San Diego Science Olympiad
(Grades 6-12) Home Page

  1. Dates and Places of Meetings and Competitions

  2. Contact for information
    - use this for further information
    if you are new to San Diego Secondary
    Science Olympiad

  3. Registration forms

  4. SDSU workshop information 2002

  5. Proposed Event Schedule for February 8, 2003

  6. Group assignments for February 8, 2003

  7. Feb 9, 2002 sign-up for MP, Music, Pentathlon

  8. Event Clarifications

  9. 2004-2005 Sponsors

  10. Study Guides and materials for sale

  11. Links to State and National Science Olympiad Web Pages

  12. Send mail to Regional Director ESJ

  13. Send mail to web page maintainer / webmaster
    - if any of the links are broken

  14. Maps to Rancho Bernardo High School