A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Biomes and Ecozones

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º Biomes and Ecozones - General Resources
º Alpine or Mountain Biomes
º Aquatic, Tidal, Estuarine (Estuary), Marine, Ocean, or Water Biomes
º Chaparral Biomes
º Desert Biomes
º Ecozones of Canada
º Grassland or Savanna Biomes
º Natural Regions of Canada
º Temperate, Boreal, Coniferous, Deciduous Forest, Taiga, or Woodland Biomes
º Tropical Rainforest Biomes
º Tundra Biomes

Biomes and Ecozones - General Resources

Biomes. A biome is a large, distinctive complex of plant communities created and maintained by climate. How many biomes are there?

Biomes. Lots of color photographs of Terrestrial Biomes, Un-Biome: Polar / Alpine, Tundra, Boreal Forest (Taiga), Temperate Forest, Grasslands (Steppes), Woodland (Chaparral), Desert, Tropical Deciduous Forest and Savannah, Tropical Rain Forest, and Temperate Rain Forest.

Biomes. Web pages developed by some 70 Grade 9 students at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon. Each page deals with one biome under these categories: Animals, Plants, Climate, and Health Issues.

Biomes - Habitats from EnchantedLearning.com. Site provides information on: Arctic Biome, Desert Biome, Chaparral or Scrub Taiga = Coniferous Forests, Grassland, Tropical Rainforest, Pond, Ocean, Antarctic, Tundra, Cave, City, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Savanna, Prairie, Freshwater, Marsh, Swamp, Intertidal Zone, and Coral Reef. You can also print out a monthly Biomes Calendar.

Biomes of the World from TeachersFirst.com. An on-line research project for middle school or advanced upper elementary students. Categories include: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Rainforest, Fresh Water, Tundra, Ocean, Savannah, and Desert.

Biomes of the World from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). Click on Rainforest, Tundra, Taiga, Desert, Temperate, or Grasslands to see details of each Biome. See also Freshwater Ecosystems (Rivers & Streams, Ponds & Lakes, Wetlands), and Marine Ecosystems (Shorelines, Temperate Oceans, Tropical Oceans).

Canadian Atlas Online: Ecozones. Canada contains 15 terrestrial and 5 maritime ecozones, arranged here as follows: Arctic and Taiga, Pacific and Western Mountains, Central Plains, Boreal Shield, Mixedwood Plains, and Atlantic. Site is not very user-friendly for younger students.

Canada's Ecozones. Canadian Biodiversity Website from Redpath Museum, McGill University. Ecozones: 1. Arctic Cordillera, 2. Northern Arctic, 3. Southern Arctic, 4. Taiga Plains, 5. Taiga Shield, 6. Boreal Shield, 7. Atlantic Maritime, 8. Mixedwood Plains, 9. Boreal Plains, 10. Prairies, 11. Taiga Cordillera, 12. Boreal Cordillera, 13. Pacific Maritime, 14. Montane Cordillera, 15. Hudson Plains, 16. Arctic Basin (Marine), 17. Pacific (Marine), 18. Atlantic (Marine), 19. Northwest Atlantic (Marine), 20. Arctic Archipelago (Marine). Physical Conditions in Canada: Precipitation, Temperature, The Arctic Circle, Geology and geography.

Earth Floor. Site includes information on commonly found Biomes: Arctic Tundra Biome, Mid-Latitude Deciduous Forest Biome, Desert Biome, Tropical Rainforest Biome, Tropical Savannah Biome, and Taiga Biome. A map shows the locations of these biomes in different colors.

Ecosystem Management. Parks Canada Environmental Conservation Programs. Within national parks, efforts are directed at maintaining ecosystems in as natural a state as possible. Menu: Ecological Integrity, Ecosystem Monitoring, Ecosystem Fragmentation, Ecosystem Restoration, Ecosystem Protection, and Ecosystem-Based Management. See also National Parks of Canada.

Ecosystems from Environment Canada covering Atlantic Coastal, Georgia Basin, Great Lakes, Northern Rivers, Northern Canada, Saint Lawrence, and Wetlands.

Ecosystmes and Habitats from Environment Canada.

Ecosystems / Biomes. From Geography World. Numerous links to related sites.

Habitats / Biomes from abcteach.com. Classroom activities on Coral Reef, Pond, Desert, Rain Forest, Grassland, Tundra / Arctic, Kelp Forest, Wetland, Ocean.

Introduction to Biomes. Biomes are the major regional groupings of plants and animals discernible at a global scale.

An Introduction to Ecozones of Canada by E. B. Wiken, Marine Ecozones of Canada, Terrestrial Ecozones of Canada, Terrestrial Ecozone Statistics, and Terrestrial Ecosystems of North America.

