The Sweet Valley Web

The place on the web for SV lovers.
Please no swearing, profanity, vulgarity, etc.
More pictures coming soon!

The Sweet Valley Personal Profiles.
The place to learn about your favorite Sweet Valley people.

The Sweet Valley High Scrapbook.
The place to view pictures of the Sweet Valley High gang.

The Sweet Valley CyberCafe.
An awesome chatroom to chat about Sweet Valley. Schedule chats here with your online buds.

The Sweet Valley Graffiti Wall.
A cool place to post your opinions about Sweet Valley.

The Sweet Valley Bulletin Board.
Updates on Sweet Valley books, and any other news will be posted on the bulletin board.

The Sweet Valley ChatPal Page.
A cool place to meet people who share your intrests, or people who don't, for that matter.

The Sweet Valley Celeb Link-Up
A place with Francine Pascal's email, and the SVH's cast addresses, too.

The Sweet Valley Review.
Reviews of Sweet Valley Twins, The Unicorn Club, Sweet Valley High, and Sweet Valley University.

The Sweet Valley Quiz Page.
The place to test your knowlege of Sweet Valley Twins, The Unicorn Club, Sweet Valley High, and Sweet Valley University.

The Sweet Valley Web Hall Fame.
If you make up a quiz, donate a book review, or find a cool picture or cool news, you name will be featured here.

The Swearing Alliance
If you have a web page and are sick of swearing, or just want to prevent it, join my Swearing Alliance.

The Sweet Valley Classifieds Ads
A cool place where you can buy and sell things.

The Sweet Valley SwitchBoard
A place where you can advertise your club, join clubs and link up to cool places.

Thanx to Denise For The Cool Page Award.

Thanx to Satomi for the cool page award.

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