![]() Reference Site Map |
1. Citing Sources - General
2. Citing Electronic Sources
3. APA Style (American Psychological Association)
3a. APS Style (American Physics Society)
4. Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian Style
5. CGOS Style - Columbia Guide to Online Style
6. CSE Style - Council of Science Editors (Formerly CBE Style - Council of Biology Editors)
7. Harvard Style
8. MLA Style (Modern Language Association)
9. Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Thank You Letters and Thank-You Notes
10. Writing - Grammar Guides
11. Writing - Proofreading
12. Writing - Research Guides & General Style Guides
Links to related pages:
How to Write Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style
Footnotes and Endnotes - Examples in MLA Style
How to Write Parenthetical References - Examples in MLA Style
Works Cited, References, and Bibliography - What's the Difference?
Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography in MLA Style
How to Write a Bibliography - Examples in MLA Style
Quoting Passages Using MLA Style
Footnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Endnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Parenthetical References in MLA Style - Sample Page
Works Cited in MLA Style - Sample Page
Citation Style for Research Papers
B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library, Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus
Citing sources using APA, Turabian, MLA, Chicago, and AMA styles with colorful examples, literally.
Includes examples of Robert Delaney's own style of citing sources.
Cite Right: A Quick Guide to Citation Styles -
MLA, APA, Chicago, the Sciences, Professions, and More
(Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)
by Charles Lipson
Citing Electronic Information
Erindale College Library, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON
Developed by P. Marques, Maintained by J. Seel
Basic principles, forms, and examples of citation are demonstrated using both the APA (American Psychological Association) & MLA (Modern Language Association) Style Guides.
College Writer's Reference, The (Tabbed Version)
(with MyCompLab NEW with E-Book Student Access Code Card) (5th Edition)
by Toby Fulwiler and Alan R. Hayakawa
Review from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH: "... different documentation conventions used in the various disciplines. MLA, ALA, and CMA are covered ... More than one third of the book is devoted to grammar."
Documentation Style Handouts in PDF
Writing Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University (AASU), Savannah, GA
Annotated Bibliography, APA, Chicago-Turabian, and MLA Documentation, plus Grammar-Mechanics
Handouts and Exercises, Regents' Handouts, Writing Process Handouts, all available in PDF.
Dr. Grammar: Online Documentation
James HiDuke, English professor, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA
Grammar Resources, MLA sites, APA sites, Plagiarism, Business Communication, and other Writer's resources. (Please redirect Dr. Grammar's link to "A Research Guide for Students by I. Lee" at Online Documentation Resources to: http://www.bydewey.com/). Dr. Grammar was a wonderful man with a great sense of humor. From his site: IT IS WITH DEEP REGRET THAT WE ANNOUNCE DR. GRAMMAR (PROFESSOR JAMES HIDUKE) DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES ON NOVEMBER 17, 2003.
EasyPaper: User Manual
Turabian Examples, APA Examples, MLA Examples, AMA Examples, Format Quotations, Bibliography - Note: Error in Bibliography - "The University of Chicago" should be listed alphabetically under "U" for University and not "T" for "The" as Articles e.g. "A, An, The" should be ignored in listing the initial title.
How to Cite
Library and collections - Seeking assistance - How-to guides from McGill University, Montreal, QC
Citation guides by subject. Select list of guides to citing within a discipline or by type of material: Architecture & art, Business, Chemistry, Geographic information, Government information, History, Humanities, Langue et littérature française, Life sciences, Music, Numeric data, Physics, Science, Social sciences, Sociology.
KnightCite: A Project of the Hekman Library
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
Free Citation Generator for MLA, APA and Chicago styles.
Site created by Justin Searls, Student Intern, Teaching & Learning Digital Studio, Calvin Information
The Little Penguin Handbook (Spiral-bound) by Lester Faigley
Review from CaseWestern University: "The documentation section provides comprehensive examples of MLA, APA, CMS, and CSE styles, and includes sample pages from research papers."