Listening to Nature: A Sound Walk Across California. From collection of Library of Natural Sounds at Oakland Museum of California. Sounds are organized to represent differing natural communities encountered as one goes inland from the coast, towards and over the Sierra Nevada to the Great Basin. Listen to sounds of Marbled Godwit, Elephant Seal, Western Gull, California Sea Lion, Steller's Jay, Hermit Thrush, Spotted Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Varied Thrush, Great Horned Owl, Pacific Treefrog, Bewick's Wren, Field Cricket, Lazuli Bunting, Red-Winged Blackbird, American Coot, Snow Goose, Tundra Swan, Western Meadowlark, Red-Tailed Hawk, Tree Cricket, Acorn Woodpecker, Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Red-Breasted Sapsucker, Black-Headed Grosbeak, Coyote, Sage Grouse, House Finch, Gambel's Quail, Cactus Wren, Red-Spotted Toad, and Black-Throated Sparrow.

Montreal Biodome from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also Biodome de Montreal from Trip Advisor: the educational and entertaining Biodome consists of four different ecological habitats - rain forest, polar, marine and forest - where visitors can see the plants and animals native to each ecosystem. The polar penguins and puffins and the tropical monkeys and parrots will enthrall children and adults alike.

Montreal Biodome at AllExperts. Replicas of four ecosystems found in the Americas:

Narrative Descriptions of Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada. See Map of Canada's ecozones. Terrestrial ecozones include: Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic, Taiga Plains, Taiga Shield, Boreal Shield, Atlantic Maritime, Maxedwood Plains, Boreal Plains, Prairies, Taiga Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera, Pacific Maritime, Montane Cordillera, and Hudson Plains.

Nature and Wildlife from Environment Canada. Contents: Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystems and Habitats, Wildlife Topics: Amphibians and Reptiles, Birds, Fish, Flora, Insects, Mammals.

Nature Conservancy of Canada: Ecoregion Map. NCC is a private non-profit organization which works for the direct protection of Canada's biodiversity. View a Conservation Blueprint for each of the following Ecoregions:
Northern Appalachians-Acadia
St. Lawrence Lowland
Great Lakes
Superior-Lake of the Woods
Northern Tallgrass Prairie
Prairies and Parklands
Canadian Rocky Mountains
Central Interior
Puget Trough-Willamette Valley-Georgia Basin
Pacific Northwest Coast
North Cascades and Pacific Ranges
Coastal Forests & Mountains of Southeast Alaska and B.C.

Online Conservation Resources.

Plants & Animals from Environmental Kids Club. Animals and Plants in the Chesapeake Bay.

The Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Contents: Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Paricutin Volcano, and The Northern Lights.

The Sierra Club: 21 Critical Ecoregions. Tailored to the particular needs of each ecosystem, 21 regional plans aim to restore the ecological health of the planet through concrete local action. View details on each of the following Ecoregions:

Alaska Rainforest
American Southeast
Atlantic Coast
Boreal Forest
Central Appalachia
Colorado Plateau
Great Basin
Great Lakes
Hudson/James Bay
Interior Highland
Mississippi Basin
North American Prairie
Northern Forest
Pacific Coast
Pacific Northwest
Rocky Mountains
Sierra Nevada
Southern Appalachia
Southwest Deserts.

Terrestrial Ecozones of Canada. The 15 Canadian Terrestrial Ecozones are: Taiga Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera, Pacific Maritime, Montane Cordillera, Boreal Plains, Taiga Plains, Prairie, Taiga Shield, Boreal Shield, Hudson Plains, Mixedwood Plains, Atlantic Maritime, Southern Arctic, Northern Arctic, and Arctic Cordillera.

Wildlife Pictures from Africa. Selection of wildlife pictures was taken in Botswana (Tuli Block and Chobe National Park), South Africa (Kruger National Park and the game reserves of KwaZulu-Natal), and Zambia's Lower Zambezi National Park. Include photos of Elephant, Lion, Giraffe, Zebras, Antelope, Buffalo, Baboon, Monkey, Hyena, Rhino, Bird, Leopard, Hippo, Cheetah, Mongoose, Warthog, Baby Animals.

World Biomes.com. Covers 5 of the major world biomes: Aquatic, Desert, Forest, Grasslands, and Tundra. Site gives a definition of a biome, provides a Map of World Biomes, and a very informative FAQ section with answers to 20 Frequently Asked Questions.

World Wide Biome Project. Research/Project Results. See student gathered research from ecosystems around the world. View project data from the following biomes: Polar Ice Cap Biome, Equatorial African Biome, Temperate Rainforest Biome, Desert Biome, Chaparral Biome, Temperate Deciduous Biome, and Boreal Coniferous Biome.

The World's Biomes. Biomes are defined as "the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment" (Campbell 1996). It is important to preserve all types of biomes as each houses many unique forms of life. From University of California Museum of Paleontology.

Your Key to the Biomes from Living SchoolBook, Syracuse University. Select the Biome you wish to explore: Fresh Water, Tundra, Deserts, Grasslands, Tropical Rain Forest, Coniferous Forest, Marine, and Temperate Deciduous Forests. Includes a CyberZoo Animal List and Biome World Map.

Alpine or Mountain Biomes

Alpine Links take you to other Websites about Alpine Biomes. (Pop-up ads).

