now I am forced to focus on learning my fields.
Even though chemistry was dropped prior to the deadline of the drop date, I still have felt a pinch in the studying department. I am so not into jsut reading the books and learning, I have to be told over and over again to do the assignments. Maybe we all need that sort of motivational approach though? Anyway it appears that my college life is adapting quite nicely to the sturggles of the real world now!
Hopefully the next months of school with go as planned- with lots of good vibrations! Well I hope your in a cheeeerrry mood for the next journal which I am going to write down at theend of the month FOR SURE!!!!!
October 1999
Well this month was a little bit of anything and everything! From good college football on campus here at Clemson to the exciting and thrilling times of just outdoor life, there are many amazing topics to bring up! For starters, my scholastic knowledge has been increased to a great extent although I still feel like me! I really thought though when you venture off to college at a young age that you were suppose to really do hard work but that has not really been the case yet anyway. Let it be known though that I am fully capable of becoming a fine scholar with all the great powerful tools of the new computer age upon our doorstep of the millenium. I am also learning about William Shakespeare as well during my semester of schoolwork with constant reading of The Tempest. Anyway it seems as though, that life is going good from an educational standpoint of things...just hope it continues to blossom among my potential here at Clemson.
Now onto other important matters like FOOTBALL FOOTBALL AND JUST FOOTBALL!!! Yeah Clemson football seems to be back in high-gear again with lots to look forward for the rest of the season. Clemson's coach Tommy Bowden has done a great job coaching this year team for the first time and we are all certain (as we are all about of TIGER TOWN) that he will succeed again next year as well. He has done a lot overall with this team without much to sidetrack him!! Besides football however, Clemson might have something else to cheer for in the upcoming week on campus too. The basketball season opening is fast-approaching this month with full impact on a good season hopefully!! I will be heading to every game possible even if we are losing because that is what being loyal sporting fans kis all about! Anyway to any extent, sports is just half the excitement on campus for me and all the other alumni memebers.
For joining clubs such as myself joining the Horticulture club is a prime example! I love plants and botany a lot but right now I think I love drawings and creating as well as designing homes and/or landscapes. Basically my intentions for the spring semester will be given a chance later on in November when registation begins up with my counselor. That will be a good time to lay out my plans and get my head straight and configured out before I venture further here at Clemson. I shall be very willing in the next semster justl ike I am now and always have been to remain focueds on my studies with making high marks.
Well it is time for me to head out and see the world by large! Before I go though, let me close by a song title that I hope all you like but are not forced to admire by all means!!! Do any of you like..the this catchy song....."The highest power...among the hour...I want to stand with you on the mountain..I want to bath with you in the sea...I want to live my tears for ever...until the sky falls down on you and me....look and see the angel dont have to close your***lyrics** I will be your wish...I will be your fantasy...I will be your hope....ummm mmmmm..."End quote from Savage Garden. I'll see ya later!!!!! TTFN
November 1999
Well this month surely was a pain to get through. Really i had quite a fun time with meeting someone new I met on ICQ this year. Both of her and her children were surely quite impressed with my knowledge of horticulture at the South Carolina Botanical Gardens in Clemson, SC. They were probably fascinated a lot by my vague intelligent though. To any extent though, she was certainly a good old fashioned girl who is funny and charming all over. I know Robyn will go far in her ambitions in life.
Come back soon for:
December 1999
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! It is actually almost here! THE NEW MILLENNIUM is almost upon our very lives now. Although it probably is just another year for some and for others a new triumphal let us all rejoices and become attached to te new age we are about to endeavor!