Pocket Style Manual Third Edition: MLA, APA, Chicago,
Updated with 2003 MLA Update (Spiral-bound) by Diana Hacker
Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age
(Spiral-bound), 4th edition By Diana Hacker
Research and Documentation Online
By Diana Hacker, with research sources by Barbara Fister
Finding sources and documenting sources in Humanities (MLA), Social Sciences (APA), History (Chicago), and
Sciences (CBE number system from Council of Biology Editors). Glossary of Library and Internet Terms. List
of Style Manuals.
Resources for Documenting Sources in the Disciplines
from Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
This handout will help you find resources for citing sources and formatting your paper in various disciplines.
Slate: Citation Machine
Online tool that creates MLA and APA citations instantly.
This web tool was created by David Warlick of The Landmark Project on October 29, 2000
and is part of the Landmarks for Schools web site for teachers.
Writing a Bibliography
Staley Library, Millikin University, Decatur, IL
APA Format, MLA Format, and Chicago Style Manual (Guidelines for using the Chicago, or Turabian,
Citing Sources
Horn Library, Babson College, Wellesley, MA
Style Manuals/Guidelines, Examples from Databases, Citing Images, Copyright Information, Ethical Use of
Information: Scenarios for Students.
Citing Sources of Information
University Libraries, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Citation examples in APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), and AMA (American Medical Association) Styles, including Journal Article (electronic), Books (electronic), EMail, Web Pages, Selected Style Information on the Web.
How to Cite Electronic
The Learning Page, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
MLA and Turabian citation examples for Films, Legal Documents and Government Publications, Maps,
Photographs, Recorded Sound, Special Presentations, and Texts. Includes links to Citation Guidelines.
APA Citation Style:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition
Color coded examples of APA style citations.
Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus.
American Psychological Association Style Guides
Citing Legal Materials in APA Style
Including: Citing US Supreme Court Decisions, Citing Massachusetts Statutes, Citing Decisions of Lower Federal Courts, Citing Congressional Hearings, Citing Massachusetts Court Decisions, Citing Congressional Bills, Citing Federal Statutes, Citing Federal Legislative Reports and Documents
APA Citation Guides from Westfield State College Ely Library.
APA Style from APA Online.
APA Style Tips. Electronic References. Changes in the Fifth Edition of APA's Publication
Manual. FAQs: What is APA style? How do I format a
bibliography in APA style? and more.
APA: Citing Electronic Information Style Guide
Erindale College Library, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON
Based on APA Style of citation developed by the American Psychological Association. Forms and examples of electronic documentation discussed under: CD-ROM, Internet, E-Mail, and Reference Citations in Text.
APA Documentation
Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Get a quick orientation to APA, Create APA parenthetical citations, Create an APA reference list, Format a
paper using APA guidelines, Format APA headings for a paper, Review APA usage and style guidelines, and
Locate other APA resources on the Web.
APA Formatting and Style Guide
The Purdue University Online Writing Lab, West Lafayette, IN
Brief summary of APA style documentation. General Format: General APA Guidelines.
APA In-Text Citations
APA List of References
APA Manuscript Format by Diana Hacker, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006.
Sample Research Paper in APA Style - in PDF, 13 pages by Luisa Mirano.
APA Reference Style - Tightening
up your citations
By David S. Baker and Lynn Henrichsen, Department of Linguistics & English Language
at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Contents: Introduction, Kinds of sources, Basic Formatting, Citation Style: Books, Journal Articles, Chapters
in Edited Books, ERIC Documents, Internet Resources, Unpublished Sources, conference Papers, Citation
formats, Citations Practice Parts 1 & 2, and more.
APA Research Style Crib Sheet
by Russ Dewey, Georgia Southern University
APA Rules and Reference formats. Excellent summary of rules for APA style - the style of writing specified in
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
APA Style Asylum
Walden University (Distance education based in Minneapolis?)
Consists of links to selected websites dealing with APA Style documentation. Links grouped under General
Rules for Following APA Style, APA Citations and Reference List, Software for APA Formatting, and
Templates for Course Papers, KAMs, Theses, and Dissertations.
