Geometry Activities
We have been learning about Geometry in Math class. Now I would like you to explore some Geometry on the Internet.
The first activity will be a review of all the Geometry terms we have learned. Go to this flashcard site and do a review. If you do not get a perfect 100% score, do the flashcard activity again.
When you have reviewed the vocabulary of Geometry, go to this site to do some activities. Remember to record your work on a piece of paper.
We know that triangles are three-sided polygons. You are now going to work through a webquest about triangles. Don't forget to record your work on a piece of paper.
In class we talked about the artist, Escher. Look at some examples of his tessellations.
Here are some other examples of tessellations.
Now you will try to make your own tessallations. Look at some examples produced by other students. Are you ready to follow the directions to make your own tessellations? Go to the directions site.