"Undecided's" Mostly Waste-of-Space Site.

This page is basically a typical personal page. However, i am expanding slightly, and i've added a page that displays art by Yoshitaka Amano, and i do hope that i may be able to make something that's *slightly* educational. I have odd bits of information floating around in my head, which maybe i could put online. When i made this page, i actually had the intention of having *some* educational stuff in here... and now i have something! Not much, but still...

this place is practically just for my dream pages... and my "philosophies." But we'll see what i might add anyway, later on...

Oh, and, by the way... hello all you Amano fans! Apparently, the largest amount of people who come to my page (probably the only ones) come from searching for Amano's stuff via a search engine... so, a special hello to you people. =P

Ok, this place was last updated 13th, June, 2003 I did nothing constructive - i deleted various links on this index page of certain other pages i have in the site... the pages are still there, but i havent done anything new to them. Frankly... my views and whatnot have changed... a bit radically over the last couple years, and no longer really desire to display those old pages.

Email me at cushman11@shaw.ca in the meantime, if you have anything you feel like saying.

Ah... it seems that the add-book isnt working properly... and, seeing as how clueless i am with html in general... well... i guess it'll stay broken =P anyway, if you want, you can at least *look* at the page i used for signing. If you *really* want, you can send me what you wrote via email and i can enter it into the guestbook =P

The "sign" page... (When you click "done," it probably wont work, sorry)
View the guestbook

Links to my other pages.

Are you interested in dreams? Check here... and be amazed by *another* page showing the dreams of a person you dont know or are interested in.

Art by the person who might be my favourite artist, Yoshitaka Amano/Amano Yoshitaka

A page i just made, with lines or whatnot i find worth in.(Made 25, Feb, 2001)

A page with a couple odds and ends on it. Some short wavs i once had here, that's all for now.

Links to other peoples' pages.

Persona Fan.
"Persona" is a mini series, in a larger series titled "Shin Megami Tensei," most of which have not come to western shores. So far, i'm very impressed by the series, and want to see more... so support Megami Tensei and buy the recently released Persona 2: Eternal Punishment today! =P Anyway, i hang out on the messageboard there a lot.

A Study of Gothic Subculture
I like this page quite a bit. The messageboard is also one of the messageboards i happen to post on somewhat frequently.

Made by a person i've not met in any manner, i just happened upon his page, and i really like his views toward goth and christianity. Plus, he's an excellent essay-composer, imo ^-^

Well, you've come down this far to the page, hoping for more. Seems you're out of luck... maybe this place might have more of a purpose in the future.

© 1997 cushman11@shaw.ca

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