I am available.
I have no home,
I have no friends,
and no immediate prospects.
Not to give you a hard luck story,
but things have not been going
so well with me lately.
I had a nice family
but the old lady died
and the man hated cats
so out I went
You can see I know,
how to look after myself.
though I don't know
for how much longer
in a filthy street
and no decent place
to clean up
I've been used to good things
Housebroken? Of course,
I am rather loyal
I would be your cat -
Show it, I mean.
When people come to visit
by making a fuss over you
and responding when you called me
I'm not too finicky about food
Food....oh dear
My stomach is empty
and my heart is desolate
I'm not meant to be a streetcat
or make myself a furtive shadow
in an alley
I'm lonely, lonely, lonely
and frightened!
May I come in?
With fond regards, taken from Paul Gallico's Honorable Cat