Mike Tarzia - 10/31/00 03:18:45 My Email:MTarzia@aol.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): (Y) Years Attended: 1968-1970 | Comments: Would love to hear from classmates. Two years of my life that I will never forget. |
James Kelly Enochs, Jr. - 10/04/00 19:56:01 My Email:jimbojr43@hotmail.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: 1957-1959 | Comments: Nice to read about the past. |
John Wilkins - 09/08/00 14:56:19 My Email:jandjwilkins@worldnet.att.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): (Y) Years Attended: 50-53 | Comments: I took my wife to the Drs office in Overland Park, KS for an appointment and while I was sitting there, a man walked by, stopped in front of me and stared. I had on my TMI 2000 T-shirt and then he said TMI!!! I looked at his white banlon type shirt and there was Columbia Military Academy. We chatted and he indicated that he had just returned from his 50th reunion. Small World. |
John Wilkins - 09/03/00 15:14:23 My Email:jandjwilkins@worldnet.att.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): (Y) Years Attended: 50 - 53 Graduated | Comments: Reunion 2000 was first I have attended but will not be the last. 2003 is '53s 50th and I hope that we will be able to get just about everyone there. |
John Booth (Chavin) - 08/20/00 23:59:58 My Email:john.booth@rhein-neckar.de TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Years Attended: 61, 62 | Comments: I remember those cool mornings before breakfast, and the smell of the trees that surrounded the hill during my stay at TMI. Then the afternoons in math class where Col. (and football coach!) Haynes was "tricked" into talking about football strategy instead of algebra. One of the smartest staff members there was Col. Price (taught chemistry when I was on the hill). Then, of course, toward evening--during the months when the weather could really get hot (the flies and insects seemed to sweat as much as we did during study period--until they got caught in the lamp shades we turned around to catch the insects as they got attracted to the light of the inverted lamp) and, thus, got roasted. (And after two or three nights, one had to dump the insect carcasses into the garbage because the lamp shade was filled up with dead bugs!). And then the quick dash to a room of a friend to have a short chat before lights out was bugled. It could be the soft, golden tarnish of memory, but when reading the newspapers and living life as one does, I often have the feeling that our time on the hill was something pretty special. Take care, Cadets! -- JB |
Robert Crow - 08/13/00 20:33:26 My Email:rjcrow@bellsouth.net Years Attended: 1949-50 | Comments: |
Russ Bebb - 07/27/00 14:52:36 My Email:Bebbit@msn.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): No, transferred to Riverside Military Academy in 1946. Years Attended: 1942-45 | Comments: Thanks for the web page. It is nice to be able to keep up with old friends. Enjoyed Reunion 2000 but couldn't get over how much you guys have aged! |
Duke Doubleday - 07/24/00 20:51:38 My URL:http://www.cresapartners.com My Email:duked@mindspring.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): yes Years Attended: 1957-1962 | Comments: Our continuing quintannual reunions are a wonderful resource for renewing so much that we learned with so many dear friends.I hope more will find out & make the commitment to attend in the future.We should not what we once held so dear. |
TIM YANCEY - 05/26/00 01:18:26 My Email:TYDOITNOW@AOL.COM Years Attended: 1972 | Comments: |
jay beckman - 05/15/00 17:59:06 My Email:k-beckman@31.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): 1975 | Comments: so,i streaked naked through the campus during a home basketball game. that alone should've been enough to get me expelled. getting caught drinking on the golf course after hours sure did'nt do it. i tried every way i could to get out of there, but somehow by the grace of god and col. price, i graduated despite myself. it was a great school, and i have many fond and even bizzare memories of my three and half years there. if you went there from '72-'75, i'd love to hear from you. and even if you went there other years,let me hear from you and we'll have some fun. by the way, sarg's cooking has left me seriously demented. cjb. |
Jeffrey T. Vossler - 04/13/00 04:00:49 My Email:jeffvoss@bright.net Years Attended: 65-68 | Comments: |
Frank Fields - 03/26/00 20:58:34 My Email:frankf@mindspring.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): yes Years Attended: 1965 - 1967 | Comments: Bill, this is great just found out about the web page. I have already made my reservations for Knoxville. |
Bill Jennings - 03/17/00 15:13:47 My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/bjennings My Email:bjennings@sprynet.com Years Attended: 1947-1950 | Comments: Hi Mike Davisson, SMA 1970. I remember my last TMI vs SMA football game. In fact it is hard to forget since I gave up two front teeth in the contest!! |
