Face it, she's amazing. Although many people still consider her nothing
more than 'Mrs. Tom Cruise,' it's clear that Nicole Kidman is
indeed an independent force to be reckoned with, as well as one of the
most up and coming actresses in the movie industry. Batman
Forever, though not the best, stil probably stands out as her first
'mega-movie' and is only a
stepping stone for many more to come.
But Nicole's more than just a great actress; she's an inspiration to
redheads everywhere. She proves that the genetic inability to tan is
nothing to fret about. Redheads everywhere can achieve whatever they
want and show the world just how exceptional we are. Nicole is the
embodiment of what we redheads can be, if we only believe in
ourselves: smart, beautiful, talented, successful, and revered
Undoubtedly, the Patron Saint of all redheads!
Here's some fun miscellaneous facts about Nicole that go on to prove her
sheer coolness:
- WOO HOO! This is the best thing I've come across in a long time. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, you've got to see this page--especially if you speak Spanish. Apparently its creator didn't think I did, because several direct quotes from my page are on his page, only they're in Spanish. Not convinced? There's a bulleted list just like this one with references to her children, skydiving, mime lessons, and the 'comfortable in bed' quote. He also states that she's more than just Mrs. Tom Cruise. :) I'm not mad, simply amused. I tried writing him in my awful Spanish, but alas, his email address was no good. Que malo.
- Nicole was born in Hawaii but grew up in Australia where at the mere
age of 17, she was named Australia's Best Actress.
- Nicole has two children, Conor and Isabella.
- She was 5'9'' at the age of 13!
- I seem to be having some trouble pinpointing her birthday; it's
either June 20 or 21, but one thing for sure is that she shares it
with Lionel Richie!
- She took mime and ballet lessons when she was younger.
- She enjoys jumping out of planes.
- She's stood strong through being married to Tom Cruise and all the
media gossip that goes along with that. She is quoted in the June 6,
1995 issue of Entertainment Weekly as saying, 'We don't
feel comfortable discussing what we do in bed at midnight--even though
it is pretty damn good.'
And the reasons go on and on! However, I confess one of my main
reasons for being a fan is the fact that I have been told on numerous
occassions that I actually resemble her. You may think I'm joking,
but I have actually been stopped on the street and had comments made
about me. Personally, I don't think we look that much alike,
but as soon as I get some good pictures of the two of us to compare, you
can make your own decison.

Nicole Updates, News, Etc.
- Check out what has to be My Favorite Nicole
Picture. Sent in by a faithful fan, it's fairly bursting with
redhaired power!
- I am currently on a quest for a t-shirt from Batman Forever
that has a picture of Nicole's character, Chase Meridian, on it. I saw
someone wearing one, but foolishly didn't ask where he obtained it. The
retail store (which
shall remain nameless) that seemed like the obvious choice to carry it
did not have any, so if anyone has info on this matter for me, I'd
appreciate it greatly!
- Rumor has it that Nicole was invited to a certain Halloween Ball in
New Orleans by Anne Rice. If anyone actually witnessed her
power there, I'll appreciate sighting information.
- Anyone know when her next movie is supposed to come out?
- Wow! Ya know, Nicole
wears a lot of black and looks
damn good in it. I think we redheads owe it to ourselves to go out
and buy ourselves a black dress of our own...
- Check out this great article in Entertainment Weekly.
Back to the index.
Last updated: January 30, 1999