My Collection of Joes
Just some general pictures here, arranged in no particular order with
no particular theme. Sorry for the bad scans on some of these.
Until a digital camera gets delivered by my fairy godmother I'm constrained
to using a budget scanner to make cruddy copies of 35 mm prints.
[This motorcycle is a "Rumble Chopper" purchased from K-Mart for
$14.99 last Christmas and painted in Testors model paints. Pretty
cool for being so cheap, and a great set of wheels for the WWII 50th Anniversary
[The howitzer manned by an ever-vigilant Belgian blockhead from
Belgium was made by Marx in the 60s. I picked it up at a local antique
store, delighted with the fact that the gun elevates AND this thing really
shoots. A way cool toy, in my humble opinion.]

[Gotta do something with all of those stupid coffee thermoses]