Nuclear War INFO Page

This page was created due to the lack of abundant information on how to be a successful player on NuclearWar.  There is a lot of information on how to get started, as well as directions to areas geared toward certain player levels and abilities.  If you have any questions or comments about any of the information contained on this page you may contact Cygnus on the MUD by mudmail (use the post office).

There are numerous player pages containing information about weapons and armour and directions to uniques, as well as a few gang pages.  As more of these addresses become available I will update this page so check back often.

General Information:

Newbie Information Page
      Newbie Kill Areas
      Midlevel Kill Areas
      Veteran Kill Areas
Newbie Scientist Coding Information Page

Player Pages:

A Bastard is a Chode
Huge helpful index of Player Pages

Log Pages:

Outlaw Log Index
Interesting Log Index



Murderers and Outlaws