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To Angie's Unofficial Boyd's Collectors Web-site.

Hello and welcome to my Unofficial Boyds Website. I love Boyds Bears and Started loving them in the summer of 1997. I came upon collecting them just browsing through a store and I fell in love with “Wilson with Love Sonnets.” I purchased him immediately and that started my collection of bearstones. I had no idea of how editions worked or anything until I purchased “The Collectors Value Guide”, and of course the 1st editions started being my main focus of collecting. I do have a few 1st editions, but I’ve realized that a Boyds bearstone is a a Boyds bearstone whether it’s a 72nd edition, or a 1st edition. I love and cherish them all. But I do have other interests besides collecting Boyds.

Looking for a place to chat about Boyds, or even thinking about trading some, a pretty neat site to go to is

Gardening is also another hobby I enjoy quite a bit. I just have a few houseplants. I don’t have an actual garden with vegetables or rose bushes. All of my plants are container plants. I’m still very much a novice at this and hope to learn a lot more. Another interest of mine is my pet turtle Oscar. He is a Red Eared Slider (he is a water turtle). Currently he is about 4 inches in diameter and has a greenish brown shell. When I first got him I had no idea what I was getting into. But I have researched into caring for turtles and I must say that Oscar is a very healthy turtle.

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List of Boyds in My Collection

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You are visitor since 7/8/98

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