Mike Davisson - 03/17/00 04:26:18 My Email:rktman@flash.net Years Attended: SMA 1967-1970 | Comments: Just wanted to thank you for your site. I graduated in 1970 from Sewanee Military Academy and am sorry to see that TMI is also no longer what it once was. SMA, TMI, Castle Heights, Columbia Military... all "gone" though most of their facilities still su vive. In '68, '69 and '70 I was on the SMA Cross-Country and Track teams. Competed against your teams several times. I remember the long bus rides and the smelly paper mills on the way. I also remember that we usually won! You might be happy to know hat your school looks much like New Mexico Military Institute where I sent my son. Thanks again for a place to talk. --MD |
Fred B. Pister - 03/13/00 17:08:11 My Email:pisterfb@ornl.gov TMI Alumni (Y) (N): (Y) 1960 Years Attended: 1955 - 1960 | Comments: New snail mail address: 14996 Pleasant Valley Road, #94 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601-4079 Phone: 740.773.3567 |
Mike Waldrop - 03/11/00 09:25:27 My Email:ymike@mindspring.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Class of 1964 | Comments: Interested in contacting anyone who attended 1959-1964. |
Joe Pardue - 02/25/00 21:30:23 My Email:parduej@orau.gov Years Attended: 1965-1968 | Comments: |
James Ronald Gant - 01/29/00 21:51:13 My Email:jrcg@bellsouth.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): yes 1968 Years Attended: 1964 - 1968 | Comments: Looking forward to 2000 reunion. Great job on the web page. I am looking for classmates as well. Would love to hear from you. |
Robert Crow - 12/03/99 15:31:28 My Email:rjcrow@bellsouth.net Years Attended: 1948-1950 | Comments: I enjoyed the reunions in Ashville and Gatlinburg and I am looking forward to the reunion in Knoxville in 2000. |
John Christian - 11/28/99 00:50:28 My Email:pullix@aol.com Years Attended: 1945-1949 | Comments: |
Phil Cowherd - 11/24/99 19:09:41 My Email:pcowherd@earthlink.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes - 1972 Years Attended: 1969-1972 | Comments: I would like to talk about 28 years ago. I remember some names, but not many - Richard Hobbs, Eric Chapman, Dennis Toaucher, Brakeman. Cold mornings, Sarg's food, "Go TMI", defensive football coach, parades, fights and mail from home. |
Charles Pete Heck - 11/06/99 21:10:34 My Email:byheck@juno.com Years Attended: 1945-1950 | Comments: Enjoy reunions very much and looking forward to next one in Gatlinburg. Would like to hear from anybody I was in school with. |
Van R. Michael - 09/30/99 15:52:20 My Email:vmichael@tds.net Years Attended: 49-53 | Comments: |
Jim Godsey - 09/27/99 18:48:08 My Email:jgodsey1@usit.net Years Attended: 1960-1964 | Comments: Changed e-mail address |
James H. Kilgore - 08/17/99 18:40:40 My Email:jkilgore@lcs.net Years Attended: 1946-49 | Comments: Contrary to popular belief, the maverick is not dead. After reading the guestbook, it appears that not many from my era are left and that makes me very sad. I hope to see you in Gatlinburg. Jim Kilgore |
Ulysses (U J) Hale - 06/02/99 17:11:42 My Email:ujhale@esper.com Years Attended: 1957-1961 | Comments: I'm really glad to find the site,last reunion I attended was July 1990, missed the one 5 years later, I'm also interested in hearing from any of my "old" friends and I'll pass the word on the site. Glad to get back in touch! |
Chip Cox - 06/02/99 02:35:21 My Email:chip_cox@dpsu.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: '68, "68-69 | Comments: Thank you for doing this. Gordon Backer and I visited the campus today. June1, 1999. We graduated 30 years ago today. The campus has changed alot, the campus has also stayed the same. Chip Cox 8904 Fox Lonas Road Knoxville, TN 37923 423-691-1493 Gordon Backer 780 Hamilton Road C-3 Blountville, TN 37617 423-323-0874 |
Benjamin (Jack) Lamb - 05/20/99 04:35:28 My Email:bjlamb@inteck.com Years Attended: 1957-1960 | Comments: Seems like yesterday that we had our infamous nightly runs to the A&W burger stand. Of course there were times that we would meet Major Joe Sherlin while sneaking back into the room. Had to work off the demerits or do the "bend over " his desk and meet hi famous paddle. Would like to hear from others that attended during the 57-60 years. |
LS (Steve) Flowers - 03/20/99 13:13:08 My Email:lsf1027@aol.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): 63 | Comments: This web site is a wonderful idea!! HOORAY!! |
Fred B. Pister - 03/18/99 17:11:04 My Email:pisterfb@ornl.gov TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes! 1960 Years Attended: 1957 - 1960 | Comments: It's wonderful that we have this means to communicate. The photos brought back many fond memories. I'll have to dig into my old photos for you to scan in. How do I get them to you? Fred B. Pister 1355 Western Ave., #25 Chillicothe, OH 45601 |
John Hendricks - 03/17/99 11:08:35 My URL:http://members.aol.com/phendr1000/personal/index.htm My Email:phendr1000@aol.com,ike100@juno.com Years Attended: 1953-57 | Comments: Enjoy hearing from former classmates. |