APA Style
Douglas Degelman, Ph.D., and Martin Lorenzo Harris, Ph.D., Vanguard University of Southern California
Purpose of this document is to provide a common core of elements of APA style. Concise and very useful
information presented covering: Document Guidelines, Title Page, Abstract, Body, Text Citations, Quotations,
References, Appendixes, Footnotes, Tables, Figures.
A.P.A. Style - Psychology Lab: Room
Langara College, Vancouver, BC
Guidelines for writing an experimental research assignment using conventions of the American Psychological
Association (APA).
APA Style Tips
From APA Online, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Tips on specific questions adapted from the 5th Edition of APA's Publication Manual, © 2001.
Includes FAQs and related topics: Removing Bias in
Language, Electronic Media, and Authorship Aids.
Bibliography Formats (in PDF)
From McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center
Citation examples in MLA and APA format.
Electronic References from American Psychological
Association (APA)
Electronic Media and URLs, General Forms for Electronic References, Reference Examples for Electronic
Source Materials, and Citations in Text of Electronic Material. Excerpted from the new 5th edition of the APA
Publication Manual.
Guide for Citing Electronic
David and Lorraine Cheng Library, William Patterson University, NJ
Examples of citations in APA style.
A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on Styles Recommended by The American Psychological Association (APA)
Capital Community College, Hartford, CT
Based on American Psychological Association (APA) style. Provides answers to students' questions about
manuscript preparation, references, and parenthetical citations.
Psychology with Style: A Hypertext Writing Guide (APA
Style Guide)
(for the 5th edition of the APA Manual) by M. Plonsky, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, WI
Topics include: Typing, Writing in General, Style Details in General, Abbreviations, Numbers, Citations in the
Text, Quotations. Research Reports. Research Reviews. Examples included in Appendices.
A Self-Scoring Exercise on APA Style and Research Language - in PDF, 7 pages
By Marilyn Freimuth, The Fielding Institute (1999)
Self-test assumes some knowledge of APA style and should take about 30 minutes to complete and score.
Webpage posted by Universität Hamburg, Germany.
Seneca College Library APA Style Guide
Provides quick rules for preparing reference list pages using the APA style.
Guide to Integrating Quotations & Paraphrasing Content (APA Style).
Using Principles of APA Style to Cite and
Document Sources
online! a reference guide to using internet sources, Bedford/St. Martin's
Using Italics and underlining in APA style, Using hypertext to document sources on the Web, and Breaking
URLs in APA style.
APS Online Style Manual (Draft) for Journal Articles. Three major sections: Formatting, Style, and Resources.
Physical Review Style and Notation Guide from American Physics Society (APS) by Anne Waldron, Peggy Judd, and Valerie Miller. Instructions for correct notation and style. Also available in PDF - 28 pages.
The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) (Paperback) by Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, University of Chicago Press Staff
Chicago Manual of Style
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
History, Overview, Links.
Chicago Manual of Style Citation
Guide in PDF
The Herman H. and Louise M. Smith Library Reference Department, High Point University
Provides examples on writing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographical citations using Chicago Style.
Chicago Manual of Style [& Turabian Interpretation]
Chicago Style Citation Guides from Westfield State College Ely Library.
Chicago Manual of Style Citation Guide
Ohio State University Libraries, Columbus, OH
Based on 2003 Chicago Manual of Style 15th ed. rev. Examples for both Author-Date style of citation and Notes-Bibliography style.
Chicago Manual of Style: Documentary Note or Humanities Style
Williams College Libraries, Williamstown, MA
Notes and Bibliography Examples for Books, Articles, Media, Web/Online, Government Information, Unpublished.
The Chicago Manual of Style Online, Fifteenth Edition
Includes Contents, Index, Chicago Style Q&A, Tools: Manuscript Preparation, Proofreading, Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide with examples for two basic documentation systems, the humanities style (notes and bibliography) and the author-date system.
