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Last update / urtimu agiornamentu: 29 nov 2008 Sardinia photos Poetry Grammar (by G. Falconi) Sardinien på dansk Debates (old) ![]() Write / iscrie: moorella [at] yahoo [dot] com Home/ a domo ©1998-2007 Lone Elisabeth Olesen |
![]() Dae su 1998, links supra de sa limba e sa cultura sarda. De su 1998, links a pitzu de sa lingua e sa cultura sarda. ![]() Dal 1998, link sulla lingua e la cultura sarda. ![]() Links om sardisk sprog og kultur siden 1998. ![]() Since 1998, links about Sardinian language and culture. The links: Language resources |
![]() Sardinian
dictionary on-line - "Ditzionariu de sa limba e de sa cultura sarda"
(DitzLcs), Sardinian-Sardinian and word search in Italian, English, French
Spanish. The most complete on-line dictionary available.
Sa lingua sarda - all you wanted to know about the Sardinian language, by Giovanni Falconi. Grammar, poetry, articles, translation of laws on minor languages. Sardinian, Italian and some English. Romania Minor - a research project about the minor Romance languages, information and on-line journals with articles in the original languages. Introduction in English, Italian, Sardinian and more languages Massimo Pittau - research on the Sardinian language, articles, curriculum, publications. Italian Su fueddu - a bible translation project. Read the bible in Logudorese and Campidanese. Sardinian and Italian Su nuraghe de internet - (former www.eja.it) loguderese grammar and excerpts from Carta de Logu, on-line forums in Sardinian. Sardinian SardegnAttiva - pages in Italian and Sardinian about culture, proverbs, the town Samugheo by Giampaolo Frongia. Including a blog in Sardinian Su Parnasu Iscanesu - poetry from Scano Montiferro. Sardinian and Italian Faeddos - by Ruggero Sanna. Stories, information and more. Sardinian Sardinian poetry - poetry archive with emphasis on the Barbaragia area. Sardinian and Italian Archivi del Sud - Sardinian stories on CD. Excerpts from different volumes. Sardinian and Italian Sardu.net - a portal for Sardinian language activities and resources, including a mailing list. Sardinian Comitau.org - Sardinian language association in Cagliari. Sardinian Thesis on Sardinian verbs - Thesis by Martina Secci. English and Sardinian WWW and minority languages - Research project about Sardinian on the internet, Matteo Ionta. English and Sardinian Su sardesu - Giovanetto Fodde on Sardinian grammar. Made like the pages in a book, so you might want to start here. Sardinian Blog by Ivo Murgia - short stories, articles etc. Sardinian. Guide to Sardinian pages - by Caralu Mulas, links, articles etc. Sardinian and Italian Entziclopedia Tematica Sarda - on-line encyclopaedia in Sardinian Ichnussa - la biblioteca digitale della poesia sarda - Sardinian poetry presented by the association 'Sa perda e su entu'. Sardinian and Italian Su sardu gioghende - learn Sardinian on-line by Maria Teresa Pinna-Catte. Choose between Logudorese, Campidanese and Nuorese. Quick-time and Flash required. Italian and Sardinian Albino Pau's Weblog - blog by a Sardinian writer and translator. Sardinian
Sardegnaradio.it - listen to Sardinian music and interviews about cultural life. Also podcast. S'Iscandula - cultural association in Cagliari, information on publications and courses of launeddas. Italian, some Sardinian Musas & Terras - International conference on spontaneous poetry. Sardinian, Italian, English SardegnaCultura - official guide to Sardinian culture by The Region of Sardinia: Articles, Sardinian texts, historical photos, maps, documentary films. Italian, some Sardinian Emigrati Sardi - lots of information and articles about Sardinian culture, language matters and current events. Italian and Sardiniana Boxis campidanesas - about the Campidanese Sardinian poetry. Italian and Sardinian Sa murra - about a traditional game. Sardinian, Italian, English Alberto Melis - homepage of a Sardinian writer. Italian A Nuradha, sa 'idda mia - history and customs of the town Nuradha. Italian Su situ de Ringo - about the town Ruinas, fan site dedicated to the group Cordas et Cannas. Italian, Sardinian, English Images from the old Sassari - photos from Sassari in the past. Italian Cagliari - photo site by Massimiliano Pacini. Italian. Je suis sarde - homepage by Pio Bruno. B/W photos, film clips from the past. French Oristano e dintorni - photos from the Oristano area by Mariano Pinna. Italian Foto di Sardegna - lots of photos from the whole island by Paolo Sanna. Italian Cucina sarda - recipies from Sardinia. Italian and Sardinian Pitano Perra Launeddas Maker - about a traditional musical instrument. English, Sardinian, Italian Tenores di Bitti 'Mialinu Pira' - traditional music from Bitti. Italian Boghes de Bagamundos - a folk music group from Cagliari. Italian and some Sardinian Musica sarda - homepage by Lino Talloru about the music of Sardinia. Also pages about the town Serrenti. Sardinian and Italian Kenze Neke - a fan site dedicated to the group. Italian, Sardinian, English Voyage en Sardaigne, Enzo Favata - a music project involving