TMI Building 24kb

September 2, 1998

Dear Alumni and Friends of TMI:

The 1998 Reunion has just ended. Before we get busy with our Fall and Winter activities, we need to thank those responsible for the success of this years meeting.

Thank you for coming. You are the reason your class mates and friends attend. We all enjoy a moment to share our past and to remember those times when we were focused on the preparation for our adult life.

Eleanor and Doug Powell can not receive enough thanks. They were involved in the selection of the hotel and banquet arrangements. We appreciate their inviting us to their home for a wonderful evening. They made arrangements for the barbeque dinner and personally prepared the fruits and deserts. Eleanor provided flowers for the banquet and the refreshments in the hospitality room.

Leebo organized, coordinated, and participated in the golf event. He made the day a success with good humor and prizes. There were early rumors of contested scores, but no grievances have been filed.

Tom Singelyn escorted the group to visit the old TMI campus. Since he could pronounce one word of Japanese, he was the obvious choice to lead!

Thanks again to Bob Gonia in conducting the Sunday morning devotional service. Remembering those who are no longer with us is sad but an important part of our gathering.

Jim Disney was a vital member of the committee. He was involved in the selection of the city and the facility. His follow up on the bad address and lost lists accounted for several people being in attendance this year. He served well as MC at both functions.

John Christian and Harry Lillard provided the name tags. This takes time and coordination to get that right and on time. John also provided valuable information from prior year reunions.

Bill Jennings has started a TMI Website. Please register and visit the site for ongoing updates. For more information on the Website contact Bill at his E-mail address, bjennings@ Please register on the TMI Alumni page.

Peggy Ausmus Blankenship organized the activities of our Sweetwater friends. These ladies were a part of our social life while we were in school and will remain a part of our memories of TMI. She was responsible for the registration to the events as well as hosting a luncheon on Saturday for this group.

Enclosed you will find an updated list of those who attended this year. By request of several people, you will find our complete contact list and reported deceased list. Please send any additional or corrected information you might have. Thank you for coming. I will look forward to seeing you at the next reunion, if not before.


Reference to list in this letter maybe obtained by contacting Oscar Yelverton, or Bill Jennings.

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