Chicago Style: History, and Chicago Ducumentation Style
Model Notes and Bibliography Entries following guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.
Chicago Manuscript Format
Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).
Sample Research Paper in Chicago Style - in PDF, 10 pages by Ned Bishop.
Chicago/Turabian Documentation
Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Get a quick orientation to note systems, Create Chicago/Turabian first references, Create Chicago/Turabian
subsequent references, and Create a Chicago/Turabian Works Cited page.
Citing Electronic Information in History
Turabian style by Maurice Crouse
Department of History, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
The OAH (Organization of American Historians) Magazine of History Style Sheet
OAH uses Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.
General considerations for articles submitted to OAH Magazine, Treatment of numbers, Documentation, References for Books, Journal articles, Endnotes, Notes in text, Government publications and legal citations, Oral history citations, Microfilm.
Turabian Samples for a
Ithaca College Library, Ithaca, NY
Turabian examples are "non-authorized best guesses" from the 6th edition of Kate Turabian's A Manual for
Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, and have not been sanctioned by the University of
Turabian Style: Sample Footnotes and
Bibliographic Entries (6th ed.)
Clement C. Maxwell Library, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA
Examples showing difference in form and punctuation between Note Entry Form and Bibliography Form.
Uncle Sam - Brief Guide to Citing
Government Publication
Government Publications Dept, Regional Depository Library, Univ. of Memphis
Common examples of government document citations based on the Chicago/Turabian style.
Using Chicago Style to Cite and Document
online! a reference guide to using internet sources, Bedford/St. Martin's
Adapting Chicago style to cite Internet sources, Using italics and underlining in Chicago style, and Using
hypertext to document sources on the Web.
Writer's Handbook - Documentation:
Chicago Style
Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Sample Notes, Works Cited Page, Citing Electronic Sources.
Citing Online Media Resources (web
sites, online media files, etc.)
Adapted from the Columbia Guide to Online Style, by Janice R. Walker and Todd Taylor. Citation styles
described are Humanities Style.
With examples by Gary Handman, Media Resources Center, Library, University of California, Berkeley,
The Columbia Guide to Online Style, 2nd edition (October 24, 2006)
by Janice R. Walker and Todd W. Taylor (Paperback)
Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 7th ed.
Council of Science Editors (CSE) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Council of Science Editors (CSE) Style
CSE Style citation examples from Monroe Community College:
Book by a single author, Book by two or more authors, Book with editors, Book with author, editor, translator, and note, Article in an encyclopedia, Article in a scholarly journal, Monthly journal article, Newspaper article, Article without an author, Videorecording. Citing Electronic Resources: Electronic book, Article in an online journal, Article from a subscription service / database, E-mail, Internet.
Council of Science Editors Style (CSE) - Online Citation Guide
Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA
Introduction to CSE Style, In-Text Citation, Books, Selections from Books, Periodicals, Online Sources.
CBE Style [Council of Biology Editors]
CBE Style Citation Guides from Westfield State College Ely Library.
CBE Documentation
Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Use the citation-sequence system, Create a CBE citation-sequence reference list, Use the name-year system,
and Create a CBE name-year reference list.
CSE Citation Style Examples
Karl E. Mundt Library, Dakota State University
Manual for CSE Citation, Introduction, In-text Citation & Examples, End References & Examples: Journal Articles, Books, Parts of Books & Contributions, Technical Reports, Homepages & Websites, Parts of Websites & Contributions.
CSE Style Guide
Duke University Libraries.
CSE Citation-Sequence and Name-Year Styles.
CSE Style: Biology and Other Sciences
CSE In-Text Citations
CSE Reference List
CSE Manuscript Format
Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).
Sample Research Paper in CSE Style - in PDF, 5 pages"> by Briana Martin, based on guidelines set forth in Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 7th ed. (2006).
Using CBE Style to Cite and Document
online! a reference guide to using internet sources, Bedford/St. Martin's
Page briefly describes the citation-sequence and name-year citation systems, with examples on: Using italics
and underlining in CBE style, and Using hypertext to document sources on the Web. Site includes a page on Using Other Styles to Cite and Document
Sources with reference to ACS Style Guide, ASCE On-Line Authors' Guide, Linguistic Society of America
(LSA) Style Sheet, American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style, American Institute of Physics
(AIP) Style Manual, and others.