Ronny Black - 03/17/99 03:13:26 My Email:revblack@yahoo.com Years Attended: 1957 | Comments: Congratulations on the Web page. I am originally from Chattanooga, and attended TMI for one year in 1957. During that year, my parents moved to Richmond, VA so I did not return to TMI. I have many memories of the place, and I am glad to know there are other who are interested. Best Wishes, Ronny |
Stan Hickey - 02/18/99 16:10:06 My Email:HickeyS@ten-nash.ten.k12.tn.us TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: 1965-1969 | Comments: This is a great idea. Hope to link up with some of you guys from the mid to late '60s. If you haven't visited the old campus in the last few years, some looks just the same but some is a lot different. I hear the food is much better. |
Bob Deschner - 02/01/99 15:05:44 My Email:rgd@nettally.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes 1970 Years Attended: '68-70 | Comments: Good job on the Web page. Would love to hear from any TMI alumni. |
Donald B. Reid - 01/28/99 03:48:14 My Email:DBRLFR@AOL.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): '63 Y. Years Attended: ,60--63 | Comments: Would be happy to visit or hear from anyone--thanks for putting this together Bill |
Bill Jennings - 01/19/99 04:04:50 My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/bjennings My Email:bjennings@sprynet.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: 1947-1950 | Comments: Terry, The TMI class of 1972 had a Richard Alexander Freeman from Ga. I will try to find a current address and give him your message. |
Terry Halloran - 01/11/99 21:12:04 | Comments: R.A.F. Class of 1972,I have found you're class ring! I found it at the Cleveland International Air Show in Sept. 1998. I would like to see it find it's way back home to you! Please leave me a message here on how to contact you. I do not have an E-Mail add ess. If anyone else can help me find RAF 1972 it would be helpful. Thank You. T.H. |
Terry Halloran - 01/11/99 20:54:28 | Comments: I found a class ring from T.M.I. at the Cleveland International Air Show in September 1998. I would like to reunite the ring with it's owner. It had the initials R.A.F. class of 1972. If you can help me locate the owner, please call 440 975 0233. |
Gerald W. Gill - 01/04/99 22:42:09 My Email:tahoe1GWG@aol.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes 1950 Years Attended: 1946-1950 | Comments: Great job!!! |
Jim Godsey - 11/04/98 02:50:38 My Email:jgodsey@ix.netcom.com Years Attended: 1960=1964 | Comments: I am looking for all graduates of the Class of 64 |
John .C. Smith - 10/16/98 00:19:19 My Email:ardenjs@ioa.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: 1947 thru 1949 | Comments: I have attended all four reunions for the '47 thru '50 grads and each one gets more important to me each time. I guess its ole age. |
Jerry Lee - 09/08/98 16:08:31 My Email:jerryleerx@juno.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): 1946 Years Attended: '43 - '46 | Comments: I couldn't make the Chattanooga reunion but will try very hard for the next one.... I really appreciate all the work that you organizers are doing for the alumni. Thank you-all ! I'd love to hear from anyone............ |
Teresa Carrigan - 09/08/98 01:35:34 My URL:/Athens/Delphi/5655/ My Email:carrigan@webmart.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): No | Comments: Welcome to Athens! If you need help, just ask any CL [like ME]. |
Joe Voigt - 09/02/98 14:47:46 My Email:voigtj@abcrail.com Years Attended: '62-'64 | Comments: It is great to see a site that is working to keep the TMI alumni in touch. I graduated in '64 and went on to graduate from Auburn in '68 and have lost touch with most of the class members. This is a great idea! Let me hear from you. |
Fred E. Smith - 09/02/98 01:07:56 My Email:f.csmith@worldnet.att.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): class '48 | Comments: I had a great time at the reunion. I really appreciate all those who work so hard to make the reunion a wonderful experience. |
Sarah Frances Willson Prince Corlew - 08/30/98 20:33:47 My Email:fandjcorlew@home.com TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Friend | Comments: I enjoyed the many social occasions, especially the dances. Thank you for starting this Web Page. |
warren holmes - 07/21/98 00:15:14 My Email:holmes@niia.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Graduated TMI 52 Years Attended: 48-52 | Comments: brings back a lot of memories.. |
Jack Brewer - 07/18/98 11:47:50 My Email:dhbrewer@worldnet.att.net TMI Alumni (Y) (N): Yes Years Attended: 1944-1948 | Comments: This is great. Thanks for doing it. |
Bill Jennings - 07/14/98 03:05:51 My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/bjennings My Email:bjennings@sprynet.com Years Attended: 1947-1950 | Comments: Hope you find this web page a help in locating old friends. |