Fox's Acts
and Monuments |
Authored by Richard Clarke, this article represents a devestating critique of
the historical trustworthiness of Fox's "Book of Martyrs," and exposes
the fact that Fox did not research the accounts he gives - and even, in some
cases, resorted to outright fabrication in order to attack the Catholic Church. |
Twenty One
Reasons to Reject Sola Scriptura |
Written by Joel Peters, this booklet gives the reader twenty one reasons why the
doctrine of Sola Scriptura is untenable Scripturally, historically, and
logically. Well researched, and definitely worth reading.
Where We Got
the Bible and our Debt to the Catholic Church |
Since it first appeared in 1911, this book has gone through numerous printings
and has almost never been out of print since. Authored by Father Henry
Graham, the book examines the history of the Bible, not to mention the sources
for the Catholic canon of books of both the Old and New Testaments. It
likewise shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Bible is a Catholic book -
and not protestant.
Deutero-Canonicals |
This is an article by the webmaster of Ecclesia
Militans in defense of the Deutero-Canonical books, and in
refutation of an article written by a protestant entitled "Seven
Reasons to Reject the Apocrypha." |
Blessed Virgin Mary |
Authored by the famous convert from Judaism to
Catholicism, David Goldstein, this excellent article covers everything
from whether or not Catholics worship Mary, to the Virgin Birth of
Christ, to whether or not Our Lady had other children besides Christ -
in the familiar "Rumble and Carty" question and answer
format. Powerful!! |
"Other" Children |
Written by Father C. F. Devine, this article
examines the common protestant opinion that Our Blessed Lady, the Virgin
Mary, had children other than Christ. Using a combination of the
Sacred Scriptures and good common sense, Father Devine simply
obliterates the protestant objections to the perpetual virginity of the
Blessed Mother of God. |
Worship |
Written in his typical logical and concise
style, Orestes Brownson demonstrates just how necessary devotion to the
Blessed Mother is. This article covers various topics, such as how
one can pray to the Blessed Mother of the Lord, to whether or not
Catholic veneration of the Blessed Mother is
"adoration." Well written, and definitely a must read! |
Quizzes to a Street Preacher |
Written by Fathers Rumble and Carty, this
article examines, in a question and answer format, various protestant
objections such as whether or not the Catholic Church destroyed the
Bible, whether or not we can have a Bible without the Church, not to
mention Sacred Tradition. |
Church or the Bible? |
This article is a classic, written by Father
Arnold Damen. This excellent article examines the doctrine of Sola
Scriptura, the necessity of the Catholic Church, and not to mention the
virtue of Faith. This fantastic article should be read by any
Catholic Apologist at least once. |
Confession Quizzes to a Street Preacher |
Written by Fathers Rumble and Carty, the famous
"Radio Apologists," you will find an answer to practically any
protestant objection to the Catholic Sacrament of Confession.
Everything from the institution of the Sacrament, to which sins can be
forgiven by the Catholic Priest. |
What Faith Really Means |
Written by Father Henry Graham, this excellent
little article defines precisely what the virtue of Faith means... and
shows how the Protestants don't have it. To quote from the
Introduction: "What does Divine Faith really mean? No one, outside
the Catholic Church, can answer the question with any certainty.
Something indefinite concerning God and our Lord Jesus Christ, a vague
and hazy notion about the truths of religion, is all that it conveys to
the non-Catholic mind. And yet it is the most important question for the
souls of men: "Unless you believe you shall be condemned."
What am I to believe? is the puzzling problem that perturbs the soul of
every well-disposed man and woman outside the fold of the Church. They
search in vain for something certain to hold on by, and the more they
search amongst the non-Catholic creeds the more they find
"confusion worse confounded." |
Great Revolt Against Christ |
Taken from Father Michael Mueller's
book "The Catholic Dogma," this article exposes protestantism
for what it is - the Great Revolt against Christ. |
Quizzes to a Street Preacher |
Written by the famed Fathers Rumble and Carty,
this article, in the typical Rumble-Carty style, examines the Catholic
Sacrament of the Eucharist. Among the many topics covered in this
booklet, are the "Eucharistic Chapter" of Saint John, whether
or not the doctrine of the Real Presence was invented at the Lateran
Council in 1215, to the Sacrifice of Calvary and its relation to the
Blessed Sacrament. |
old is your church? |
This interesting article lists various
denominations, from the Lutherans to the Christian Scientists, and lists
the dates on which they were founded by men. |
Inquisition Re-examined |
Written by Carey Winters, this article
completely debunks the "Black Legend" of the Inquisition,
which typically portrays it as a "kangaroo court operated by
possibly psychotic fanatics with a taste for blood, who tortured
innocent people to obtain false confessions, then sent them off to be
burnt at the stake." A power article! |
Holy Inquisition: Myth or Reality? |
It is rare that one finds an institution so
maligned as the Inquisition. For centuries many people, Catholics
and protestants alike, have been fooled by these falsehoods and
myths. In this article, Marian Horvat Ph.D., sets the record
straight - and completely refutes five of the most common myths
concerning the Holy Inquisition. |
the Inquisition Began |
The beginning of the Inquisition is frequently
shrouded in historical myths, many of which go to support the
"Black Legend." In this article, Mark Fellows, examines
the beginning of the Inquisition - and shows just how necessary it was
in order to preserve the True Faith of Jesus Christ. |
Defense of the Inquisition - External
Link!! |
Written by Jean-Claude Dupuis, this excellent
article examines the history of the Inquisition, not to mention the
procedure followed by the inquisitors in the defense of the Faith.
Extensively documented, this article is a must read! |
the Roman Catholic Church Christian? |
An examination and refutation of an article
which appeared on an anti-Catholic website. The article purports
to prove that the One True Church, founded by Jesus Christ, is not
Christian - but is pagan. Needless to say, the author of the
article (who calls herself "Tracy"), does a poor job.
The refutation covers practically everything from the Inquisition, to
the translation of the Scriptures into English, to calling a priest
"Father." |
Catholic Religion Proved by the Protestant Bible |
Originally released by the Catholic Truth
Society, this fantastic article proves twenty-five points of Catholic
doctrine, using the King James Version of the Bible. This article
covers everything from Holy Orders, to Praying to the Saints and the
Blessed Mother, to Confession and the Blessed Eucharist. |
Bible |
Written by David Goldstein, the famous convert
from Judaism, this article examines various questions concerning the
Bible. Everything from who wrote the Bible, to the Canon of the
Catholic Church, to whether or not the Catholic Church chained Bibles,
is covered in this excellent article. |
and Statue Worship Quizzes to a Street Preacher |
Written by Fathers Rumble and Carty, this
article covers practically every protestant objection to the veneration
and devotion which Catholics show to the Saints, the Blessed Mother, not
to mention the Catholic practice of keeping, and honoring, statues of
the saints and the Blessed Virgin. |

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