Writing: CSE or CBE Style - Citing Works in Papers by Mimi Rothschild, Home Schooling Online with Jubilee Academy.
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Spiral-bound), aka "Harvard Citator" published by Harvard Law Review Association in conjunction with Columbia Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review and Yale Law Journal, 18th edition (January 1, 2005)
LegalBluebook.com features major changes in the 18th edition of The Bluebook.
H ot off the Press: Bluebook 18th Ed. Review by Maxine Grosshans, Thurgood Marshall Law Library.
Interactive Citation Workbook for The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and ALWD Citation Manual by Tracy L. McGaugh (Book)
Citation, end references, and bibliographies: A handbook for students, including a description of the Harvard system of reference by C.J. Morgan (Book)
Citing References - Harvard Style - in PDF, 8 pages
Bournemouth University, Academic Support, Library, UK
The Harvard System (Author Date Method), Citation in the text, References at the end of a piece of work, and Related topics.
A Guide to Harvard
Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds (mid-way between London and Edinburgh), United Kingdom.
Citing in text, in bibliography, UK official publications, and electronic sources. Download
Harvard Guide.
Harvard Style Examples
Monash University Library. Monash is a global university with eight campuses.
Citations for Books, Chapters, Journal articles, Conference Papers, Web pages, Reference list. Includes a
Harvard Style:
UseIt in PDF
University of Queensland, Australia
Examples of Harvard style based on AGPS (Australian Government Publishing Service) Style Guide 5th ed.
See also References / Bibliography Harvard Style - How-to guide - in PDF, 5 pages.
Harvard System of Referencing Guide
Anglia Ruskin University Library, Cambridge & Chelmsford, UK.
Citing references in text using Harvard System, Compiling reference list and bibliography. Also available in PDF version, 27 pages.
Referencing using the Harvard system
University of Westminster, London.
Referencing your work. Latin abbreviations used in the Harvard System.
Bibliography Formats (in PDF)
From McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center
Citation examples in MLA and APA format.
Citation Maker - Secondary
(based on MLA style)
Oregon Public Education Network (O.P.E.N.) Clearinghouse
Type in required bibliographic data, e.g. Author's Last Name, Author's First Name, Title of Book, City the
book was published in, Publisher, Copyright Year - and presto! the MLA style citation is generated for you.
Generates citations for Print (Book, Anthology, Encyclopedia, Magazine, Newspaper Articles), Online
Database, World Wide Web (Encyclopedia, Magazine, Newspaper Articles, Professional, Organizational,
Personal Web Pages, Image or Video Clip, Sound Clip), Interview, Electronic (CD-ROM Encyclopedia Article,
CD-ROM Magazine Article, Video/DVD).
Citing Film and Video in slightly adapted
version of MLA style - with Examples
Citing TV and Radio - with Examples
by Gary Handman, Media Resources Center, Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Citing Web Sources MLA Style
Vanguard University of Southern California
1998 MLA Web citation style. In-text Citation, Works Cited, Examples of Typical Web Sites, and Citing from
Web Site Databases.
A Guide for Writing Research Papers Based on
Modern Language Association (MLA) Documentation
Capital Community College, Hartford, CT
Based on Modern Language Association (MLA) Documentation.
An Introduction to Research Techniques.
Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography in Style
Works Cited, References, Bibliography - What's the Difference?
How to Write a Bibliography - Examples in MLA Style
How to Write Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style
First Footnotes and Endnotes - Examples in MLA Style
Parenthetical References - Examples in MLA Style
Footnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Endnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Parenthetical References in MLA Style - Sample Page
Works Cited in MLA Style - Sample Page
Quoting Passages Using MLA Style
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School Library, Mississauga, ON
How to Organize a Research Paper and
Document It with MLA Citations
Site maintained by Cynthia Cavanaugh, Kean University, Union, NJ.