Mountain Biome. Mountains cover about 20% of the Earth's surface and are found on all continents and in all oceans.

Mountain Biomes. Diagram showing a mountain biome with vegetation and animals similar to global biomes but over much smaller areas.

Aquatic, Tidal, Estuarine (Estuary), Marine, Ocean, or Water Biomes

Aquatic Biomes. There are two types of aquatic biomes: marine regions and freshwater regions. Site includes Aquatic Biome Images.

Aquatic Environments. Aquatic life is dependent on access to sunlight and nourishing chemicals that are dissolved in the water. The availability of these elements limits the numbers of life forms that live in different areas. See also Under Water Communities, Seaweeds: Algae in the Water, Aquatic Zoology: Animals that Live Under Water.

Aquatic Wildlife. Photographs of Fish, Crabs, Mudskippers, and Star Fish.

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System. Find rivers by province or territory, by name of river, or click on the river's name on the map for more information.

Marine Protected Areas. Learn more about the Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area and more.

Discover the Seashore. A Fascinating Place, The Intertidal: A Land between the Tides, An Incredible Wealth of Life, Find the Seashore Habitats, Investigate the Species of the Rocky Shore, Species of the Sandy Beach, and Species of the Sand Dunes, and more.

Estuaries: Habitat for Wildlife. Where are Canada's estuaries? Why do plants flourish in estuaries? The estuarine food web, Plants in estuaries, Animals in estuaries. Includes map, drawings, illustrations and photos. See also Species and Wetlands.

Exploring Estuaries from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Estuaries are places where freshwater rivers and streams flow into the ocean, mixing with the seawater. A wide variety of birds, fish, and other wildlife make estuaries their home.

The Freshwater Biome. Freshwater is defined as having a low salt concentration, usually less than 1%. Different types of freshwater regions: Ponds and lakes, Streams and rivers, Wetlands. Water is the common link among the major types of biomes and it makes up the largest part of the biosphere, covering nearly 75% of the Earth’s surface. From University of California Museum of Paleontology.

Freshwater Biome includes inland bodies of water called ponds, lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams.

The Fresh Water Biome from Living SchoolBook. Anwers to Questions for the Experts, Where is the fresh water biome found? What geological events are related to the formation of this biome? What animals are found in this biome? What is the weather and climate like in this biome? What plant communities dominate this biome? See also Animals of the Freshwater Biome.

Fresh Water from TeachersFirst.com. Interesting information about fresh water, e.g. "The place where fresh and salt-water meet are called estuaries" plus links to Web resources related to water biomes, e.g. Amazon River, Shorelines, Water: From Sky to Sea, Colorado River Report, Half Barrel Pond, All Along a River, Living Lakes, Freshwater Ecosystem, Life in a Pond, etc.

Freshwater Biome. The freshwater biome includes inland bodies of water called ponds, lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams.

Freshwater Ecosystems from Missouri Botanical Garden (BMGnet): Rivers and Streams, Ponds and Lakes, Wetlands.

Great Barrier Reef - stretches along the east coast of Queensland in Australia, is the world's largest coral reef. Over 2000 km (1250 miles) long, but is not a single reef at all. It is made up of over 2900 individual reefs very close to each other. Excellent photos.

Gulf of Maine: A Sea Beside a Sea. U.S. states and Canadian provinces that border the Gulf of Maine include Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Site also covers: Estuary: Where River Meets the Sea, Tidepool: Window into the Sea, and Beach: Ocean Battle Zone.

The Marine Biome. Marine regions cover about 3/4 of the Earth's surface and include oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. Marine algae supply much of the world's oxygen supply and take in a huge amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. From University of California Museum of Paleontology.

The Marine Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts. Animals of the Marine Biome.

Marine Ecosystems from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet): Shorelines, Temperate Oceans, Tropical Oceans.

Marine Mammals from Humane Society of the United States. A Closer Look at Marine Mammals: Dolphins and Other Small Cetaceans, Dugongs, Great Whales, Manatees, Orcas, Polar Bears, Right Whales, Sea Lions and Fur Seals, Sea Otters, Seals, Urban Marine Mammals.

Ocean AdVENTure: From Deep Sea to Deep Space. Learn about the fauna found in vents such as giant tube worms, extremophiles, and living fossils.

Ocean Biome. The ocean, the largest biome on Earth, covers more than 75% of the world's surface.

Ocean Biome by Bonnie Glasgold. Lesson topics include: What is the Ocean Biome? What is sand? What are characteristics of the shore? What are tides, ocean currents, kinds of marine animal life? What is a coral reef?

"Ocean Planet" Marine Life Facts from Smithsonian Institute. See also Threatened Habitats and Rece ntly Revealed: Unknown animals, like nothing ever seen, startle scientists.

Oiled Wildlife Care Network Frequently Asked Questions. Effects of Oil on Wildlife: What are the primary effects of oil on birds? What are the primary effects of oil on marine mammals? Can the ingestion of oil by wildlife be toxic? and other Q&A's.

