A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Abbreviations of Months of the Year,
Days of the Week, and
Other Abbreviations of Time

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Abbreviations of Months of the Year

Please note: Abbreviations used on this page denote common usage unrelated to documenting sources. When documenting sources using MLA style, the months with four or fewer letters, e.g. May, June, and July are not abbreviated, the remaining months Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. are abbreviated. When documenting sources using APA style, no abbreviations are used, all months are spelled out in full.

1.   January - Jan. 2.   February - Feb.
3.   March - Mar. 4.   April - Apr.
5.   May - May  6.   June - Jun.
7.   July - Jul. 8.   August - Aug.
9.   September - Sep. or Sept. 10.  October - Oct.
11.  November - Nov. 12.  December - Dec.

See also:

Seasons of the Year

(Typically in North America)

spring - March, April, May
summer - June, July, August
autumn or fall - September, October, November
winter - December, January, February

See also:

Abbreviations of Days of the Week

1.  Sunday - Sun. 2.  Monday - Mon.
3.  Tuesday - Tu., Tue., or Tues. 4.  Wednesday - Wed.
5.  Thursday - Th., Thu., Thur., or Thurs. 6.  Friday - Fri.
7.  Saturday - Sat.

See also:

Other Abbreviations of Time

second - sec. minute - min.
hour - hr. week - wk.
ante meridiem (before noon) - a.m. post meridiem (after noon) - p.m. 
midnight - 12:00 a.m. noon - 12:00 p.m.
month - mo. year - yr.
century - cent. before Christ - BC or B.C. (e.g. 30 BC)
anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) after birth of Christ - AD or A.D.
(e.g. AD 2008)
before common era - BCE or B.C.E. (same as BC)
(e.g. 30 BCE)
common era - CE or C.E. (Christian Era, same as AD)
(e.g. 2008 CE)

See also:

Abbreviations of Time References from English Plus+.