Modern Language Association.
What Is MLA Style? FAQ.
MLA Citation Style
University of Houston Libraries
Examples show the correct format for citing online and print sources in Modern Language Association (MLA)
MLA: Citing Electronic Information Style Guide
Erindale College Library, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON
Based on MLA Style of citation developed by the Modern Language Association. Forms and examples of electronic documentation discussed under: CD-ROM, Internet, E-Mail, Endnotes / Footnotes / & Parenthetical Documentation.
MLA Documentation
Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
General information about MLA parenthetical citations, Using the MLA abbreviation guidelines, Using the
MLA quotation guidelines, Formatting MLA parenthetical citations, Create an MLA Works Cited Page, and
Format the MLA Works Cited page. Includes a section on Numbered
MLA In-Text Citations
MLA List of Works Cited
MLA Information Notes
MLA Manuscript Format by Diana Hacker, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006.
Sample Research Paper in MLA Style - in PDF, 8 pages by Angela Daly.
Sample Research Paper in MLA Style - in PDF, 10 pages by Paul Levi.
MLA Parenthetical
LEO: Literacy Education Online, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
How to correctly document different types of sources using MLA Parenthetical Documentation: Author(s)
name, Multivolume works, Classic literary works, Special cases.
Modern Language Association Style Guides
MLA Style Citation Guides from Westfield State College Ely Library.
Seneca Libraries MLA Style Guide
Provides quick rules for preparing Works Cited pages using the MLA style.
Guide to Integrating Quotations & Paraphrasing Content (MLA Style).
Using MLA Style to Cite and Document
online! a reference guide to using internet sources, Bedford/St. Martin's
Using principles of MLA style to cite Internet sources, Using italics and underlining in MLA style, Using
hypertext to document sources on the Web, and Formatting Works Cited Entries in HTML.
Using Modern
Language Association (MLA) Format
The Purdue University Online Writing Lab, West Lafayette, IN
Using APA format, Formatting in Sociology, Handling quotations in text, Works Cited list, Footnotes and
Endnotes, Paper format.
Writing a Bibliography - MLA
Honolulu Community College Library, HI
Links to MLA guides on the Web.
The Elements of Style (Fourth Edition) by William Strunk, Jr.
This classic book by William Strunk, Jr. on the Elements of Style includes: Elementary Rules of Usage,
Elementary Principles of Composition, Words & Expressions Commonly Misused, An Approach to Style with a
List of Reminders: Place yourself in the background, Revise and rewrite, Avoid fancy words, Be clear, Do not
inject opinion, Do not take shortcuts at the cost of clarity, ... and much more. See details of The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. online at
The Basic Elements of English
Grammar Guide
University of Calgary, AB
Topics covered include list of style guides, formatting checklist, quotations, plagiarism, sample essay,
documenting sources using MLA style.
Common Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians
Common Errors in English - List of Errors, More Errors,
Other Commonly Misspelled Words, and
By Dr. Paul Brians, Professor of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Based on Common Errors in English Usage: The Book.
The Five Beliefs of Good Sentences and The Five Beliefs of Good Essays from Barr's English Class by Bob Barsanti, High School Teacher.
The Grammar Zone
Adjectives and Adverbs, Articles, Comparatives and Superlatives, Clauses, Conditionals, Confusing Words,
Nouns, Numbers, Prepositions and Conjunctions, Pronouns, and Questions. Site includes Verbs, Idioms, Paragraph Writing, and more.
Guide to Grammar & Writing
Community College, Hartford, CT
Word and Sentence (Sentence Parts, Abbreviations, Punctuation), Paragraph (Sentence Variety, Tense,
Pronoun Consistency), Essay & Research Paper (Writing Process), Ask Grammar, Quizzes, FAQ, Search
Engines, Peripherals & PowerPoints, and Grammar Poll.