many Sardinian artists. Italian and English Antica cartografia della Sardegna - ancient Sardinian cartography. Italian Mamuthones de Mamojada - about the carnival at Mamojada. Italian and English Mamuthones de Mamojada - more about the carnival Some of the best Sardinian sites - collection of links by Piero Cau. Italian and English Il sito di Miali Logudoresu - stories, animations, pictures. Italian and Sardinian www.luigiladu.it - homepage by Luigi Ladu with Sardinian poetry and much more. Italian and Sardinian Barigadu - pages on the town Barigadu by Peppino Crobu. Sardinian Tradizioni in Sardegna - a fine collection of old games, sayings etc. Project by the school Ins. Mariuccia Satta. Italian and Sardinian Isola Sarda - an offspring from Linea Poggio. Articles on language and culture, submit writings in Sardinian and Italian. Multilingual Torpè - music, culture and poetry from Torpè. Sardinian Su re - film in Sardinian by Giovanni Columbu. Film clips and behind the scenes. Sardinian, Italian and English
L'Unione Sarda - newspaper, Italian La Nuova Sardegna - newspaper, links to local town information. Italian Il Messaggero Sardo - newspaper. Italian, some Sardinian Giornale di Sardegna - newspaper. Italian Paraulas - magazine on economics, history, language and culture. Sardinian and Italian Godotnews - magazine on language and culture, on-line debate. Sardinian and Italian Le Monde Diplomatique - in Sardinian Diariulimba by Sotziu Limba Sarda - news and debate in Sardinian and Italian Tempus Nostru - news in Sardinian, experimenting the Limba Sarda Comuna. Sardinian Parole con - poems and stories in the Romance languages. Spanish, some Sardinian L'isola di Sardegna - an on-line magazine about culture and tourism. Italian l'altra voce.net - newspaper. Italian, some Sardinian
AES - Associazione Editori Sardi. Portal for publishers in Sardinia. Italian Editziones Papiros - about the Sardinian language, language competitions, books. Sardinian Editziones Condaghes - books, information on the language debate. Italian and Sardinian Ilisso - books on language and culture in Sardinia. Italian Libri Sardi - Agenzia libraria Salvatore Fozzi. Order books on Sardinian topics on-line. Italian Shardana - book on ancient history. Italian, some English
VilaWeb, Diari Electrònic Independent - l'Alguer - on-line Algherese newspaper and useful links. Catalan Comune di Alghero - local information, history, poetry, on-line language course. Italian and Catalan Centre Maria Montessori Alguer - about the Catalan language in Sardinia. Catalan Miriacu.it - about Gallurese in Sardinia: poetry, proverbs and more. Gallurese and Italian Gaddura poesia e cantu - homepage by Gianfranco Garrucciu. Poetry and songs in Gallurese. Gallurese and Italian Tabarkino - a little bit about Tabarkino from Carloforte.net. Italian and Tabarkino Regione Sardegna - The Region of Sardinia. Information, regional laws and politics. Italian The Comunes of Sardinia - Information and portal for all Sardinian comunes. Italian FASI (Federazione associazioni sarde in Italia) - associations for Sardinian people living outside the island. Conference summaries and a mailing list. Italian CRS4 - Research center in Sardinia, information on projects. - a web portal for Sardinian pages. Italian, English and some Sardinian University of Cagliari - including CUEC - Cagliari University press, books and magazines with a focus on Sardinian culture. Italian Istituto di Studi e Ricerche "Camillo Bellieni" - research and information on Sardinian and other topics ULS - Ufitziu pro sa limba sarda. Office for Sardinian language in Nuoro Centro di Studi Filologici Sardi - on-line information on the history of Sardinian language and culture, information on older Sardinian texts. Italian SMIRG - Sardinian Mediterranean Imaging Research Group. Sardinian, Italian, English
Thanit Kunstkurser - art courses in Sardinia / kunstkurser på Sardinien. Pages in Danish only / sider på dansk Sardinia Farm - adopt a sheep and follow the herd on-line. Italian, some English Sardegna On Line (SOL) - active since 1997, now mostly tourist information. Italian and English Sardinia Net - Also one of the "old ones". Mostly on tourism, some archeology and culture. Italian and English Isolaerrante - music in Sardinia today. Italian Trexentanet - the Trexenta area. Italian Archeological finding - an archeological site in Israel with possible connection to the Nuragic period in Sardinia. English ADAP - Sardinian Data - excavation at Ortu Còmidu, Sàrdara. Tufts University. English Archeological Research in Sardinia - from the University of Glasgow. English Stonepages - ancient stone monuments, look up Sardinian archeological sites. English La Sardegna più antica - homepage about Sardinian archeology. Italian Ancient inscriptions - an archeological finding of ancient inscribed bronze plates. Italian EasySardinia - mostly for local tourism, but very helpful for anyone who needs bus time tables and similar (choose "collegamenti"). Italian (the English version is under construction) Back to/ torra a Lone Elisabeth's Home |