Sardinia links

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©1998-2007 Lone Elisabeth Olesen

Dae su 1998, links supra de sa limba e sa cultura sarda.
De su 1998, links a pitzu de sa lingua e sa cultura sarda.

Dal 1998, link sulla lingua e la cultura sarda.

Links om sardisk sprog og kultur siden 1998.

Since 1998, links about Sardinian language and culture.

The links:

Language resources
News and debate
Catalan, Gallurese, Tabarkino

Language resources


Sardinian dictionary on-line - "Ditzionariu de sa limba e de sa cultura sarda" (DitzLcs), Sardinian-Sardinian and word search in Italian, English, French Spanish. The most complete on-line dictionary available.

limba e curtura, BerlinuLimba e curtura de sa Sardigna - Sardinian text database (some English translations), articles about language research, links, a mailing list about the Sardinian language, chat in Sardinian, information on the law on minor languages in Italy. Collaboration between the universities of Berlin and Constanz, Germany. Sardinian and English

Sa lingua sarda - all you wanted to know about the Sardinian language, by Giovanni Falconi. Grammar, poetry, articles, translation of laws on minor languages. Sardinian, Italian and some English.

Romania Minor - a research project about the minor Romance languages, information and on-line journals with articles in the original languages. Introduction in English, Italian, Sardinian and more languages

Massimo Pittau - research on the Sardinian language, articles, curriculum, publications. Italian

Su fueddu - a bible translation project. Read the bible in Logudorese and Campidanese. Sardinian and Italian

Su nuraghe de internet - (former loguderese grammar and excerpts from Carta de Logu, on-line forums in Sardinian. Sardinian

SardegnAttiva - pages in Italian and Sardinian about culture, proverbs, the town Samugheo by Giampaolo Frongia. Including a blog in Sardinian

Su Parnasu Iscanesu - poetry from Scano Montiferro. Sardinian and Italian

Faeddos - by Ruggero Sanna. Stories, information and more. Sardinian

Sardinian poetry - poetry archive with emphasis on the Barbaragia area. Sardinian and Italian

Archivi del Sud - Sardinian stories on CD. Excerpts from different volumes. Sardinian and Italian - a portal for Sardinian language activities and resources, including a mailing list. Sardinian - Sardinian language association in Cagliari. Sardinian

Thesis on Sardinian verbs - Thesis by Martina Secci. English and Sardinian

WWW and minority languages - Research project about Sardinian on the internet, Matteo Ionta. English and Sardinian

Su sardesu - Giovanetto Fodde on Sardinian grammar. Made like the pages in a book, so you might want to start here. Sardinian

Blog by Ivo Murgia - short stories, articles etc. Sardinian.

Guide to Sardinian pages - by Caralu Mulas, links, articles etc. Sardinian and Italian

Entziclopedia Tematica Sarda - on-line encyclopaedia in Sardinian

Ichnussa - la biblioteca digitale della poesia sarda - Sardinian poetry presented by the association 'Sa perda e su entu'. Sardinian and Italian

Su sardu gioghende - learn Sardinian on-line by Maria Teresa Pinna-Catte. Choose between Logudorese, Campidanese and Nuorese. Quick-time and Flash required. Italian and Sardinian

Albino Pau's Weblog - blog by a Sardinian writer and translator. Sardinian

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Culture - listen to Sardinian music and interviews about cultural life. Also podcast.

S'Iscandula - cultural association in Cagliari, information on publications and courses of launeddas. Italian, some Sardinian

Musas & Terras - International conference on spontaneous poetry. Sardinian, Italian, English

SardegnaCultura - official guide to Sardinian culture by The Region of Sardinia: Articles, Sardinian texts, historical photos, maps, documentary films. Italian, some Sardinian

Emigrati Sardi - lots of information and articles about Sardinian culture, language matters and current events. Italian and Sardiniana

Boxis campidanesas - about the Campidanese Sardinian poetry. Italian and Sardinian

Sa murra - about a traditional game. Sardinian, Italian, English

Alberto Melis - homepage of a Sardinian writer. Italian

A Nuradha, sa 'idda mia - history and customs of the town Nuradha. Italian

Su situ de Ringo - about the town Ruinas, fan site dedicated to the group Cordas et Cannas. Italian, Sardinian, English

Images from the old Sassari - photos from Sassari in the past. Italian

Cagliari - photo site by Massimiliano Pacini. Italian.

Je suis sarde - homepage by Pio Bruno. B/W photos, film clips from the past. French

Oristano e dintorni - photos from the Oristano area by Mariano Pinna. Italian

Foto di Sardegna - lots of photos from the whole island by Paolo Sanna. Italian

Cucina sarda - recipies from Sardinia. Italian and Sardinian

Pitano Perra Launeddas Maker - about a traditional musical instrument. English, Sardinian, Italian

Tenores di Bitti 'Mialinu Pira' - traditional music from Bitti. Italian

Boghes de Bagamundos - a folk music group from Cagliari. Italian and some Sardinian

Musica sarda - homepage by Lino Talloru about the music of Sardinia. Also pages about the town Serrenti. Sardinian and Italian