Harbrace College Handbook: With 1998 MLA Style Manual Updates,
13th Revised Edition (Hodges Harbrace Handbook) by John C. Hodges
Writing Centre, University of Ottawa, Canada
Parts of Speech, Sentence, Punctuation, Pronouns, Verbs, Modifiers, Phrases, Clauses, Building Sentences, Writing Paragraphs, Diction, Spelling, and Miscellaneous Topics. Credits: Heather MacFadyen, David Megginson, Frances Peck, and Dorothy Turner.
The Internet Grammar of English
University College London
An online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates, it does not assume any prior knowledge of grammar.
The Online English Grammar
Anthony Hughes
Free but copyrighted material. Sound files to learn to pronounce alphabet. Table of contents. Alphabetical
subject index. Grammar clinic. English language practice pages.
The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Proofreading.
Proofreaders' Marks: Operational signs, Typographical signs, Punctuation marks.
Common Proofreading Symbols, Common Proofreading Abbreviations
Capital Community College, Hartford, CT.
The Editing Process
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant.
Proofreaders' Marks
Standard proofreading symbols. Site hosts two conventions for proofing marks. One from U.S. dictionary publisher Merriam Webster, and another (free download of 2-page reference guide) from design company Positive Concepts.
Proofreading Marks
Symbol, Example & Meaning
Office of Marketing Communications, Boston College, Newton, MA.
Steps in Editing (Proofreading)
Your Papers
Handouts include:
Proofreading Strategies, Editing and Proofreading Strategies for Revision, Proofreading Your Paper, as
well as
Proofreading: The
Final Touches.
OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
A 12-Step Guide to Research and Writing for Students: One Essay at a Time
By Candis Steenbergen and Robyn Diner
From chora: community for emerging feminist scholars...
The BBC News Styleguide - in PDF, 92 pages
Why does the BBC need a styleguide? Dr. D.S. King: "The BBC is listened to throughout the world and should be a beacon of correct English."
Beyond Algorithms:
A Librarian's Guide to Finding Web Sites You Can Trust
Google's Newsletter for Librarians
by Karen G. Schneider, Director of Librarians' Internet Index (LII).
Five-point system used to select reliable and authoritative web sites: availability, credibility, authorship,
external links and legality.
Brief Writing Guide
University of Arizona, AZ
Sermon on the importance of writing well. The Beginning. The Middle. The End. A Final Checklist.
CustomWritten.com: College and University Writing Tips
By Steve Svan, former student of WSB [Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu = Advanced School of Business] National
Louis University, Nowy Sacz, Poland
Guide to organized and resourceful assignments, ranging from research papers, essays, and term papers to
book reports, admission essays, dissertations, and Ph.D. theses.
Guide on How to Write University Essays, Courseworks,
Assignments and Dissertations
by Verena Vaneeva
Contents include: How to write an Essay, Coursework or Report, Marketing or Marketing Communications
Campaign, Dissertation, How to define Issue or Argument, Research Methods, Dissertation Structure.
Help with Research and Writing
by R. Derksen and R. Payette, Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute Library, Kitchener, ON
Contents: Using the library catalogue, Four stages of research, Documentation, Bibliographies, research and writing, How to evaluate resources, How to use the World Wide Web.
Hodges Harbrace Handbook (Hardcover)
by Cheryl Glenn and Loretta Gray
Learn how to write effectively - how to choose the most effective information, how to arrange it effectively, and how to decide on the most appropriate language to use when writing for any audience. This grammar-first handbook comprehensively covers grammar, style, punctuation, and mechanics as situated around rhetorical concerns: the writer, reader, message, context, and exigence (the reason for writing).
How to Write an A+ Research Paper
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School, Mississauga, ON
Step by step guide on how to write an excellent research paper quickly and successfully.
How to Write a Research Paper
Establish topic, look for sources, take notes, organize ideas, write first draft, use footnotes & endnotes, write bibliography, revise first draft, and proofread final draft.
A Letter to Research Students - 7 pages, in PDF
By Duane A. Bailey, Department of Computer Science
Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Organizational hints include: Reading is fundamental, Writing is fundamental.
