Hi y2k internet surfer! This site is here for you if you are in need of peace during your existence in a chaotic social environment. I hope you enjoy the concepts and techniques suggested here. |
Your environment, if anything like mine is one of social orientation. That is, you are existing in close proximity to other similarly situated entities.(other humans) You feel compelled to survive and relate that need as somehow dependent on your peers. Unfortunately humans are now oriented toward what I call "game mentality." At least western hemisphere philosophy and it's capitalistic focus pits individual members of the social environment against each other. For instance: although it is obvious that the earth has abundant resources to feed, nurture, house and protect the entire planet's population and still provide abundant recreation for all, we choose to accumulate, hoard and over-consume resources, denying the "losers" in the game as "winner take all" is socially accepted! The solutions seem simple, but one simple paradox must be overcome! This is the emotion called "fear." Fear is the root of all emotions. Emotions are the basis for our delusional orientation as individuals. Such delusions include "game mentality." Most people probably do not comprehend the basic fact that any machine, unit or operation is much more effective if the parts or cogs are moving toward one function. This, is a fact, and has been cited by politicians, inventors, military organization, corporations, etc. All have found success with unified goals and failure with inner division. If you are intrigued by this article, bookmark this page and return as I will update and expand into a much larger forum in the coming weeks!
(Just a note about the following paragraph: It was written in 1998 and as I sit here today 1-18-00 it seems somewhat naive in view of my current perceptions about the American social environment but for whatever it is worth I have not deleted it. My concern is that it seems somewhat myopic to be concerned or impressed with what the President of the United States does or how our society judges the event since we as a group seem so delusional and make so many insane assumptions about right and wrong. Clinton didn't get impeached anyway so it really didn't turn out to be very important even in American history. As promised, I am expanding this article, today 9-15-98. Currently the nation is focused on the Clinton sex scandal. The Republicans are eluding that there is no other reasonable solution but to impeach. My intuition tells me that this window into Mr. Clinton's private sexual activities exposes the fact that he is not the genius some may have believed including myself. Moreover, it seems probable that he is simply a very good actor and has very good script writers on his staff. This leads me to believe that although he has been found to be personally weak, he still has a strong staff and should not be removed. As an analogy: We do not remove the whole leg due to a small tumor, if that is all that is found. The moral right extremist are outraged at his conduct, and they exhibit complete intolerance. But remember, they are extremists. Their delusion is refusal to acknowlege the natural tendencies of mammals such as humans. Mr. Clinton's sexual allowances are a form of compensation he accepted to cope with the stressful complexity of American delusional political mechanics. His restraint in not becoming emotionally involved with Ms. Lewinsky by her testimony and declining intercourse in favor of oral acts leads me to believe he was extremely hesitant to accept the compensation that he did accept. Personally, I would be more comfortable with his decision making capabilities if he had engaged in full sexual relations. It seems his compensatory action was more likely to increase his confusion than to relieve it. I would equate his decisions in this matter including his attempted cover up and public denial with the decision making quality one would expect from a juvenile. That being said, I stand by the conclusion that the presidents position is as a front for his staff and they have not been found incompetent. It seems he is more likely to yeild to them now than before and so I conclude impeachment is unneccesary. ] This chain of events is something Americans could learn much from but I heard there is a massive social effort to censure the facts of this event from the youth of America. The teachers are in essense protecting American delusional beliefs in survival based on monogamy and social image of "purity." |
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