He was stabbed 22 times and left to die. He was living for over 90 minutes in his cell after the stabbing. He was left there to die by the guards. The knife used was not a knife made in prison. It was a regular knife. Word from inside the Ft. Collins, Colorado, federal maximum security prison is that the guards knew he was dying and left him. In a three page letter summarizing the circumstances surrounding his arrest and subsequent incarceration Maynard explains how the federal government was out to get him. |
"I did not commit a crime. I did write books about the corruption and injustice of the government. My books are the reason why I am unjustly imprisoned. "My original and first federal criminal charges were for placing a small pile of soil on an abandoned logging skid road, and theft of trees from the forest service. The charges were fraudulent, used as a smokescreen to conceal the government's true intent, which was to silence my exposure of criminals in government. "I wrote the original books used by most of the Citizen Militias across America. My first book, 'Kingdoms at War - the Second North American Revolution,' had a readership of about 500,000 before I was arrested, on Oct. 17, 1992. "My most recent book, "Assault at Ruby Creek -- The Idaho Massacre", was the first book written about the Weaver atrocity, and within days of it's publication the government sent in their U.S. Marshal's service "Hit Team" (Special Operations Group) to arrest, suppress, silence me. "Their stated intent was to kill me, not arrest me, (so stated by a witness, an ex-cop who was so told by the marshals and all of which was well reported on by the local newspaper). "THE FACTS ARE: "First, the small pile of soil was placed on an abandoned logging skid road on our mining claim as required by federal law to restrict public access into an operating gold mine. Title 30 USC 21 et seq. "Second, the trees were cleared in order to mine the gold from out of the ground as allowed by federal law, 30 USC 21 et seq. "Third, the trees had to be removed in order to expose the underlying gold deposit in order to verify the mineral deposit's presence, as required by federal mining patenting law, 30 USC 29, 35. "Finally, the land ownership passed to my co-defendant on April 13, 1992 when she paid-in-full the government's requested purchase price for the land, as her final act to patent the property, which transferred equitable title (ownership) to her of the land, road and trees. Six months later the government charged us with theft of trees etc. on land which the govenrment no longer held the ownership of . . . period. Receipt Number 1001952, Serial Number CACA 28456 of Mineral Entry Final Certificate. "Nevertheless - CRIMINALS must be arrested, dead or alive, be taken off the streets (or out of the forests), to safeguard society and protect this vulnerable, weak little country, so- a 50 year old widow of a WWII veteran who had never been in trouble in her life was charged with multiple major felonies in order to have a cover to charge me with "aid and abet" of her, so I could be "silenced." "It was a "false arrest" and I well knew it, and since I overheard the government's plans to kill me "as a fleeing felon" I was under great "duress," and in fear for my life, so I expressed that I would not be "murdered on false charges" without responding in self-defense, although I would not shoot first. I never pointed a gun at anyone, fired a shot, or threatened anyone, constantly telling them that I was not threatening them, but was in grave fear for my life from them, as I knew they wanted to "murder" me, on false charges. "Well, our wonderful system has built in safeguards to prevent serious miscarriages of justice, and no jury would ever convict people of any such phoney "pretended" crimes as these, - - sure! "My co-defendant was convicted, sentenced, and spent 10 months in federal prison, is currently on supervised probation for three years, and has paid a fine of $31,000 for "theft of trees" she paid-in-full for and owned outright, and had a lawful right to clear and sell even if she'd not purchased them under mining patent law. "I have been behind bars since my "false arrest" on Oct. 17, 1992, and still face an additional 10 years in federal prison, was fined $31,000, and am supposed to be on supervised release for 36 months after release from prison, have been subjected to the theft of $10,000 worth of my personal property out of our residence by the forest service investigator Neal Hashieder and the marshall Mark Barr, have had our gold mine destroyed by the USFS "unlawfully" mixing worthless overburden dirt in with the high grade gold deposit so as to make it unprofitable to mine, and have now lost the thousands of acres of mining claims I spent years of hard work and hundreds of thousands of dollars in developing. "Now, . . . ask me how I feel about YOUR government! Oklahoma was barbaric, . . . on a par with Idaho and Waco! Some people decended to the level of your government. It is truly tragic, as tragic as the fact they felt they had no other alternative. "How many of us are you going to kill before you realize you can't kill all of us. "How many of you will have to die before you realize you'd best clean up your act . . . or face the terrible possibility that we may be forced to the conclusion that there really is no peaceful solution. "I suggest we start talking, words may be very angry, (and quite justified), but they can be softened, and apologized for. Gun powder, gasoline, and explosives on the other hand, . . . once initiated, are forever. Please, . . . let's talk! "Sincerely, Maynard" Currently, Attorney John DeCamp of Nebraska is working on a wrongful death suit surrounding Maynard's death. Details will be provided on request if you wish to e-mail me. Despite the intensity of his rhetoric, I will say that Manard Campbell, Jr., is perhaps one of the most cordial, well-mannered gentlemen I have ever known. The book, KINGDOMS AT WAR, said Maynard, in his promotional advertisments, is "...intended to ignite the fuel of justified rage toward today's government. Carefully researched! Powerfully delivered! "Includes the key lessons from 6000 years of man's sad history. "Outlines the only proven remedy for government oppression! "The books purpose is to follow in the footsteps of Common Sense, written during our First Revolutionary period. "If this book cannot inflame your zeal for LIBERTY and ACTION, you are either dead or a coward!" FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO OBTAIN YOUR COPY OF "KINGDOMS AT WAR" CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW. |
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