Library Resources and Methods of
Research: Methods of Research
Ithaca College, NY
Before your start, Search Strategy, Evaluating sources. Emphasis on having a good search strategy, includes
Flowchart of a Search Strategy.
Library Starter Kit: Solving the Research Puzzle and
How to Do Research in the Library
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
Quick guide on how to start constructing your research paper, Tutorial for using the Web for research,
Research help arranged by topic, Citations and references, MLA and APA style guides.
Online Writing Lab
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Tutorial Center for Writers. Online Writing Labs (OWLs), Internet Search Tools, Resources for Writers and
Teachers, Purdue Resources, Links to other WWW writing resources.
Principles of
Capital Community College, Hartford, CT
The Writing Process (Outlining, Sense of
Purpose, Avoiding Plagiarism, Formatting Papers, Deadly Sins Checklist), Structural Considerations (Thesis
Statement, Conclusions, Five-Paragraph Essay), Patterns of Composition (Comparison & Contrast, Cause & Effect, Argumentative Essay).
Procedure for Writing a Term Paper
The Division of Student Affairs
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Written by Alton L. Raygor of University of Minnesota
Choosing a subject, Finding sources of materials, Gathering the notes, Outlining the paper, Writing the first
draft, Editing the paper.
Student Writing Support - Center for Writing
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Documentation (APA, CSE - formerly CBE, Chicago, MLA), Writing Process, Style and Grammar, Punctuation. Available in web version and PDF.
QuickStudy: Library Research Guide
University of Minnesota Libraries, St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN
Learn How to Use the Library: Starting Your Research, Designing a Research Strategy, Find Books, Articles,
Web Sites, Facts, Reviews, and More, Evaluating and Citing Sources, and Searching the MLA International
Bibliography. Includes an Instructor's Manual for QuickStudy.
Research 101
University of Washington Information Literacy Learning
An interactive online tutorial for students wanting an introduction to research skills. The tutorial covers the
basics, including how to select a topic and develop research questions, as well as how to select, search for, find,
and evaluate information sources.
Research and Documenting
Sources - OWL: Handouts
Purdue University Online Writing Lab
Handouts and exercises on research skills and resources and the writing of research papers.
Produced by Bigchalk Corporation, New York, NY
Large collection of topics, ideas, and assistance for school related research projects.
The Seven Steps of the Research
Olin and Uris Libraries, Cornell University, Ithaca NY.
The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (8th edition 2007) (Hardcover) by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper
The St. Martin's Guide to Writing: Short (7th edition 2004) by Rise B. Axelrod, and Charles R. Cooper
St. Martin's Guide to Writing, 7th ed. See also 6th ed.
Free registration as a student or
instructor to use guide. Contents include: Critical Reading Guides. Why writing is important. How writing is
learned. Writing activities. Critical thinking, writing, and research strategies. Writing for assessment.
Untangling the Web. Online Research. Writer's Links. Instructor's Resources.
Style guide
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Ten Steps to a Research Paper
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Guide to assist undergraduates in their research paper assignments from defining a topic, identifying and
accessing relevant information, to citing the sources.
Ten Tips on Essay Writing
By Jan Sellers, University of Kent, OH
Explore the question, Reading, thinking, weight-lifting, Planning, Drafting, Keep checking, Sleep on it, Final
draft, Deadlines, Learn from feedback on essays, and "I prefer my own approach."
Term Paper Research: Getting
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
A brief and concise research strategy.
The Writers' Workshop
Department of English, Northern Illinois University.
Students' Resources include Editor's Grammar and Mechanics, Quoting and Quotations, Citing Sources: The
MLA Way, and Plagiarism: A MUST read. See also Tutors' Resources, Instructors' Resources, and Visitors'
Writing and Study Skills Program
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
Study Skills Quick Notes. Essay/Report Writing Guides: Writing Essays, Writing Abstracts, Writing Reviews, MLA Format, APA Format, Annotated Bibliographies (APA), Proofreading, Plagiarism, and more.