The Eratosthenes Page
Eratosthenes was a Greek mathmetician who was born around 275 b.c. in Cyrene, now in present-day Libya. Like most Greek men of learning back then, he knew the earth was round. But Eratosthenes was intelligent enough to figure out the circumference of the earth. To learn of his remarkable experiment, click Here
If you have read his experiment (above) then you may be wondering how in the world you would be able to figure it out from your location. After all, Alexandria was just Eratosthenes random starting place. You can figure out the circumference of the earth exactly the way Eratosthenes did by clicking Here.
In fact, you can figure out the circumference of the Earth by simple math, no matter where you live! If you desire this information, then click Here
If you have read the text above and you would like to see a visual,click Here
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