Ponds and Lakes from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). All about ponds and lakes, Pond succession, Oxbow lakes, Five largest lakes, The Great Lakes, Algae, Ponds and lakes animals.

Rivers and Streams from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). What is a watershed? Watershed scientific concepts, How a stream becomes a river, When rivers run into the ocean, River zones, River creatures. Learn about additional freshwater animals, including insects, in the Aquatic Critters Slide Show.

Shorelines from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). Sandy shores, Barrier islands, Rocky shores, Tide pools, Estuaries, Salt marshes, Mud flats, Mangrove forests, Tides, Waves, Currents, Shorelines animals.

Temperate Oceans from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). Zonation, Light zones, Data, Forests, Patterns, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, How the ocean refreshes itself, Food from the sea, Dolphin safe tuna, Ocean animals.

Tropical Oceans from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). More about coral reefs, Where are coral reefs? Threats to coral reefs, Coral reefs in Belize, Tropical oceans animals.

Tsunami. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Tsunami Website. "A tsunami is a series of ocean waves generated by sudden displacements in the sea floor, landslides, or volcanic activity." Contents: Tsunami Basics, Big Picture, Warning, Preparedness, Hazard Assessment, Education, Animations.

Tsunami Definition. Mega Tsunami: The Tidal Wave That Brings Havoc and Destruction.

U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program. Includes photographs: Beluga, Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Dall's Porpoise, Killer Whales, Pinnipeds, California Sea Lions, Seals, and more.

Wetlands from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). What are fresh water wetlands? Importance of wetlands, Wetlands in danger! Crooked tree, Corkscrew swamp, Wetland animals.

Chaparral Biomes

Chaparral is the dominant habitat found in the mountains of Southern California.

Chaparral Biome: California, United States. Student Science Fair Project by Patrick Toney, Poway Elementary School, CA.

Hard Chaparral and Soft Chaparral. Plant Communities of Mount Diablo State Park, one of the ecological treasures of the San Francisco Bay Area in California.

Listening to Nature: A Sound Walk Across California. From collection of Library of Natural Sounds at Oakland Museum of California. Sounds are organized to represent differing natural communities encountered as one goes inland from the coast, towards and over the Sierra Nevada to the Great Basin. Listen to sounds of House Finch, Gambel's Quail, Cactus Wren, Red-Spotted Toad, Black-Throated Sparrow, Coyote, Acorn Woodpecker, and others.

Desert Biomes

Desert from Missouri Botanical Garden. What is a desert? Types of deserts? Where are deserts located? Deserts of the world, Desert plants, Desert animals.

Desert Animals & Wildlife from Desert USA. Desert Animal Survival. Desert Plants & Wildflowers. Desert Environment & Geology: Rocks, Gems & Minerals. People & Cultures of the Southwest.

Desert Biome. Deserts are areas that have experienced extreme droughts leaving large bodies of sand and rock. They occupy about 20% of the Earth's surface and can be found on all continents.

The Desert Biome. Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth’s surface and occur where rainfall is less than 50 cm per year. From University of California Museum of Paleontology.

The Desert Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts, Answers to: Where is the desert biome found? What geological events are related to the formation of this biome? What animals are found in this biome? What is the weather and climate like in this biome? What plant communities dominate this biome? Animals found in the Desert Biome.

Desert Biomes. Site provides information on Hot Deserts and Cold Deserts. Includes A Food Web in the Desert Biome.

Desert Biomes. Information on Arid, and Semi-Arid Desert, as well as Coastal and Cold Deserts. Includes Map of World Biomes, and Images of Desert Biomes.

The Desert Biome. Deserts have a varied species of animals that have adapted to the harsh climate of the desert. Topics covered: Climate, Animals, Plants, and Health Issues.

How Droughts Affect Us. Drought also causes environmental losses because of forest fires; soil erosion; damage to plants, animals, and their habitat; and air and water quality decline. Impacts of Drought - Environmental Impacts - Damage to animal species.

Sahara Crosser's Corner. Art Gallery - a glimpse of what the Sahara looks like.

Ecozones of Canada

Ecozones. Ecozone. Ecosystem. Ecosphere. What’s the difference between all these “ecowords”?

EcoZones, EcoRegions, and EcoDistricts. Canada is grouped according to broad ecological similarities into 15 EcoZones. The EcoZone framework is divided into a total of 194 EcoRegions (217 polygons). EcoRegions are further subdivided into EcoDistricts known also as Land Resource Areas. Each EcoDistrict is characterized by homogeneous biophysical and climatic conditions.

Ecozones of Canada. Introduction to Canadian Ecozones.

Grassland or Savanna Biomes

The Grassland Biome. Characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees. There are two main divisions of grasslands: tropical grasslands, called savannas, and temperate grasslands.

Grassland Biome. In North America, grasslands are also called plains or prairies. In Asia, they are called steppes. In South America, grasslands are called pampas, llanos, or cerrados. In Africa, grasslands are called savannahs or velds. In Australia, they are called rangelands.

The Grassland Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts. Animals of the Grassland Biome.

