![]() Reference Site Map |
apprenticesearch.com. Search for opportunities and information about the skilled trades in Ontario: Peel - Halton - Dufferin, Hamilton, Guelph - Cambridge, Kitchener - Waterloo, Mitchell - St. Marys - Listowel, and Stratford. Option to register as an Employer or a Job Seeker. Take an Employability Skills quiz. Visit About Trades to find descriptions of occupations, plus tips on becoming an apprentice. Trades categorized under four sectors: 1. Construction Sector - Bricklayer, Electrician, Carpenter (general), Plumber, Roofer, etc. 2. Industrial Sector - General Machinist, Industrial Woodworker, Mould Maker, Tool & Die Maker, etc. 3. Motive Power Sector - Auto Body Collision & Damage Repairer, Motor Vehicle Mechanic/Automotive Service Technician, etc. and 4. Service Sector - Baker, Cook, Hairstylist, Radio & TV Service Technician, etc.
AUCC. The web site of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada provides an index, links, map locations and descriptions of Canadian institutions as well as information about the post-secondary education system for the domestic and international student.
Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation (CMSF). Created by the federal government, the Foundation provides a range of bursaries, awards and scholarships to improve access to Canadian post-secondary education. Since 1998, the Foundation has distributed more than $1.6 billion in funding to more than half a million students across Canada. In its 2008 budget, the Government of Canada declared its intention not to renew the CMSF after its initial mandate is complete. As a result, the Foundation’s ability to make awards to students will expire in January 2010. For High School Students. For College and University Students.
Canada Student Loans and Grants. The Canada Student Loans Program provides loans and grants to Canadians attending a University, College, Trade School, or Vocational School, if you need help financing your education. Budget 2008 and Student Financial Assistance.
Canada Student Loans, Grants and Scholarships - How to Apply from Government of Canada, CanLearn.ca. CanLearn is the only online post-secondary education resource that provides Canadians with the information and services they need to decide what and where to study and how to cover the costs. Forms and Publications.
Canadian Universities. Links to Universities, Associations and university related sites in Canada. Includes Maclean's magazine rankings: 1999, 2000, maps of Canadian campuses, universities in the United States, and world universities.
CanLearn. Explore learning and education opportunities. Includes: Government Student Loans, Bursaries, Grants, Scholarship Search, and more.
CareerCruising.com. An interactive career reference guide providing in-depth profiles of hundreds of different careers, multimedia interviews with real people in over 800 careers, career search tools, and database of colleges and universities. Ask your Guidance Counsellor for Username and Password if available.
College Board's Scholarship Search for U.S. students. Locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Database of more than 2,300 sources of college funding, totaling nearly $3 billion in available aid.
College Savings Plans Network (CSPN) for U.S. students. CSPN is a national non-profit association dedicated to making college more accessible and affordable for families. Site provides detailed information about 529 college savings plans and allows you to compare plans across the U.S. Goal is to help you find the plan that best meets your long-term needs and financial goals. What is a 529? Plans are named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code and are administered by state agencies and organizations.College Cost Calculator.
College Search in the United States.
College Search Engine. CollegeSearchEngine.org offers the capability to search colleges using advanced custom search utility. Search colleges in United States, Canada, England, and Puerto Rico.
CollegeView. College search tool and university selection guide. Search college by location in U.S. and Canada, search by major, and/or school type.
FastWeb.com. Search engine for finding scholarships and awards in the United States.
LifeWorks: Explore health and medical science careers. Check out Career Finder to discover the work that fits your life best. Career Finder sifts through 108 possibilities and creates a list of jobs for you to explore based on your interests and skills.
Match 25 - Scholarship Search from CollegeNet.com. Search a $1.6 billion scholarship database in the U.S. Use Keyword Search or Profile Search.
Mazemaster. The Mazemaster® provides access to up-to-date employment, training and educational information for youths. Site hosts a vast number of resources, including self assessment and job opportunities.
MySchool101.com. Canada's premier student portal web site. Find information on undergraduate and graduate universities and colleges, scholarships, careers and jobs.
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) for U.S. students. Cash for College - 12 pages in PDF provides answers to questions, e.g. What is financial aid? How do I get financial aid? Where do I get a FAFSA? Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Need-based and merit-based aid. How do I apply for Private Scholarships?
OCAS. The Ontario College Application Service is the central clearinghouse of applications to colleges in Ontario. All applications are processed through this organization. The site provides details about application procedures as well as links to college home pages, we wll as other informative links.
OSCA. The Ontario School Counsellors' Association is the professional organization of teacher-counsellors in the elementary and secondary schools of Ontario. The OSCA provides numerous links to information regarding education and careers in Canada. This site is highly recommended.
OUAC. The Ontario Universities' Application Centre is the central clearinghouse of application to universities in Ontario. All undergraduate applicaions as well as applications to medical schools and law faculties are administered through this organization. The site provides details about many application procedures as well as links to university home pages.
Petersons.com. Search for Colleges and Universities, Graduate Schools, Online Degree, Private Schools in the United States. Also offer information on school admissions, financial aid and scholarships, and career guidance. Undergraduate Scholarship Search. Graduate Scholarship Search.
ScholarshipsCanada.com. Free scholarship search engine to help match you up with potential scholarships and awards.
SchoolFinder.com. Site offers students access to a large number of resources such as university searches, scholarship links, virtual campus tours and career information.
SchoolsInCanada.com. Schools in Canada is dedicated to undergraduate degree and diploma programs in Canada. In depth information is provided on Canadian business, engineering, fine arts, science, teacher education, nursing and health programs, as well as general university and college overviews. This site allows students to search for universities and colleges in each province by discipline. Brief descriptions of each institution are provided including web links to each school.
Student Awards.com. Find out what scholarships and awards you may be eligible for with this very helpful free search engine
Working in Mental Health in Ontario. Community Mental Health Careers in Ontario. Site includes Job postings at the local and regional level, Student placement opportunities, and Listing of Ontario College and University programs offering mental health training, grants and scholarships.