The Story of Big Eyes

    There once was a fish named Big Eyes. He was afraid of lots of things. Big Eyes did not have many friends. Other fish liked to try new things but Big Eyes just wanted to stay inside his small cave and hide.

    One day Big Eyes sadly looked out of his cave and saw how happy the other fish were as they swam by his cave, chasing and laughing and playing together. Big Eyes knew he had to make a change.

     Every day he swam out of his cave a little farther. Finally Big Eyes was close enough to talk to the school of fish. He found out that having friends was worth the risk.

    Big Eyes was never lonely again. He did watch out for danger more than his other fish friends, but not so much that he couldn't have a good time.

        Big Eyes had learned that taking a chance and having courage can make a little fishes life full and fun instead of sad and lonely.

The end.

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