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For almost two centuries, men of faith have proclaimed the Gospel of Christ; for many their Gospel was based on a false understanding of the God of scripture. We believe that IF the Bible is taken as a whole, ALL 66 Books of the Canon, a very different picture emerges from what many have been taught. The Bible is not a RuleBook, a list of “deeds to be done and sins to be shunned;” it is a record of how God treats people with problems.

The Gospel is the “Good News”, from throughout the entire Bible, of how God treats sinners. It is the “Good News” that God is not like his enemies have charged him of being; Arbitrary, Vengeful, Unforgiving, and Severe. People who think that God is not only “Loving”, but also “Just”, miss the concept that with God, there is no separation of these characteristics. Too often we want God to be like us instead of finding out what God is like and then trying to be like Him.

On this Web Site we have determined to share with the reader a different kind of God than most have seen. We believe that God wants our undivided attention and love, and has gone to extraordinary lengths to show us what He is like. The life of Christ demonstrated what God was like. Christ WAS God, and yet Christ sought out the outcasts of society; yes, we are ALL His children. All the ancient Holy Men of God are spoken of as being His friends. The most amazing thing we have discovered, through our study, is that God wants us to be His friends, too.

The Bible is a narrative of what went wrong in God’s Universe and what He has done to restore Peace. In Colossians, Paul says that Christ’s death brought peace to the Universe; How is that so?

We believe that we have an opportunity to share in the restoration of peace in God's Universe. Come and see what we believe; share in the Peace that this knowledge about God brings.

We are not a CLUB or a Religious Organization; we are just a group of friends who have come to believe that God has provided an abundance of evidence to answer our questions. We do not claim to have all the Definitive Answers , but we do believe that God can be trusted and that He wants to be our Friend. Based upon these Core Beliefs, we have assembled these materials and have provided them for your study and enjoyment.
© 10/1999 H. Kingsbury Piper.

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