The Web's Manliest Men
It's true that I am currently involved with the manliest of men, but if he
weren't around, I think these would be some of my options.
Besides, with so much female exploitation out there on the Web, I thought
it high
time some men took their turn. Also, as a firm believer (sort of) in many
of Darwin's theories, I also take this as an opportunity to list those who
I feel would best enhance my evolutionary/reproductive success by
fathering my children (other than my own dear significant other, of

The David is out there!! It pains me to be one of the many David Duchovny
groupies, but I just can't help it. He's more than just cute and witty on
the X-Files; he's also that way in real life! That makes it more of a
tragedy that he married that blonde bombshell, but alas, whatever makes
you happy, right? In addition to being a babe, David is also an educated
man and has gone to college and gotten degrees in literature and good
things like that. Plus, being an ambitious man, David has announced plans
that he'd like to start directing episodes of the X-Files, which just goes
to show he's more than just a passive actor--he wants to take action into
his own hands!

Adrian Paul
THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE...Adrian Paul, that is. Wow, he is so boss.
Anyone who's seen him in action in the Highlander series has to agree.
Not only is he stunningly good looking, but he is also light on his feet
and amazing with a sword. I can't decide if his accent is real or not; as
he was raised in London, I tend to believe it might be at least partially
authentic. Ah, if only he really could stay immortal! Even if you
don't swoon over his well-versed charm and intellect like me, you
should still check out the show. I mean, anything with music by
Queen is bound to be good. Rysher
Entertainment claims that they'll send him e-mail if you go to this link,
but I'm skeptical. Maybe I'm just too afraid of what would happen if he
actually wrote back! If anyone ever gets a response, be sure and let me
Nicolas Cage
Here's a guy who didn't immediately strike me as manly material the first
time I saw him. In fact, I don't even remember the first time I saw him,
though, later I learned he'd been in a slew of movies that I'd seen. I
think it was while watching "The Rock" that I was overwhelmed by how
amazing his voice was. After that, everything else just followed. I
don't have a lot of trivia about him except that he likes snakes and is
married to Patricia
Arquette. After seeing an interview with her and hearing some of her
funny commentary, I must heavy-heartedly say that they are a match
Kevin Sorbo
'Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen...a strength
surpassed only by the power of his heart.'
Egads, manliness abounds! Besides, what more can be said about an actor
who plays a character described as 'Half god, half mortal: all
hero.' Sigh...I only hope he's as witty and charming in real life as
he is on tv. Be sure and check out theHercules Homepage, even though
I still refuse to believe that MCA actually endorses it. And while you're
doing it, ask yourself the question I ask myself every day: if Hercules
and Duncan MacLeod got in a fight, who would win?

Tommy Lee Jones
I think Tommy is one of the few guys on this list who I actually admire
for acting ability. He's done everything...and done it well! So
many actors get cast to one genre and stay there, but not Tommy. He oozes
charm and has a smile which is absolutely amazing! A great piece of trivia
is not only did he get a degree from Harvard, but his roommate there was
Al Gore! Crazy, huh? Plus, this explains why Tommy was such in a pal in
helping out with the Clinton/Gore campaign (which is where this picture of
him is from. Tommy Lee Jones is proof that sometimes age and experience
really can out-do youth.

John Cusack
Face it, John Cusack was one of the hottest commodoties to come out of
the 80's. I would have idolized him just for that, but to think, he's
still trying to act in the 90's! Wow. Anyone who hasn't seen Better
Off Dead is definitely missing a good time...and their $2 worth.
(Please ignore the un-manly floral background in the back of John's
picture. It's not his fault.)

Harrison Ford
Hey, he may be an older guy, but what a guy he is! Maybe I'm more
attracted to the Indiana Jones and Han Solo characters he portrays than
to the actual actor himself, but hey, they're the closest I'll ever get
to his real personality, so why spoil an illusion?

Pierce Brosnan
C'mon guys, he's JAMES BOND for goodness sake. Not only that, but you
have to admit that his accent is swoon material just waiting to happen
(just ask some of my friends). No wonder so many women fell pray to his
wily charms in
Goldeneye. Even in comic roles like Mrs. Doubtfire, he
still oozes of suave-ness. No clues as of yet on his "real life"
persona, but hey, that never stopped any truly devoted fans, now did it?
Check this link, though,
as I suspect it has some good info and maybe even

Sean Connery
Older again, perhaps, but definitely worth it. I'm not sure what it is
about him, but just the fact that he is always cast in powerful, manly
roles should tell you something. I think it's gotta be the
exceptional voice. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I think he's even
been cast to do the voice of a dragon in a n upcoming fantasy flick.
Don't miss it!

Christopher Lloyd
Wow. He's so incredibly versatile. Fester, Doc Brown, and a Klingon
Warlord all rolled into one actor. Luckily his voice--one of his coolest
attributes, just like Sean--still stays more or less the same. I liked him
best when he hosted the long-gone Back to the Future cartoon on Saturday
mornings--he was even better on it than the actual movies.
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Last Updated: July 3, 1993