Major Payne and the Fluffer Speak Out!!!
"Quarantine is inhumane for those of us who have had our needles against rabies."
These are my two little cuddlies who contrary to their quiet nature are speaking out against an arcane law that is both inhumane and outdated. It is only when you come in contact with it, you realize it.
Major PayneFluffé
According to some statistics, over 3000 animals died while in quarantine between 1972 and 1995 and not one of them from rabies. If that had been human deaths, there would have been public outrage.
The United Kingdom still forces responsible pet owners who have inoculated their animals against disease to separate their animals from the general population when they come into the UK. Their supposed worry.. Rabies. But what purpose does it serve in terms of today's veterinary vaccinations and advancements?
Even with the current changes in the works, which pet lovers are watching with guarded anticipation - North America is still be left out. What does this say about our standard of veterinary care? It's nothing more than a slap in the face to Canadians and Americans alike...and so much for our Canadian ties to the UK as the second largest contributer to the Commonwealth.
The changes, expected to take partial effect by April 2000, are only as a result of the UK's "economic" ties with the EU. They needed to do something. But North America is left to hang out to dry and foot the bill of the quarantine kennel owners' losses while the UK government drags its heels saying they're studying it. Quite conceivably this "study" could take years, maybe even decades. Now they've started doing something for their beloved EU, why do they really need to do more??? Is it the fear of pressure from these kennel owners who are becoming quite rich off this "racket," for fear of finding a better word. It is the only reason that we can conclude for keeping North America out of any changes. Quarantine is a commercial enterprise with no pricing control and very little if any protection for both the pet owner and pets. Quarantine kennel owners can basically hold a pet owner at ransom. Even the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (MAFF) considers quarantine kennels commercial businesses.
This separation is for six months at an approximate cost of 1500 - 2500 British Sterling....
about $4000 - $6500 Canadian PER ANIMAL.It is quite obvious who is really benefitting from quarantine and it certainly isn't the pet owner.
There IS a vaccination against rabies for pets who's owners love dearly. Rabies does NOT pose the same threat as it did a hundred years ago. So why subject innocent pets to this cruel and inhumane treatment?
"Should they also quarantine people as well since people aren't inoculated against it? People are just as susceptible to it as we are," Fluffé blurts out obviously distressed to find out that she would not be treated the same as a human although she regards herself as being one. "I've had my needles; ALL of them!!! The Vet did say that there was no rabies on Prince Edward Island and if I wasn't going anywhere I wouldn't need it. But Mom made me have it anyways. She loves me too much to take that chance." Major nods in agreement. He too has had all his needles.
"What I can't understand," he adds,"is that there are no allowances to this rule. That each case can't be judged on an individual basis. Beloved family pets are just warehoused in kennels at the expense of their owner. There is only one group that's benefitting from it and it certainly isn't the pets or their owners."
"I can't bear to be separated from my "mom". I don't go anywhere without her and won't even go outside unless she's there to watch me," Major Payne says with a tear in his eye. In fact the last time his "mom" went away he wouldn't eat or drink and displayed some separation anxiety and depression. "I don't know if I could last six months. And if I feel that way, how do my peers feel when their owners are forced to have them swept away to cages... a pet jail for something they didn't do and their owners helplessly look on at their well kept vaccinated pet."
"I would never want to admit that I had a rough time of it too when "Mom" went away on vacation too. I went to people I knew.... not complete strangers." Lowering her voice so that Major Payne can't hear her she says as she's always been the stronger of the two, voice quivering, "I lost some of my fur from my nerves. I thought she was never coming back to me. I spent most of my time either howling under the bed or clutched to her dad. He tried to do all sorts to make me feel better but all I wanted was her. I wouldn't even eat my can of real tuna. I was never so happy when I saw her again."
"It must be made known that we too over here have rabies vacinations. That we too must be counted. Why should sheep, cows and other barnyard animals entering the United Kingdom be exempt from the quarantine and we're not?"Fluffé says.
"There is something you can do about it," Major Payne says. "There's a couple of wonderful spots you have to go to. Tell them how you feel and we hope you feel compelled enough to join. (Of course the UK Government doesn't subsidize groups that oppose their views when it comes to the issue of quarantine.) Voice your concerns to the Members of Parliament of the United Kingdom. Contact your elected officials. Create a stir. If it was your child you were locking up for six months you'd be screaming and while we may wear fur coats all year round, we're mom's children too."
Speak out against this INHUMANE law.
Responsible pet owners vacinate
When we started this page on evening of October 24th, 1998, we had a petition with it. The response was overwelming and wonderful. People were speaking out. They wanted to have a say. They wanted inclusion of their parts of the world in the changes; not just countries that belonged to the European Economic Union and certain rabies free countries. In fact there were in Europe last year over a 100 cases of rabies (not including bat rabies) so they themselves are not completely free of rabies. (And as a matter of reference... Canada is approximately 30 times larger than Germany; the largest european nation being considered.) Nearly 300 people participated in the petition in less than 2 months. On December 30, 1998 the responses that were received to that date were hand delivered to MAFF. They came from people from all walks of life; pet owners, breeders, veterinarians, military personnel, and even lovers of cats and dogs who didn't have pets! (We were still receiving more support even after that date.) The petition was delivered to the MP of Ilford North by a constituent there and to the MP for Hillsborough here in Canada. Unfortunately the MP for Hillsborough couldn't bring himself around to "rock" the boat in Ottawa being a back bencher. For all of those who supported our efforts; who took the time and are still taking the time we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks.
For those of you who have just come upon this page, please take time too to explore some of the pages; the links and some of the comments which we will be reorganizing and putting on line.
WANT TO DO MORE! The Advisory Group on Quarantine in the UK were taking comments and submissions from regular people just like us until December 31, 1998. Don't let something intangible like a date stop you. If you feel strong enough about this issue, you should still voice your concerns. Let them know. Remember.. it's the squeaky wheel that get the oil. You can either email them at or write them at:
Miss S. Davenport
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Hook Rise South
Surrey KT6 7NF
United Kingdom
Also write
Hon. Nick Brown, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
House of Commons
London, UK.That's all you need to get it there. And most of all... Make sure your word gets to the top.
The Fight Isn't Over Yet!
March 22, 1999
According to the BBC Website - A decision on changes to the Quarantine Laws and announcement is expected sometime the end of this week - But still if left unchanged; North America will foot the bill to keep Quarantine Kennel Owners in operation. The proposed changes excluded North America and boiled down to two things - a politicial decision with their EU Buddies and an economic decision with the Quarantine Kennel Owners Association. (MAFF Considers these "commercial" enterprises). So the fight must continue to include North America and every where else with high standards in veterinary care and who can meet the stringent medical criteria. To see more of the report, go to The BBC WebsiteMarch 26, 1999
See the informational release in the Daily Telegraph. Pilot projects are expected within a year.
Go here to check out a movie file to pass around to get the word out. The fight is long from over for those of us living in North America.
If you want to talk to us... you can
and mom will help us type a response! Thank you for your time!And remember.. we made this page with lots of love. With love, Major and Fluffé
Please note: We have no affiliation with Passports For Pets. But we want to say that we support their efforts.
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