This is the part where I talk about myself, right?  Well, let's see here, I am 19 years old.  I go to Vinncennes University.  I am  majoring in computer science.  I planning on tranfering to either IU or USI.   I play the bass guitar. I like all types of music.  I am a basketball ref for the IHSAA.  This means  when I make calls at basketball games, they actually mean something!  
If you ever talk to me you need to realize that I like to joke around...a lot.  NEVER take me seriously, unless of course you talk to me at a funeral, I might try to be serious there, it just depends on who the dead person is!  If I make fun of you it is probably because I like you, or because I don't like you, if your not sure why I am making fun of you, just ask...I'll tell you the truth! 
If you want to know more about me all you have to do is ask, "I don't bite...hard!"  Just email me or sign my GuestBook.  Thanks.
  Bye for now,     
        Clint (Mint man)

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This is a pic of me with my old bass.
My Favorite Links:
Bryan's homepage!!!
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Eric's homepage!!!
Check Out Kara's Homepage!!
  If you want to know about me you have to know about my fiance',her name is Kara.  We have been going out since November 25, 2000.  She is my life. 
Kara's cousin, Jaime, and my cousin, Bryan, set us up.  Ironically they had their first date on November 25...It was a few years earlier though!  Jaime and Bryan are engaged.  They are going to get married May 11, 2001.  We were all going to go out on a double date, but Kara and I took it into our on hands and went on a date without them, I am glad we did!  After being with her I don't think I could have waited!  I have finally found the "one"...I can drink after her!!   That's a big thing for me!!   She is the best fiance' in the whole entire world!

I love her very much..."More than Words." 
Mint Woman
This is  Kara, my fiance'!  I don't know what I would do without her!!
Mint Man
This is Me (Mint man), Kara (Mint Woman), Jaime, and Bryan at Kara and Jaime's "Grammy's" House on Christmas Eve!!
Kara's homepage!!!
Ashley's homepage!!!
Our Engagement
Click Here to check it out!!!
Go to  "Our Engagement" page 2!!!
Chris's homepage!!!
I thought I would put this picture so you would know that Kara and I do not always stand on the same side in every picture....Incase you paid attention to all of the pictures above!!
Our Engagement
Click Here to check it out!!!
Our Engagement
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