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Andrew McHenry's

Hey folks! Welcome to my church-house on the internet. Hope you enjoy your visit. Thanks for being viewers!

Things to check out.....

Mini-sermons: These are short Bible-based messages I pass out each week in the prison I minister at.

What is Christianity?: The basics of being alive in the Lord and following Jesus.

Octagon City: A historical account of a Christian communal vegetarian colony in Allen County, Kansas in the 1850s.

The Death Penalty is Contrary to Christian Teaching: a Bible-based top ten list as to why.

Christian Vegetarianism: Biblical support for considering the vegetarian diet as a part of Christian discipleship.

Book Reviews: A list of the dozen or so books I read last year with short reviews and summary.

Also, check out some of these great links.......

Amnesty International: Always at the forefront of human rights issues, this Nobel-Prize winning organization is a great outlet for folks wanting to help others in need. The way most of us participate is by writing letters to government officials on behalf of prisoners of conscience. A prisoner of conscience is anyone who is being detained, persecuted, or subjected to torture for peacefully expressing his/her beliefs, opinions, or ideology. Amnesty works against all forms of these human rights abuses, torture, and executions.

The Association of Gospel Rescue Missions: This is an umbrella organization for urban missions and homeless shelters doing hands-on work with people in need all across the world, including evangelism, alcohol & drug abuse recovery, literacy training, job training, and a whole host of other ministries. Try to find a mission nearabouts where you live.

Evangelicals for Social Action: This organization encourages churches and other ministries to practice a healthy mix of evangelism and social action combined. It's the best resource for socially-progressive evangelicals who have a heart for helping others. PRISM, their publication, is excellent.

Harvesters - The Community Food Network: This mammoth food bank in KC processes around one million pounds of donated food every month, providing it to agencies that help feed people in need like Salvation Army, American Red Cross, Crosslines, etc. I worked for them before I became a prison chaplain.

Handgun Control: For those of us who are tired of schoolyard shootings, senseless murders, and violence in society, this group works to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

The University of Kansas: My alma-mater! Yeah! I graduated in 1992 with a B.A. in Religious Studies. While there I was in the KU Basketball and Jazz bands, and on the KU Debate Team. Best known for the basketball team, KU is also a great place to go to school.

Jesus People USA: Communal Christianity is alive and well in Chicago! This church consists of about 500 Christian folks who live in an old hotel building in the Uptown area of Chicago. Everyone works for the community in some way, nobody pulls a salary, but everyone has all their needs met. They do a plethora of ministries ranging from a homeless shelter for women to publishing a Christian magazine ("Cornerstone"). I stayed with them during the summer of 1996. A visit is highly recommended for folks who want to follow the Lord but aren't sure how to do it yet.

Promise Keepers: A modern day revival movement among men, this organization has had a powerful ministry in my life and lives of other men from all over, challenging us to spiritual renewal and stability. The 1996 clergy conference in Atlanta was especially powerful for me. And God used a football coach to start it, of all people!

Saint Paul School of Theology: My other alma-mater. I went through ministry training at this seminary in Kansas City, graduating in 1996. It's not perfect, but to their credit I emerged a much better pastor than when I came in.

Kansas City Royals: The finest team in baseball! Well, at least they were in 1985. They still play well sometimes. Besides, true fans stick by their team through good times and bad.

The Simpsons! This is the funniest show on TV (although I admit I don't watch much TV). It's a hysterical satire on all of society.


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