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Finally, something new! Let's work on old, borrowed, and blue.

I'm very lazy, but I had such an amazingly funny idea that I had to run with it. Check it out with the "Very Special Appeal" link. So there's some new content, and Ish 69 may or may not go up in the next week or so, depending on how and when my muse strikes.

Latest Issue A Very Special Appeal for the New Year Story behind the Rebirth Staff The Old site Issue 67
Issue 68

03/01/2001 A very special appeal for the New Year. This may be the funniest thing I've ever done.
26/09/2000 Issue 68. What's a nice girl like you doing on a site like this?
14/09/2000 Issue 67. Hi, my name is... who? My name is... what?

I've created this many text tube babies...

Email goes here. Send some, I get lonely.

© 2000DeWolfe Entertainment Limited, a division of the Useless Jargon Corp.