Grassland Biomes are unaltered areas of land where grass is the dominant plant life. Includes: Map of World Biomes, Images of Grassland Biomes, short description of categories: praries, steppe, and savanna.

Grasslands from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet). What are grasslands like? Types of grasslands, Grasslands of the world, Grassland plants, Grassland animals.

Grasslands of the Canadian Prairies. Tallgrass Prairie, Mixed Prairie, Fescue Prairie, and Sandhills.

Grasslands Region: Alberta, Canada. Grasslands comprise 14% of the Province of Alberta. Includes photo of Grasslands and links to other Grassland Webpages.

The Prairie Ecosystem from Environment Canada.

The Praries Ecozone from Environment Canada. The Prairies Ecozone is often characterized as flat, rural, wheat- and oil-producing, or cold. Contents: Ecosystem Overview - Great Plains, Landforms and Climate, Wildlife, Plants, Human Activities.

Natural Regions of Canada

leaf National Parks of Canada. List of National Parks of Canada by Alphabetical Order. List of National Parks of Canada by Province/Territory.

Temperate, Boreal, Coniferous, Deciduous Forest, Taiga, or Woodland Biomes

Boreal Forest. Interior Alaska is part of a boreal forest ecosystem that also stretches across Russia, Canada, Scandinavia, and parts of the Korean Peninsula, China, Mongolia and Japan.

Boreal Forest Region: Alberta, Canada. The Boreal Forest Region comprises 48% of the Province of Alberta. Includes a Boreal Forest photo from Northern Alberta, plus links to other Boreal Forest Webpages, such as Taiga: The Canadian Boreal Forest, Vanishing Old-Growth Forests, Ontario Forestry, and others.

Boreal Forest Succession: An Alaskan Case Study from iwebquest.com. What happens to a forest after it has been wiped out?

Boreal Forest (Taiga) represents the largest terrestial biome. Seasons are divided into short, moist, and moderately warm summers, and long, cold, dry winters. The length of the growing season in boreal forests is 130 days.

Canada's Boreal Ecosystem consists of the Boreal Shield and Boreal Plains Ecozones. Site includes a Map of the Boreal Ecozone, Ecovignette Posters of the Boreal Shield, and Boreal Plains Ecozones. Plus Protected Areas: National Wildlife Areas, Ramsar Sites, WHSRN Sites, and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries.

The Common Conifers of Southeast Alaska. Forest Facts. The temperate rain forest of the panhandle of Alaska is widely known for its lush vegetation. See also Plants, Animals, Fish and Birds of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska.

Coniferous Forest from TeachersFirst.com. "Coniferous means cone bearing." Description of a coniferous forest plus links to Web resources on coniferous forest.

The Coniferous Forest Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts, Answers to Where is the coniferous forest biome found? What geological events are related to the formation of this biome? What animals are found in the coniferous forest biome? What is the weather and climate like in this biome? What plant communities dominate this biome? Animals of the Coniferous Forest.

Deciduous Forest from TeachersFirst.com. Deciduous forests consist of trees that do not bear cones. Description of a deciduous forest plus links to Web resources on deciduous forest.

Discover Rainforests. Rainforest in Canada! Where? The Rainforest Recipe, What Does It Look Like? Rainforests around the World, It's in the Leaves, Discover Rainforests Habitats, and more.

Endemic Plant Diversity - Endemic plants are those plants found only in Canada. Land Cover Diversity, Protecting Forests, Tree Species by Ecoregion and Wetlands and Forests - Click on Read Map Description or Statistics then the location to view details.

The Evergreen Coniferous Forest. Evergreen coniferous forests, which are also called taiga, begin where tundra gives way to trees. Rainfall in this biome varies from 12 to 33 inches a year.

Forest Biome. Forests can be divided into five main categories: coniferous forest, deciduous forest, mixed leaved forest, Mediterranean forest, and tropical rainforests.

Forest Biomes. Information on Boreal, or Taiga biomes, and Temperate Deciduous Forest. Includes Images of Forest Biomes.

Taiga from Missouri Botanical Garden (MBGnet).

Taiga Animal Printouts. Description of a taiga biome plus information and pictures about mammals, birds, and insects found in cold taiga biomes: Ant, Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Arctic Wolf, Badger, Bald Eagle, Beaver, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Canada Goose, Caribou, Dall Sheep, Deer, Earthworm, Ermine, Fox, Gray Wolf, Great Horned Owl, Husky, Lemming, Lynx, Malamute, Moose, Musk Ox, Muskrat, Red-Tailed Hawk, Reindeer, Scorpion, Short-Tailed Weasel, Snow Goose, Snowy Owl, Squirrel, Weasel, White-Tailed Deer, Wolf, Wolverine, and Woodland Caribou.

The Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts, Answers to: Where is this biome found? What geological events are related to the formation of this biome? What animals are found in this biome? What is the weather and climate like in this biome? What plant communities dominate this biome? Animals of the Temperate Deciduous Forests.

