Hi!! As you already know I LOVE Boyds Bears. Being here in Central Texas I haven't really found many place to shop at. I have however found a couple. Below I will list the names, phone numbers and addresses of the store where I shop.
- Country Clutter ADDRESS: 104 IH 35 HILLSBORO, TX 76645 (254)582-3447 HOURS of OPERATION: Mon-Sat; 10:00A.M.-8:00P.M. and Sun. 11:00A.M.-6:00P.M.
The owners of this store are "Gold Paw Dealers." This is where I get the majority of my bears. If you decide to call this store ask for Gerlinda. All I ask of you is that you please tell her you were reffered to that store by me, Angie.
- Sironia's ADDRESS: 1509 AUSTIN AVE. WACO, TX 76701 (254)754-8009.
I don't know who you would talk to at this store. Everytime I go in there there's always someone new working there. I can tell you though that you can sometimes find hard to find pieces there.
- Coach House Gifts ADDRESS:N/A (254)776-4548
This store is ok. I find a lot of the current bears there. It's sometimes hard to find any good bears though. I guess it's because they're located in Waco.
Well these are the only places where I shop. If you want feel free to call them they might have what you are looking for. Good luck on your ventures.
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