Welcome to my homepage. It has been a lot of fun putting this page together. Thanks to anyone who had great ideas on their site. I'm not ashamed to say that without having a couple great sites to go by, and to cut and paste from, I would not have been able to learn how to do it. The view source button became my best friend in the weeks that it took. Isn't that what the net is all about...sharing information? I just wonder where the line falls on plagiarism.... I was very lucky to come across a great site with oodles of Yanni midi files. If you should have any problems with the sound, there is a button on the bottom of the page for adjustments. Any additional problems may require you to update your player. You can update your Player for free if you need to here.

As is the norm with alot of home pages, I'll give a little information about myself. I'm 38 years old and I live in North Carolina with my husband Larry and four sons, Casey, Bobby, Thomas and Jarrett. Up until recently, I enjoyed working part-time in the office of the neighborhood school. Working part-time really allowed me to enjoy my homelife, and put my efforts into my family (which is the most important job I could have). Since Jarrett's birth in July 2000 I've been at home with him and enjoying it immensely. Aside from caring for him, I have begun many projects which keep me very busy. Putting time into developing my small business with Nature's Sunshine Products has been at the top of my list. I've been an Independent Distributor for over 8 years, and now finally have some time to really dedicate to it. Below is a link to my new Herbs Plus web site, where you can find information on how to receive member prices, when you visit.

I have a few hobbies, one of them being the Net. I also enjoy crocheting, gardening, hiking, camping, swimming, Yanni and spending a lot of time bbq'ing, listening to music, and enjoying life on our back porch in the summer with my family and friends. You can usually hear us til all hours in the night during the warm months. Although, it is unlikely you will hear Yanni played during those times. I usually reserve Yanni for my quieter moments. We are more inclined to listen to Blues music on an everyday basis. My husband Larry had a webpage, dedicated to his love for music, but recently discontinued the site. He is my personal D.J. as he has excellent taste in Music!

I'll be updating this page regularly, adding pics and so on, so please come back again soon!!!

Keep in mind, when going from page to page, that the "BACK" button, at the bottom of each page, will bring you back to this page.

Make sure to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK below ....And Don't Forget To BookMark This Page!


Photo's of my Hubby & I!!!!!

Photo's of My Boys!!!!!

And all Our Animals!!!!!

Photo's of My Stepdaughters!!!!!

My Family!!!!!

My Aunts, Uncles & Cousins!!!!!

In Loving Memory!!!!!

Larry's Family!!!!!

My Crazy Friends!!!!!

My Other Crazy Friends!!!!!

Another Family site I put together for my Aunt Pat's 70th Birthday (Lots of old family pictures here.) I've had some problems with the transfer of data on this one, because I scanned the pictures too large. You may have to view one page an hour to see the whole thing.

Jarrett's Birth Annoucement/Family Newsletter - July 9, 2000


HERBS PLUS - My new business website

I am still building this site, but please visit and enjoy the information I have been able to provide so far. Please bookmark the page and come back often to check on my progress. Any and all feedback will be appreciated greatly! Please visit and SHARE THE HEALTH! XOXO Karen


TAB BENOIT - My Favorite Blues Artist!!!!

View my old guestbook

click above to e-mail me at karen66@carolina.rr.com

"Playing"  Swept Away



Last Revised: November 17, 2004