Lelephant loved to play.
He hated baths.
All day he romped down dusty trails, crashed through the bushes, and stomped down muddy steams.
Every evening Lelepahants mother would call, "Come inside son. It is time for your bath and supper."
"Oh mom" He would cry, "I'm not dirty"
His mother never listened to his excuses.
He would tell her,
"I just took a bath yesterday."
"I stayed clean today, honest!"
"I'll take a bath tomorrow. I promise!"
But every night his mother made him wash off the day's dirt. And when she tucked him in at night she gave her little Lelephant a long slow sniff and she would smile and say, "Ummm...I love you Lelephant. "
"I love you too mom." He would say.
One day Lelephant thought to himself, I am glad my mom cares so much about me. She wants me to be clean and healthy and warm and safe. From then on Lelephant took his bath without arguing with his mother. Bath time turned into a nice end to a fun day instead of a big fuss with mom.
Lelephant's mom was so proud of her son. He was growing up and now knew that love does not mean you always have to get your own way. .

The end.

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