Kenze Neke - a fan site dedicated to the group. Italian, Sardinian, English

Voyage en Sardaigne, Enzo Favata - a music project involving many Sardinian artists. Italian and English

Antica cartografia della Sardegna - ancient Sardinian cartography. Italian

Mamuthones de Mamojada - about the carnival at Mamojada. Italian and English

Mamuthones de Mamojada - more about the carnival

Some of the best Sardinian sites - collection of links by Piero Cau. Italian and English

Il sito di Miali Logudoresu - stories, animations, pictures. Italian and Sardinian - homepage by Luigi Ladu with Sardinian poetry and much more. Italian and Sardinian

Barigadu - pages on the town Barigadu by Peppino Crobu. Sardinian

Tradizioni in Sardegna - a fine collection of old games, sayings etc. Project by the school Ins. Mariuccia Satta. Italian and Sardinian

Isola Sarda - an offspring from Linea Poggio. Articles on language and culture, submit writings in Sardinian and Italian. Multilingual

Torpè - music, culture and poetry from Torpè. Sardinian

Su re - film in Sardinian by Giovanni Columbu. Film clips and behind the scenes. Sardinian, Italian and English

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News and debate (on-line)

L'Unione Sarda - newspaper, Italian

La Nuova Sardegna - newspaper, links to local town information. Italian

Il Messaggero Sardo - newspaper. Italian, some Sardinian

Giornale di Sardegna - newspaper. Italian

Paraulas - magazine on economics, history, language and culture. Sardinian and Italian

Godotnews - magazine on language and culture, on-line debate. Sardinian and Italian

Le Monde Diplomatique - in Sardinian

Diariulimba by Sotziu Limba Sarda - news and debate in Sardinian and Italian

Tempus Nostru - news in Sardinian, experimenting the Limba Sarda Comuna. Sardinian

Parole con - poems and stories in the Romance languages. Spanish, some Sardinian

L'isola di Sardegna - an on-line magazine about culture and tourism. Italian

l'altra - newspaper. Italian, some Sardinian

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AES - Associazione Editori Sardi. Portal for publishers in Sardinia. Italian

Editziones Papiros - about the Sardinian language, language competitions, books. Sardinian

Editziones Condaghes - books, information on the language debate. Italian and Sardinian

Ilisso - books on language and culture in Sardinia. Italian

Libri Sardi - Agenzia libraria Salvatore Fozzi. Order books on Sardinian topics on-line. Italian

Shardana - book on ancient history. Italian, some English

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Catalan, Gallurese, Tabarkino

VilaWeb, Diari Electrònic Independent - l'Alguer - on-line Algherese newspaper and useful links. Catalan

Comune di Alghero - local information, history, poetry, on-line language course. Italian and Catalan

Centre Maria Montessori Alguer - about the Catalan language in Sardinia. Catalan - about Gallurese in Sardinia: poetry, proverbs and more. Gallurese and Italian

Gaddura poesia e cantu - homepage by Gianfranco Garrucciu. Poetry and songs in Gallurese. Gallurese and Italian

Tabarkino - a little bit about Tabarkino from Italian and Tabarkino

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Regione Sardegna - The Region of Sardinia. Information, regional laws and politics. Italian

The Comunes of Sardinia - Information and portal for all Sardinian comunes. Italian

FASI (Federazione associazioni sarde in Italia) - associations for Sardinian people living outside the island. Conference summaries and a mailing list. Italian

CRS4 - Research center in Sardinia, information on projects. - a web portal for Sardinian pages. Italian, English and some Sardinian

University of Cagliari - including CUEC - Cagliari University press, books and magazines with a focus on Sardinian culture. Italian

University of Sassari

Istituto di Studi e Ricerche "Camillo Bellieni" - research and information on Sardinian and other topics

ULS - Ufitziu pro sa limba sarda. Office for Sardinian language in Nuoro

Centro di Studi Filologici Sardi - on-line information on the history of Sardinian language and culture, information on older Sardinian texts. Italian

SMIRG - Sardinian Mediterranean Imaging Research Group. Sardinian, Italian, English

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Thanit Kunstkurser - art courses in Sardinia / kunstkurser på Sardinien. Pages in Danish only / sider på dansk

Sardinia Farm - adopt a sheep and follow the herd on-line. Italian, some English

Sardegna On Line (SOL) - active since 1997, now mostly tourist information. Italian and English

Sardinia Net - Also one of the "old ones". Mostly on tourism, some archeology and culture. Italian and English

Isolaerrante - music in Sardinia today. Italian

Trexentanet - the Trexenta area. Italian

Archeological finding - an archeological site in Israel with possible connection to the Nuragic period in Sardinia. English

ADAP - Sardinian Data - excavation at Ortu Còmidu, Sàrdara. Tufts University. English

Archeological Research in Sardinia - from the University of Glasgow. English

Stonepages - ancient stone monuments, look up Sardinian archeological sites. English

La Sardegna più antica - homepage about Sardinian archeology. Italian

Ancient inscriptions - an archeological finding of ancient inscribed bronze plates. Italian

EasySardinia - mostly for local tourism, but very helpful for anyone who needs bus time tables and similar (choose "collegamenti"). Italian (the English version is under construction)

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