For more information on our program please contact
Ms. Susan Hilton at:
Sumter High School
2580 McCray's Mill Rd.
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 481-4480
Fax: 481-4021

Teacher Cadet Program, sponsored by the South
Carolina Center for Teacher Recruitment, is considered an introduction
or orientation to the teaching profession. Its main purpose is to encourage
students who possess a high level of academic achievement and the personality
traits found in good teachers to consider teaching as a career. Although
the course is taught at a college freshman level, the curriculum includes
simulations and other "hands-on" activities designed to excite students
about teaching.
Students are exposed to
teaching careers and the education system through class discussions, observation
and participation in public school classrooms, and interactions with successful
administrators and teachers. An important secondary goal of the program
is to provide these talented future community leaders with insights about
Teacher Cadet Program at Sumter High School is very active in Sumter School
District 17. Cadets participate in a mentoring program at some of the elementary
schools, a spring practicum, and staff most of the district's events. During
the year the Cadets also participate in other special events, such as organizing
teacher appreciation breakfasts and visiting our sister program, the Pro-Team,
in the middle schools. The Teacher Cadets are sponsored by Ms. Susan
Hilton, the 1998 District 17 Teacher of the Year.