Temperate Forests. What is a Temperate Forest like? Where are they located? What colors are certain leaves in the fall? Autumn Leaf Scrapbook, Forest Animals, and Temperate Links.

Temperate Forest: The Forest Biome occurs in eastern North America, northeastern Asia, and western and central Europe. Well-defined seasons with a distinct winter characterize this forest biome.

Temperate rain forest from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Temperate Rain Forests from U.S. National Park Service. Ocean-Born Forests, Recipe for Olympic National Park's Temperate Rain Forest, Where to See Temperate Rain Forests, Common Trees, Shrubs.

Temperate Rain Forests. Temperate rain forests are found on the western edge of North and South America, where moist air from the Pacific Ocean drops between 60 and 200 inches of rain a year. Site Description, Abiotic, Plant, Animal Data, and Conclusions. See also A Food Chain in the Temperate Rain Forest Biome and A Food Pyramid in the Temperate Rain Forest Biome.

Woodland Explorer. Explore Leaves, Branches, Bark, and Woodland Floor. Lots of color illustrations of plants and animals.

Tropical Rainforest Biomes

African Savanna/Tropical Rainforest Biomes: Oyugis, Kenya, Africa. Mr. Rapemo coordinated students from several schools to do this ecological study through a community based project called Catek. Contents: Catek in Kenya, Climatogram of Kenya, Site Photos and Map, Tables of Findings, and Conclusions.

Amazon's Rescue Reversed. Article by Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro, The Guardian. Space imaging gives the lie to Brazil's recent 'great achievement' of halting rainforest destruction.

The Disappearing Rainforests. Rainforest Facts from rain-tree.com. "Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% ... One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries."

Exploring the Tropics. Contents include: Are All Tropical Forests, Rain Forests? Tropical Rain Forest Layers, Effects of Elevation on Climate and Vegetation, Plant Adaptations to the Tropical Rain Forest, Plant and Animal Interactions, Biological Diversity, Economic and Interesting Plants of the Tropics, People of the Tropical Rain Forest, Causes of Destruction, What You Can Do, and Learn More about Tropical Rain Forests.

The Future of the Rainforests from Tropical American Tree Farms, a company that plants and grows tropical hardwoods for profit in Costa Rica. "At the present rate of tropical deforestation, the world's remaining tropical rainforests will vanish in just 30 years."

How Rainforests Work - Video (1:59 min.) from Howstuffworks. How Rainforests Work from How Stuff Works. What is a Rainforest? The Forest for the Trees, All Creatures, Great and Small, and Deforestation.

Importance of the Tropical Rainforest Canopy by Steve Nix, Forestry.About.com. "Rain forests are 'cradles of diversity'. They spawn and support 50 percent of all living organisms on Earth even though they cover less than 5% of Earth's surface."

Protect the World's Forests from Rainforest Action Network (RAN). Rainforests in the Classroom Factsheets for Students include:

Rain Forest from abcteach.com. Information and classroom activities on rainforests, including Plant Life in the Rain Forest, Color photos of birds native to the rain forest.

Rainforest from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Rainforest. Two types of Rainforests: Temperate and Tropical. Where are Rainforests located? What are Rainforests like? Exploring the Tropical Rainforest. Tropical Plants. Tropical Animals. Rainforest Links.

Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen Forest: The Rainforest by Dr. Susan L. Woodward, Radford University, VA. The tropical rainforest is earth's most complex biome in terms of both structure and species diversity. Article also points out characteristics that distinguish tropical species of trees from those of temperate forests.

Tropical, or Rainforest. The rainforest is the most ecologically rich of the world's biomes. Rainforests are generally found at the equatorial level of the planet. Daylight in the rainforest lasts for 12 hours. There is no winter.

Tropical Forest: The Forest Biome occurs near the equator, within the area bounded by latitudes 23.5 ° N and 23.5 ° S. One of the major characteristics of tropical forests is their distinct seasonality: winter is absent, and only two seasons are present - rainy and dry.

The Tropical Rain Forest Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts. Animals of the Tropical Rainforest Biome.

Tr opical Rain Forests. The tropical rain forest biome is one of the most productive areas on earth. More than half of the different kinds of animals and plants in the world live in the tropical rain forests. See also A Food Chain in the Tropical Rain Forest Biome.

Tropical rainforest from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Tropical Rainforests from TeachersFirst.com. "Tropical rainforests are located along the equator." Description of a tropical rainforest plus links to Web resources on tropical rainforests.

The Wild Habitat: The Rainforest. The rainforest is hot, humid, dark, and damp. It is home to many plants and animals. Learn more about the Baboon (Papio hamadryas), Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Jaguar (Panthera onca), Orangutan (Pongo pgymaues), Tapir (Tapirus tapirus), and Tiger (Panthera tigris).

The World's Remaining Great Forests by Jessica Aldred, guardian.co.uk. Interactive article: "The Planet's Vital Ecosystems" contains 2 pages.

Tundra Biomes

Alaska's Arctic, Arctic Circle, Maps of the Arctic Area, Arctic Links, Arctic Animals.

The Amazing Animals of the Tundra. A Hotlist of Animals on the Alaskan Tundra: Bald Eagle, Beaver, Black Bear, Caribou, Dall Sheep, Red Fox, Golden Eagle, Grizzly Bear, Ground Squirrel, Lemming, Loon, Lynx, Moose, Mosquito, Pika, Porcupine, Ptarmigan, Wolf. Include Latin name, photo, and online resources for each animal or insect.

The Amazing Plants of the Tundra. A Hotlist of Plants on the Alaskan Tundra.

Archaeology in Arctic North America. Topics covered: The Arctic Environment - characteristics, Doing fieldwork in the Arctic, Archaeological Sequence of the Arctic, Recent research in southern Baffin Island, and more.

leaf The Arctic by J. Giannetta, Saskatchewan. The Arctic begins at the North Pole and ends at the Arctic Circle. In Canada's north, parts of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut are in the Arctic.

The Arctic. View a beautiful slide-show of large color photos of Arctic animals, Arctic scenery, and people. Contents include: Arctic Information, Arctic History & Culture, Arctic Fauna & Flora, Arctic Lifestyle, Arctic Today, plus Q&A about Arctic cruising and related cruise information.

Arctic Animals. Each printout includes labels for body parts, brief description of the animal where relevant, e.g. fur, skin, anatomy, diet, classification, etc. Arctic Animals covered: Alaskan Malamute, Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Arctic Tern, Arctic Wolf, Beluga Whale, Dall Sheep, Ermine, Greenland Shark, Harp Seal, Killer Whale (Orca), Lemming, Moose, Musk Ox, Narwhal, Northern Fur Seal, Polar Bear, Puffin, Reindeer, Short-tailed Weasel, Snow Goose, Snowy Owl, Walrus, Wolverine, Woodland Caribou, and Zooplankton.

Arctic Animals and Lands for the Curious. Brief info from Inns North Hotels.

Arctic Circle: Natural Resources. Articles about the Arctic for the more advanced students. Titles include: Conserving the Caribou, The 'Lost' Reindeer of Arctic Alaska, The Nuuk Declaration - September 16, 1993, with links to CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora & Fauna) a Working Group of the AEPS (Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy).

Arctic Cordillera Ecozone - "Arctic Rockies" from Environment Canada. This ecozone occupies the northeastern fringe of the Northwest Territories and Labrador. Contents include: Ecosystem Overview, Landforms and Climate, Wildlife, Plants, and Human Activities.

The Arctic Ecosystem. In Canada, the Arctic Ecosystem consists of the Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic and Southern Arctic terrestrial ecozones, the Arctic Basin, Arctic Archipelago, and Northwest Atlantic marine ecozones. Site provides detailed information for each Arctic region on its Landforms and Climate, Plants, Wildlife, Human Activities, plus maps and links.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska. Aims to conserve wildlife and wilderness in northeast Alaska for present and future generations. Wildlifein the Arctic - The Refuge's wildlife includes 36 fish species, 36 land mammals, nine marine mammals, and more than 160 migratory and resident bird species. Mammals: Gray Wolf, Polar Bears, Brown Bears, Moose, Caribou, Muskoxen, Dall Sheep. Birds: Tundra Swans, Snow Geese, Peregrine Falcons, Bluethroats, Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Fish: Arctic Grayling, Dolly Varden, Arctic Cisco.

leaf Arctic Plantlife - How plants adapt to the Arctic, by J. Giannetta, Saskatchewan. Flowering plants: purple saxifrage, mountain avens, wild crocus, arctic poppies, buttercups, cinquefoil, moss campion, campanulas, arctic azaleas and arctic lupine. Other plants: mosses, grasses, herbs, lichens. Small shrubs: dwarf willow, arctic willow.

Arctic Studies Center - Arctic Wildlife Portfolio. The Arctic Studies Center is part of the Department of Anthropology, in the National Museum of Natural History, a section of the Smithsonian Institution.

Arctic Theme Page. A rich resource of data, graphics, forecasts, and other information about the Arctic from research institutions around the world. Includes:

leaf Arctic Wildlife - How animals are adapted to live in the Arctic, by J. Giannetta, Saskatchewan. Details on Polar bear, Caribou, Musk ox, Wolf, Wolverine, Arctic fox, Ermine, Lemming, Arctic hare, Arctic ground squirrel, Birds, Whales, Harp seal, Walrus.

Arctic Wildlife - Birds, Mammals, and Sea Mammals from Arctic Studies Center, a U.S. government program, established in 1988.

Arctic Wildlife Photos, and Antarctic Wildlife Photos.

Arctic Wildlife Refuge. See photos and information on: Polar Bear, Musk Ox, Caribou, Spectacled Eider, and Arctic Wolf.

Canada's Arctic. Canada's Polar Environments: Inland Waters, Land, Marine Waters, Sky (Optical Phenomenon), Climate, Maps, Canada's Polar Environments - Images: Ground Images, Satellite Images, Video, Images of Life: Freshwater Gallery, Marine Gallery, Terrestrial Gallery, and great related Links.

CANTTEX - Canadian Tundra and Taiga Experiment. The goal of CANTTEX is to increase our capabilty to detect and predict large-scale tundra and taiga ecosystem response to climate change.

The Land of the Midnight Sun: Exploring the Alaskan Tundra from iwebquest.com. Why it stays light late into the night during Alaska’s summers, Is the ground really frozen solid just a few inches below the soil? How do plants and animals survive the cold weather of the tundra?

Life in a Deep Freeze: How do animals survive the Arctic's c-c-cold winters? from National Geographic Explorer (Student Magazine).

Northwest Territories Wildlife & Animals. Photos: Bison, Cariboo, Goldeneye, Grizzly Bear and Cubs, Lynx, Moose Calf, Musk Oxen, Peregrine Falcon Chick, Polar Bear, Raven, Red Squirrel, Seal, Sheep, Sicsic (Camouflaged), and more.

Polar Ice Cap Biome: Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. Student project from Cobourg District Collegiate Institute West. Includes abiotic site description, plant and animal data.

The Tundra. The Tundra Biome provides examples of adaptation to extreme conditions. About a fifth of the land surface of the earth is tundra. The tundra biome is found next to the icy zones in the arctic. See also A Food Web in the Tundra Biome and An Energy Pyramid in the Tundra Biome.

Tundra. Where is the Tundra Located? Tundra Facts. Tundra Plants. Tundra Animals. Tundra Gallery. Tundra Links.

Tundra. There are two types of tundra in the world, Arctic and Alpine. The Arctic Tundra is at the top of the world around the North Pole. The tops of tall cold mountains are Alpine Tundra. Contents: Animals, Vegetation, Climate and Location, and Health Issues.

Tundra from TeachersFirst.com. Brief description of a tundra biome plus links to Web resources, e.g. Virtual Fieldtrip to Antarctica, CyberZoo: Tundra Biome, and Enchanted Learning: Tundra.

The Tundra Biome. Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain. Characteristics of Tundra. Two types of tundra: Arctic Tundra & Alpine Tundra.

The Tundra. The tundra is the simplest biome in terms of species composition and food chains.

Tundra Animal Printouts. Animals include: Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Arctic Tern, Arctic Wolf, Bighorn Sheep, Caribou, Dall Sheep, Ermine, Grasshopper, Hare, Lemming, Moose, Mosquito, Musk Ox, Polar Bear, Quoll, Reindeer, Short-Tailed Weasel, Snow Goose, Snowy Owl, Squirrel, Wolf, Wolverine, Woodland Caribou, and Woolly Rhinocerous.

Tundra Biome. The winters in the tundra can be as low as -57 degrees Celsius (-126 degrees F).

The Tundra Biome from Living SchoolBook. Questions for the Experts, Short answers to: Where is the tundra biome found? What geological events are related to the formation of this biome? What animals are found in the tundra biome? What is the weather and climate like in this biome? What plant communities dominate the tundra biome? Animals of the Tundra Biome.

Tundra Biomes. Tundra, the "ice desert", "frozen prairie", the cold plains of the Far North get their name from the Finnish word "tunturia", which means barren or treeless land. Information on Arctic Tundra and Alpine Tundra. Includes Images of Tundra Biomes.

Wild Arctic Activities. Site includes mazes, puzzles, games and activities about the Arctic. Contents: Vocabulary, Arctic Adaptations, Polar Profiles, Arctic Adventure Maze, Arctic Explorers Activity, Land of Ice Activity, Cultural Carvings Activity, Crossword Fun, Polar Picture Puzzle, Sledge for Survival Activity, and Arctic Word Search.

Wildlife of Southern Arctic Terrestrial Ecozone.
1. Rough-legged Hawk
2. Tundra Swan
3. Barren-ground Caribou
4. Wolverine
5. Arctic Ground Squirrel
6. American Tree Sparrow
7. Brown Lemming
8. Grizzly Bear
9. Lapland Longspur
10. Willow Ptarmigan
11. Semi-palmated Plover
12. Oldsquaw
13. Snow Bunting
14. Gyrfalcon
15. Wolf
16. Canada Goose

Here are some images and quick facts of birds and animals in the Southern Arctic Ecozone:
Rough-legged Hawk 1, 2, 3, 4
Tundra Swan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Barren-ground Caribou
Wolverine 1, 2, 3
Arctic Ground Squirrel 1, 2
American Tree Sparrow 1, 2, 3, 4
Brown Lemming 1, 2, info
Grizzly Bear 1, 2, 3
Lapland Longspur 1, 2, 3 breeding male, 4 breeding female
Willow Ptarmigan 1, 2
Semi-palmated Plover 1, 2
Oldsquaw or Long-tailed Duck 1, 2, 3 sound clip
Snow Bunting 1, 2, 3, 4
Gyrfalcon 1, 2, 3, 4
Wolf 1, 2, 3 Scroll down, click on paw to hear wolf howl
Canada Goose 1 with song clip, 2, 3, 4.